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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. And then it gets to a courtroom and they all start covering each other's arses.
  2. Did the sign outside say "BURKHA BONANZA".?
  3. On a serious note, I love this bit of music and had it as a ringtone on an old Nokia, on a slightly less serious note, it reminds me of playing "Lemmings" on the Sega master system in the 90's.
  4. Veggie nutjob Linda MarkCarney would have been most displeased at the inclusion of animal derivatives in currency. Hubby Paul had loads of it.
  5. And even if they are offended, that's no reason tur ban them
  6. Reported for being Tim Vine.
  7. Reported for nazi propogandist stereotyping.
  8. According to recent advertising, the proficiency of female footballists is vastly enhanced by the selection of a new type of tampon, giving them the confidence to "conquer the field" and not "crack under pressure". So ditch those cumbersome jam rags and get stuffing these new technopons up your snatch girls. International stardom awaits.
  9. As time rolls on the reverend Malthus' theories do seem to have gained more relevance.
  10. You missed out the bit about his education. His teenage years were spent wandering around at night in the grubbier parts of London with a small crowbar and a hammer, nicking car radios and prying open the coin boxes on public phone boxes, all this obviously makes him a far more rounded, intelligent renaissance man than you have given him credit for.
  11. I say old chap. I was merely pointing out that 'Cwith Eubank did indeed splatter some poor cunt all over the 3rd lane of a motorway, with a range rover no less!
  12. This sounds familiar, are you Chris Eubank?
  13. I'd go for the heavy duty reusable condoms, you get 365 out of a Goodyear.
  14. Can you imagine today's PDC crowd getting away with middle finger salutes at the audience as Bristow did. Or Jocky Wilson kicking him in the shin followed by Eric taking a few swings at him? No because they now have a disciplinary body issuing fines, suspensions and bans, and spoiling all the fun.
  15. Probably be Davina McCalls' womb swinging between her knees as a result of being perpetually pregnant for the last 12 years.
  16. I remember him well. Used to shake like a leaf until he'd necked 12 pints.
  17. This sexual abuse in football is a lot bigger than these latest revelations. Diego Maradona managed to arsefuck the entire England squad during a quarter final at the 1986 World Cup.
  18. One of those blind beggars wasn't so lucky the night Ronnie Kray shot a big hole through their nice artexed ceiling and killed one of their best customers.
  19. Another nominee from that thread, James Corden was recently on TV bleating to scouse dental phenomenon John Bishop about how traumatising it has been to have recently earned tens of millions presenting a banal scripted chat show in the United States, adding that at one point it all got so bad that he would have handed back all the money if he could have. I bet he fucking didn't though, the fat little cunt. Fucking sickening the way these people try and garner sympathy from people like us who have to do real work for a pittance and are supposed to feel sorry for multi millionaires because they get recognised in public. Spend it all eating yourself to death then you fucking fat imbecile. Matthew Horne is much better than you anyway.
  20. I've seen it and it shows how the PC wankers have removed all the hilarious cunting from sport. Also check out the BBC drama 'the rack pack', which focuses on the snooker rivalry between Alex Higgins and Steve Davis. It also shows how it's possible to consume 3 litres of vodka and still wield a cue like a fucking magician.
  21. Absolutely correct with the exception of former rugby player Gerwyn Price who looks like he could dispatch Mike Tyson and his favourite pit bull in one sitting.
  22. Eric Cuntman


    He would be served with a clean up notification by the environment agency.
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