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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. I would shoot people in the knees and push cat shit in the holes with a stick. That’ll learn ‘em.
  2. Because in the past, there was Albert Ross. I went to town on him and caused countless meltdowns. Then I realised that he was genuinely neurodivergent and acted the way he did without much control over it. I felt a cunt and didn’t want to repeat it with someone else. I started to think that ELC had a similar wiring problem, but it appears he’s just a troll. That’s the honest answer as to why I’m soft on the spazzy ones sometimes.
  3. Fuck off beast. Perverts aren’t welcome here.
  4. Your puppet boy @entitled little cunt appears to be losing a bit of ground. Best award him some tactical likes next time he dribbles on the keyboard. You wouldn’t want anyone catching him. lol lol.
  5. Because I am actually soft as shite and patient with people. Which is why I have two personalities. This one isn’t soft or patient like the other cunt who’s having a rest now.
  6. Do I look fucking mellow right fucking now!? Frank can IP locate both of these cunts. When we know for definite where they live, it’s fun time. @entitled little cunt, @ChildeHarold. do you have letterboxes big enough to take a small box of dogshit? Or shall we send them recorded delivery? You two cunts really have fucked up. You don’t walk into other people’s houses and start shitting on the laminate.
  7. I’m done. I thought they might develop. They won’t, they’re fucking useless.
  8. And you get another tactical like from the coprophile. @The Beast. Every time someone’s bumped me up the LB, they’ve been dealt with. Are you happy with ELC flooding the site with drudge, while Harold, the borderline sex case and R Soles are sniggering in the background. Just saying.
  9. You are enabling the place to be flooded with drivel. I always thought you were ok to be honest. But now it appears that you are attempting to destroy this place. So you can fuck off too cunt. Fucking try me and see what happens dogshit boy.
  10. You’re top of the leaderboard because you’re a little pawn being pushed around the board by the flid clique who are all excited because they’ve found another flid to play with. Deluded fucking cunt. @Decimus.. I think it’s time we cleared this place out.
  11. Because you and R-soles are deliberately putting him there to annoy everybody else. You’re hitting the like button for any old shit just to provoke a reaction from @Wolfie, @Old Chap Raasclaat, @Dyslexic cnut and virtually every other member. Fuck off.
  12. No. He means ‘unswerving’. You preposterously dense fucking cunt.
  13. I’ve been patient and given you plenty of chances. All done now. Fuck off you stupid little fucktard cunt. And take your nonce-curious wankpuffin with you.
  14. This was all you needed to type out.
  15. When I, with my legendary and much criticised patience have had enough, then it must have gotten bad. And I think I’ve had enough.
  16. Not long after all that, the warlike African adopted the ‘Snaphance’. A rifle cobbled together from 18th century flintlock mechanisms and barrels, lashed to chunks of bush wood as stock and fore grip. They were better off with spears. Stupid fucking cunts.
  17. I don’t know who you are.
  18. You have no idea ELC. I’ve noticed it escalating of late. I used to have a secondary career that allowed me to slap drunk people about in car parks and occasionally kick them through a bar-latch fire door. Now I have no outlet for my playful side. I think it’s caffeine related.
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