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Everything posted by nocti

  1. I'm no fashion guru, but a noose would look quite fetching.
  2. nocti

    Gino D'Acampo

    As a scented candle.
  3. nocti

    Gino D'Acampo

    Are you accusing me of shitting myself?
  4. nocti

    Gino D'Acampo

    I was quite surprised to see the only mentions of this farfalle-quaffing cunt buried deep in the archives. Having basically made a career out of adding "Italian twists to ordinary dishes" by chucking in a tin of chopped tomatoes and pinch of fucking basil, this smug cunt is apparently ridiculed by his country-folk. An Italian acquaintance mentioned that he is an incredibly over-the-top caricature, making the Mario Bros look like simple espresso-sipping olive pressers, and has the native culinary knowledge of a scouse student. Another complaint from the aforementioned wop was that he did nothing but stare at Holly Willoughby's tits all the time, but that's actually the only good thing I can come up with about the wanker; except perhaps for the comfort that he will at least inevitably die one day. Adding to his already overflowing bellendery is the fact that he once burgled Paul Young's house, stealing loads of his guitars and commemorative discs, and you have here quite a short-arsed olive-oily utter fucking cunt.
  5. Here it is without the music. However, it is funnier with the volume up.
  6. nocti

    Trolley Dippers

    They had a special on at Sainsbury's earlier. He was collecting the trolleys. Something something MikeD.
  7. The culinary choice of the card scratching, tracksuit-clad, saxo-driving, paxo-eating, settee-wetting, council estate cunts all shouting "GARLIC BREAD?" and "NO LIKEY, NO LIGHTY!" at various intervals, and stuffing their disgustingly fat, yet somehow malnourished faces with kennel leftovers kept under a heatlamp for 48 hours. Not mentioning any names.
  8. I can't see this one lasting long. Shocking lack of minority casting for 2019 standards.
  9. Has there been a mass exodus from a closed-down autism forum or something?
  10. As much as this cunt's rapey-grin adorned face makes me want to give it a broken glass and napalm facial via steamroller, the one thing that he does have going for him is that he isn't actually vegan.
  11. It's not like Dyson are the only cunts doing it... https://threader.app/thread/1061554026284834817
  12. Whilst it doesn't explicitly attack their weight or size, I thought it was still relevant Stubs.
  13. Just what the Corner needs, a humourless animal rights activist. PETA Kay, if you will.
  14. Don't knock it 'til you've tried it, I suppose. How much do you pay?
  15. I'm not a fan of doxxing people, Rev. I think it's much better and far more respectful for everybody to remain anonymous to a certain extent; but if I may... you're not the Dalai Lama are you?
  16. You could also argue that there are people out there without a pot to piss in, living off baked beans and scampi fries (not mentioning any names), whilst some choose to eat in Michelin star restaurants. It's their money, and they're free to do whatever the fuck they like with it. They may also say they've worked hard for it, whilst you stand on train platforms with your cock out all day.
  17. Isn't that snowy's Eminem tribute act?
  18. I'd take either of these over the Villa any day. Unless that was your next guess, Jude.
  19. Knowing you as well as I think I do Scotty, is this another euphemism?
  20. Very astute Roops. 10 seconds was indeed a deliberate understatement. The point being made was that I very quickly created an image to make a stupid retort, and uploaded it just as quickly to one of the first links on Google when "image host" is searched, without any intent (believe it or not) to bring down the bourgeois. Anyway, no harm done I assume. I'll leave this here. When all is said and done, I like you Roops. You have spunk, and balls; and I like that in a woman.
  21. Fucking reported as fuck you sick cunt. I don't even have to click it. Just the thumbnail alone is a distressing and sobering reminder of his constant refusal to drop dead. As for the cybershite; the picture was made minutes before being posted on here, and had as much chance of having any viruses as the Dalai Lama's yellow little willy. My guess is that it was so cutting-edge in its organic ferocity, that the only retaliation was to nuke it from the site, and tarnish its legacy with slander. There was simply no coming back from such a savage vanquishment, and in a flurry of awe and frustration, the only resort was a passive-aggressive OTT display of mod power and influence. Sneaky stuff indeed. Nah it was a pile of shit. Genuinely baffled about the security stuff though. Ah well, fuck it.
  22. I'm no Jazz; I created it in about 10 seconds on my phone, using the stock android image editor. It was hosted on imgbb though, but then so were many others that I've linked to on here. No idea what the problem is or where it originated; but if it's invasive, sneaks in from the back, and causes damage then my money's on @Neil.
  23. I find it highly unlikely anyone is going to say "Looks like a nice chap, and he's done well there." It's best for everyone involved, and for the greater good in general, if he's called an ugly spastic, she's called a below par slapper, and we all get on with our day. It's kept the site going this long.
  24. Why? Where's your self-esteem? A good bath and a bit of a lippy, and you could probably get a mong of your own.
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