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Hokey Gingers

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Everything posted by Hokey Gingers

  1. I remember a small Chinese medicine "stand" opening briefly in one of the local shopping centres in town. A small middle aged Chinese lady was handing out promotion flyers to the passing shoppers to drum up some trade presumably. Anyway, I took one and on returning past her no more than a minute later she handed me another . My only conclusion, as I was wearing a distinctive Washington Redskins jacket , was whitey all look the same.
  2. Sitting in your own turkey twizzler induced methane cloud can`t be much fun William and I fear it`s gone to your head. For fucks sake book a holiday.
  3. Having never met a Gypsy ladyee in the flesh I always assumed the two squabbling young ladies in From Russia With Love , a 1963 Bond movie with a stirring score sang by Matt Monroe, were a true example of their ilk. Indeed, sometimes when atop the old " Hindenberg " my mind wanders to the young ladies and it mercifully hastens my flourish. Thank you Jesus.
  4. Who is going to play G now ? Inconsiderate cunt.
  5. Enjoy a bit of culture you Philistines.
  6. There was a time if you had said that in front of me I would have changed my religion, over reacted and flung acid in your face for even suggesting Coogan was shit. Sadly after all the false dawns and forays into film I am left with the rather unpalatable conclusion you arrived at years earlier. I don`t know if he`s still mates with Charlie but that fucker has a lot to answer for. It`s ruined the lives and careers of many showbiz celebs, sadly not Owen Wilson`s though we know now why his hooter looks rum, like a Dyson in cling wrap. It`s Coogan`s eyes that were the giveaway , he could barely make eye contact with others on telly chat shows around that period he became shit though now he seems happier although he`s still lost it.
  7. You seem distracted Steely, did you not receive your usual rusty trombone* recital last evening? * Simultaneous rim & hand gallop.
  8. Dennis Neilsen was the same, found his calling only to replace it with shit pictures you wouldn`t waste BluTak on...
  9. It`s the state of the kazi that upsets most hosts. I`ve saw vomit down the walls, paper / shit layer "cakes" when the cistern had called it a day and the punters still kept on dumping regardless and sometimes weirdly massive logs extending well above the water line with no apparent toilet paper used. ( Always a good idea to remove toothbrushes, cotton buds ,linen basket etc )
  10. Don`t think so Gyps. I complained about that strutting bastard in the Moneysupermarket ads and evidently thousands of other offended cunts did likewise but it wasn`t pulled. In fact now they have a new one with the strutters ( gender fluid ? ) and obese builders hence i rarely watch the pervert promoting bastarding thing anymore. Residents in New York can identify themselves from 31 different gender definitions including third sex, non binary and bubba c.
  11. Cher, the leather clad, butt - less chaps wearing septuagenarian is "...moving to outer space" as Mr.T won the election apparently. With gravity not pulling on her titties and ass any more she`ll save a fortune though i suspect her vag will still be drier than one of Ghandi`s flip flops.
  12. I`m just imagining the stampede to get a seat beside you at the Xmas party Gongers......
  13. George Galloway has donned his Big Bro leotard and taken to swanning around his gaff acting like a bastard since hearing the sad news. He was the Quasimodo of our times, he really was.
  14. I had high hopes for you DC, very high hopes and then you go and post something like this.
  15. Hokey Gingers

    Will Young

    and gained his brown wings no doubt.....
  16. Did you know Bubbs has a part time job cleaning? Minimum wage but that goes a fair way in Wales. Apparently on his first day he had a rather unfortunate incident with a vacuum cleaner accessory which involved a a trip to A&E. not locally ofcoarse, 80 mile round trip so he wouldn`t be recognised. He couldn`t understand why the medical staff kept calling him "Henry". Tool.
  17. You remind me of a sticky snotter Babbs, just saying like....
  18. I always assumed Punkape`s fixation with homosexuality was a clever mirror of the mainstream media who bombard us every day with that message, that the abnormal is in fact normal. Their narrative is fucking relentless like Punky`s satirical posts on the topic. Although i`ve never been formally educated in any field of medicine i feel i can recommend the good work and research being carried out in the Caliphate at the moment. It`s cutting edge but with the certainty of curing poofery in 100% of all cases it`s a Allah send. Donations to: fund my invisible wingsuit @ Raqqa Tallbuildings Inc.
  19. Hokey Gingers

    Matt Dawson

    Phone Michael Barrymore. Explain situation. Meet in toilets. Mutually bugger. Be yourself. Never look back.
  20. I hope all the punters on here have their affairs in order as regrettably the end is nigh, if it hasn`t struck us by the end of the month it`s definitely going to at Christmas. Or perhaps 2017. The "experts" are on YouTube and the evidence is indeed overwhelming. They`re pointing their video cameras at the Sun and seeing two suns in the sky, a bit like old Gongers after a heavy night toking on his friends bong, but it`s 100% irrefutable ,undeniable proof we`re fucked. Bill`s in bits apparently as he recently bought a new gimp suit. Stefan drives him around town with old Billy Boy crammed in one of those giant roof rack suitcases . That`s an episode of Police, Camera, Action. you`ll not want to miss. So, Nibiru or Planet X is a cunt but not as big a cunt as the arseholes who revel in this pish year after year.
  21. I`m unsure as to the designated category assigned to spineless and ball less fuckers like yourself so i`ll stick with "Dutch", it`s the one size fits all for cunts really. They say from time to time in the Dignitas Clinic in Zurich a client sometimes has a change of heart, a last minute pang of doubt. This can be somewhat awkward under the circumstances but the staff have came up with a novel solution. They read Bill Stickers Overcooked Pasta nom word for word. Apparently it works like a charm with the clients blowing into the straw like a set of bagpipes or mashing the fucking keyboard.
  22. I think you just won gold in the T11 category of shit noms Bill, well done.
  23. Allahu akbar is a great name for your kid if you don`t like queuing.
  24. The Haitians love the Clintons and their Foundation. What would they do without all that aid money, they`d be living in the stone age.
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