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Everything posted by Witheredscrote

  1. I looked at a porn vid last night. 6 Nigerian lesbians having an orgy. 45 minutes of shady cunts on that.
  2. Fucking hell Mike, when Roops reads all the above, she will naturally disagree with you, but you will have a friend for life. Try calling me a froggy nonce. I wager she will give you a'like'
  3. All very sound on paper, but in reality, deep down you know that you will hit 40, and Mrs D will commence divorce proceedings, citing having to endure years of verbal abuse from a faux Paddy, weasel dicked little cunt. Bang goes the house, paying child maintenance, and to top it all, your knacker elastic goes overnight. Believe me, give it 6 months and you will be grovelling to @Cunty BigBollox for a cheap bedsit. If that fails, Frank will let you have futon, for a miserly two reach arounds per day. Fantasist sagging bollocks prick.
  4. The thick cunts would probably revere him as a God, thinking that having long matchstick legs, supporting a 12" distended rectum, and a giant ego, couldn't possibly be of this world. They are welcome to the bent poof. I'm in, how much would buy a one way ticket?
  5. Examining the bite marks around Frank's anal ring would probably confirm your conclusion.
  6. I am with you in part, but respectful?. About 5 years ago, he proudly announced that, during a pre-dawn road run, he was taken short, and took a shit behind his neighbour's tree, on their front lawn. The filthy, dirty cunt.
  7. I'm sure Ape is your man. There again, until 2 weeks ago, I was sure Schofield was straight.
  8. So dirty in fact, they make us French look positively clean. The whole filthy bunch should use Swarfega as a shower gel.
  9. @Eddie, I am pleased to see you are doing very well on the leaderboard. It's about time we saw a chocco up there, if only to see fucking Eric incandescent with rage.
  10. Fucking hell, it can't be surely? Anyway you're wrong. The fish looks too happy to have any of Old Spindle Prick's genes.
  11. The lttle cunts are still indirectly polluting the enviroment, as 1,500+ people held a vigil to celebrate the lives of these 'wonderful, and well liked boys'. The bunch of low life cunts let off fireworks, and released helium balloons, to celebrate their 'too short' lives. No doubt these will eventually get stuck in some poor unfortunate marine animals.
  12. @Frank, that's you told, yes sir. He just wants to be left alone. Picture his lovely wife standing at the kitchen sink, looking down the garden, at his little sawdust covered head bobbing about in the shed window. Imagine being attached to a man, who is constantly covered in dust, and smelling of solvent weld. I feel sorry for her. Walnut Head 2 ?
  13. As you are aware, I'm not one to shit stir, but I should imagine that your kitchen pedal bin is also better quality.
  14. Even Tupperware are giving up on him, and will probably cease trading soon. What a sad bumbling cunt.
  15. Invited to a shithole, deserted beer garden, for aperos with Mr Fucking Blobby, by the look of it. The sad no mates twat.
  16. When they dim the lights in the auditorium it will look empty, even when it's full of the cunts. Fuck off @Old Chap Raasclaat
  17. What a bunch of racist cunts they are. Blacks' only audience. I wait to see Jimmy Carr and Ricky Gervais do a Whites' only show. Spear & Jackson, Nana Akua. Both good spades.
  18. Exactly. It's certainly possible if he was holding a 2" craft knife. The miserable shed dwelling cunt.
  19. @Frank, I've been staying in a trullo for a week. Puglia is beautiful this time of year, as you probably know. Incidentally, the shoes look good. It's just a pity they are attached to you.
  20. Don't you fret about what this Decimus cunt says. I am visiting Bogville next week, and will be giving the 6 digit flabby twat a good kicking.
  21. I'm concerned for your welfare. Another grammatical error. Have you suffered a stroke?
  22. Don't be too hard on her Ed. She is working on film about a black family lost in Zurich. 'The Swiss Family Wogginson'
  23. The stupid cunt couldn't even get her face on a jar of jam.
  24. Parisienne. Double fist to elbows. Early '20s. Like a horse collar.
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