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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. That's the cunt. Always get mixed up with him, Crippen and Christie.
  2. Who was the acid bath murderer? He got caught eventually because despite the acid getting rid of flesh and bone, it didn't dissolve the fat, and a huge ball of human blubber was found blocking his drain. 😊 lovely.
  3. Harry fucking Secombe, and that fucking religious shite he presented. Fat cunt should've stuck to being Milligan's stooge. Ruined Sunday evenings.
  4. At this point I would generally be 'escorting' you from the venue. Calm down. You've all been drinking.
  5. Apparently he was quite charismatic. And an animal lover, so not all bad. After all, it was only a few poofs that he got rid of. I'm starting to like him.
  6. You would've ended up under Dennis Nilsen's floorboards with a turnip up your arse.
  7. Exactly. Harold must be one of those groupies for sickos. He probably wrote love letters to Jeffrey Dahmer.
  8. No Gyps. I just wanna play with my ding-a-ling. @JohnnySaucePants b Goode.
  9. The zoological society have ramped up their endangered species preservation agenda, so it's full time Panda-wanking for me.
  10. No, I think he genuinely is a spastic.
  11. I think that particular old man had shoved his 'pipe bomb' into a few kids arses himself. Probably had the same tastes as Botter Boothby and creepy Longford. Fuck him. Noncey lizard cunt.
  12. Y-fronts with skid marks. A national fucking embarrassment.
  13. Eric Cuntman

    Dole wallers

    It's alright really. It's certainly not a Bugner.
  14. I predicted this 'mutated strain' bullshit months ago. As soon as the public start to question their draconian scheme, they invent a new threat and grant themselves 'emergency powers'. Give it a year and we'll be getting herded around at gunpoint. Well done the public... you stupid, stupid fucking cunts.
  15. I think Ted Heath was more concerned with throwing things into the sea, rather than pulling things out of it. I wonder if he remembered to puncture the lungs and stomachs before he threw them in. You don't want that pesky gas bloat floating them back up to the surface.
  16. Eric Cuntman

    Dole wallers

    He's wearing the same hat and glasses that he had on in the picture at the French ski resort.. what a smelly pikey.
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