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Everything posted by Decimus

  1. Decimus

    Geoff Thompson

    If we are looking at funding University places for a vilified underclass who are completely discriminated against by society, and whose welfare, health and education are dealt with as a complete non-priority by the government, how about we start with white working class boys?
  2. I don't know, but Graham Rix's latest missus is getting a Barbie doll.
  3. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=do_you_want_to_suck_my_dick_bawsey_?
  4. Decimus

    The NHS

    Have you had a massive stroke?
  5. I find it highly amusing that an arch-feminist who decided to do away with her original surname as it represented an element of "patriarchal suppression", has now decided to embrace a religion that prides itself in its disgusting treatment of women. Clearly irony is lost on the absolutely fucking mental.
  6. Very good. However, my analogy would be that even after Reg Dwight changed his name to Elton John, he was still a disgusting fucking faggot. Drew might be dead and buried, but Cunty carries on his legacy of absolute fucking shitness.
  7. Decimus

    The NHS

    I hardly think that our health service would be improved by having Doctors who routinely sexually assault wild fowl inbetween urinating in hospital corridors
  8. Decimus

    The NHS

    I absolutely detest the sickening amount of time that the media and the public spend in fawning over the National Disgrace Service. I've yet to have a positive experience in any NHS hospital, and the arrogance of its staff beggars belief. As you say, those employed by the service expect immediate and instant sycophantic praise, and gloss over their own ineptitude by blaming the state of our nation's healthcare on the government. The NHS is shit because its staff are shit, the buck stops there. Privatise the fucking lot and be done with it.
  9. Decimus

    Emily Dawes

    CGAS voted remain. Idiot.
  10. Decimus

    Emily Dawes

    I normally find myself on the other side of the fence, but this cunt needs telling. Finish him.
  11. Decimus

    Emily Dawes

    Bollocks is it? Your government doesn't think so, they've apologised and pardoned those involved.
  12. Decimus

    Emily Dawes

    Ireland feared a British occupation, any cooperation was hardly altruistic, it was done out of political necessity. As for equating Nazism with the British Empire, that's a lazy comparison at best, and outright fucking bollocks at worst. There's nothing in the annals of empire that compares in scale to what Germany did during WW2. Face facts, Ireland sat back and cowered whilst millions of American, Commonwealth and allied soldiers bled to keep Europe, and by extension Ireland, free. The few Irishmen who contributed toward the final victory instead of hiding in Eire should have been rewarded, not vilified. So yes, shame on you, and shame on your country.
  13. Decimus

    Emily Dawes

    We've all got our own views on history generally passed down and coloured by the attitudes of our forebears. I was brought up in a staunch nationalist household so I was always going to be blinkered when it came to Ireland. However, the way that the Republic treated those men was absolutely shameful. As soon as the mass genocide of the Nazis became common knowledge, a general amnesty should have been granted at the least, and at the most they should have been celebrated for making a stand whilst the rest of the country cowered in neutrality. Shame on you.
  14. Decimus

    Emily Dawes

    I wouldn't worry, Drew. No military in the world would be desperate enough to call up a 4'11 little bald weasel with chronic alcoholism and sixteen toes.
  15. Decimus

    Emily Dawes

    I don't understand what she actually wants. A new mural that depicts black, burqa-wearing, disabled, gender-fluid lesbians going over the top with rainbow flags sticking out of the ends of their rifles? They all happen to be white men as they were the poor cunts sent to be slaughtered, just like in every other war this country has fought. For equality's sake, I suggest any future draft is formed solely of trannies, dykes, ethnic minorities and feminists. I don't care if we win or lose, just that they all get annihilated so we're rid of the degenerate freaks.
  16. Decimus

    Emily Dawes

    What a vile, despicable absolute fucking cunt. I hope she goes ahead with it, then gets caught by an enraged mob of veterans who horse whip her through the streets and stamp her fucking head off of the side of the pavement.
  17. What are you drinking? Cream of sum yung guy? Lol Queer cunt.
  18. I could drink you under the table, you dainty-fingered, fantasist faggot cunt.
  19. Decimus


    First rule of Rape Club.... Always hold it in the Ecuadorian embassy.
  20. I've got absolutely no doubt whatsoever that the only football based anecdotes that Arthur can bore the residents of his local flat-roof pub with are Ron Atkinson based. I can picture him in one of those plastic black jackets with a panther on the back, sat hunched over a half pint of something that stinks of eggs, proudly regaling the local clientele with Big Ron's Marcel Desailly rant whilst loudly proclaiming "I'm not racist, but...".
  21. Oh great, Punkape has resurrected yet another dead thread about faggotry. I can imagine you now, slinking into the public toilet that you call home and settling your tattered arsehole down onto a cold, piss-soaked plastic toilet seat. Knowing that your Sagem phone only has £1.26 of mobile data remaining, you frantically bash out homosexual key words into The Corner's search function, desperately trying to find a thread that will give your maggot a chubby that you can subsequently thumb into an open tin of half-eaten spam. You make me fucking sick.
  22. Withers, I don't need you to validate my opinions or state the fucking obvious. I extend the advice I offered to Arthur to you as well. On another note, can you remember when you first showed up? I miss the almighty tussles that we'd have, Bill, Bubbles and Quincy joining in the fun. There was abuse, intrigue, grassing, PM scandals, the absolute fucking works. You are a vile, disgusting weasel of a man, but I respect a worthy adversary. What have I got now? Nothing and no one.
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