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Everything posted by Frank

  1. The Blind Beggar, Boxing Day 2007…
  2. He’s 52. Take it from there.
  3. Another cockeyed wino post for the peanut gallery. You stupid little cunt.
  4. For sure! What have you got?
  5. https://streamable.com/1vij62 EC on the right. Look at his face.
  6. Kentish Town. I can’t remember the last time I requested a table for two. Mrs K lost interest in ‘98 when I threatened to fork her in the eye at the Bluebird.
  7. I see you... loafing. There's no shame in coming back from retirement after two and a half days. I think Decs holds the record at around 50 minutes. Welcome back, DC.
  8. What’s your take on this, W?.. https://twitter.com/bmay/status/1709560409156440266/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1709560409156440266&currentTweetUser=bmay
  9. You need to try a Flake. It tastes like chocolate never tasted before.
  10. You’re a bit odd, Eric. I’ve eaten a twin box of Jaffa Cakes, every other day, for the past 45 years. That’s 452,562 cakes. Before you verify, bear in mind there were 12 in a box up until 2017.
  11. Dyslexic Cnut... the nearly man. I’ll miss him.
  12. I've been called a 'toxic person' three times this week, DC. Thrice. Christ! Thank you for your service. Next.
  13. Raasters you total pleb, I’ve been listening to Band on the Run.. on loop. I love it. What a life! 💫 https://ibb.co/4JfRJdv
  14. You seem a little down in the mouth DC. Don't lose heart just because there's only 4 members. It may feel like you're talking to the wall, but I'll tell you this.. I thoroughly enjoy your postings.
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