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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. On 04/02/2024 at 17:57, entitled little cunt said:

    Who the  fuck am I , Jeremy fucking Paxman .

    u still cant get the grasp of  punctuaTion ,  can u dick,head .

    You're coming across as a lower set GCSE politics student. Let me quote some of the facts you've bellowed out:

    "uk crime rate would finish by 2 thirds virtually overnight
    34%of those in prison are of non Caucasian decent
    The  mean average of population of these "types"  is under 13%
    I think 75% is Conservative"

    So, I ask again: where did you source your numbers from? Hopefully they've not been plucked on a whim. Put up some evidence to backup your claim, you slapdash punch-drunk minnow. You're conversing with adults now. And get yourself an avatar.

    You've been warned, again.

    • Like 1
  2. 17 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

    34%of those in prison are of non Caucasian decent .The  mean average of population of these "types"  is under 13%.Also take into account the knock on effects of drug addiction fuelled by mainly ethnic suppliers and the need for addicts to fund their addiction . Take into account the cultural aspects of cacausion young  being sucked  into a life of crime , it is almost marketed as a desirable lifestyle  by non Caucasians. I think 75% is Conservative. 

    OK, so back these claimed facts up with evidence. I'm all ears but I'd like to see some web links, editorial, graphs et al. to form an opinion.

  3. 1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

    Deportation , no appeals , no leniency. Tell these cunts should they get as much as a parking  ticket they and their entire family , direct and indirect  will be on a plane back to the stoneage shitehole from which they were regurgitated. That would sort out the problem overnight .The carpet kneeler who murdered 22 kids In Manchester would have been done away with by his own backward family  before he had the chance to harm any British kid. Child grooming,  the whole family are stripped of all assets and sent packing .It's really very simple .The uk crime rate would finish by 2 thirds virtually overnight .It's not racist , it's common fucking sense .

    Agreed, because I'd rather see those of this ilk deported than kept alive in our prisons. But is it possible immigrants are responsible for approximately 2/3rds of UK crime, when the demographic is 87% white British? Can you back this up with some facts?

  4. 20 hours ago, King Billy said:

    He’s put her on the game I reckon. If he’d talked to me before doing it I’d have told him he’ll be lucky if it doesn’t cost more in petrol than her potential best estimate earnings just to drop the fat ugly ginger cunt off at Skid Row, never mind driving back  to pick her up the next morning  when she’s full up.

    Fucking hell Billy, I accept you really hate her... but how do you know she's fat? Have you stumbled upon a grainy 1996 pic of her on some hairy ginger fanny site?

  5. 23 hours ago, Eddie said:

    He will always be ffffffff wank to me..

    Actually Eddie, I'm a little more concerned about Roops. Look below and you'll see she's missed three coons in a row, despite a couple of moderating visits. Have you been spiking her Prosecco with diazepam, to make time for a younger model?


    On 26/01/2024 at 20:11, Witheredscrote said:

    If our Eddie forgot to unplug, and drove off at speed, it would probably pull the whole house down. Would serve him right, the flash Barratt buying coon.


    On 27/01/2024 at 09:58, Eddie said:

    Any flash coon worth his gold chain has a spare when the electric is off, eat shit.




    On 27/01/2024 at 18:27, Wolfie said:

    Unlike olive coon @Frank, you don't strike me as the type who inherits wealth Ed; a badboy-dun-good grafter, if you will.



  6. On 30/01/2024 at 18:00, Frank said:

    Admittedly my vision isn't what it used to be (my glasses have working lenses), but I honestly thought I saw TWO iced drinking glasses on your table... but then I realised you took the photo.

    Thank God you've got this website. Let's have another video Frank, your impression of Eddie w-w-was b-brilliant... so how about another? You owe Neil one, too, for his superb Italian job, mocking your beloved little pooch getting one up the 'arris, lol. 

    You lonely wanker.

    • Like 1
  7. 15 hours ago, Greg said:

    @Wolfie @camberwell gypsy I'm telling ma maw. What are you talking about? How the fuck do I know who posted what. Let's discuss this over a pint near Gypsy's. Is The Ring, Ruby Tuesday's or The Gregorian still going?

    Yeah? If there was an annual Corner award for accidental, impulse spontaneity, in which you appear to have unwittingly quoted my post, deleted my entire comment, and then cut & pasted SC's "This site needs some weeding" directly in its place, you'd win it with some ease. 

    Needless to say, I don't believe you.

    Your kiddie comment at the start of your most recent guise has already put you on thin ice with some others, and your defence of Huw 'midnight BBC wanker' Edwards was as well argued as a nonsensical 14 year-old school girl, a particular disposition you're probably more familiar with than most.

    Think of this as a gentle forewarning.

    • Like 2
  8. 47 minutes ago, Greg said:

    Wolfs, you can handle that, being an uphill gardener yourself.

    I didn't write that, which means you deleted my words and cut & pasted SC's material into my quote. Don't fabricate things I didn't say, just to garner a like from Shetland Schlong & Rabbi Faggot.

    It's a clear breach of site rules, ol'Cocky, which I'm quite sure @Admin won't miss.

    • Like 1
  9. 21 hours ago, southerncunt said:

    @and and @Penny Farthing in their various forms are pouring so much utterly pointless sludge down this river that the dredges can’t keep up. I realise that admin can’t wipe somebody just for being an ineffable fucking dickhead, but they surely must see that they add zero value, and indeed, are putting off posters who add value, whether it be a good point well argued, or something hilarious.

    This site needs some weeding.


    52 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    It's their total lack of awareness with regard to their own shitness that gets me (or used to before I'd blessedly blocked them).

    They seem to be under the illusion that they make valuable contributions and that anyone who calls them out for the vacuous, repetitive bores that they are are part of a so called boys club. Hammer of Cunts couldn't be more neutral if he tried, but even he recognises that they're killing the site with their constant onslaught of bollocks. 

    Literally almost everyone who posts on here, including neutrals, are at the end of their tether with the pair of idiots. I don't know how many people it will take to tell them that they bring absolutely nothing but boredom and annoyance to this site before they actually realise that the problem is them and not everyone else.

    I don't like blocking people. It ruins the continuity of the thread, making it more broken and stuttered. But it is nice to login and not be hit with a barrage of utter shite.

    Admin will undoubtedly be aware of the 3-4 dickheads who are ruining this site for most others, but as there's no rule-breaking per se, the plight will fall on deaf ears. Harold's next.

    • Like 1
  10. 17 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Jeremy Beadle was rumoured to have a tiny penis. But on the other hand it looked quite big.


    must’ve been a year since that one was dusted off.

    Lol, it never loses its charm Eric. The old Playstation controller also gets a dusting off once in a while.


    • Like 2
  11. 24 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

    What happened to that poofy bloke with bouffant hair and loads of jewelry .Some bully  cunts done him over badly a few years  ago in his shop .I hope he's alright, he was a nice and interesting  chap I thought.My ex wife met him  sime years back and cofirmed my suspicions. 


    Do you have a duo of Jez Beadle hands navigating your phone keypad?

    Otherwise your spaces and punctuation illustrate that of a slow, mentally delayed teen on nitrous oxide or poppers, attempting to key away at speed despite some retarded T-rex condition. An avatar would be a good thing, too.

    You've been warned.

  12. 34 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    It’s an embarrassment wolfie, I’m far too old for this car, I can’t get in or out of it with any dignity, I search for empty petrol stations late at night so I can roll out of it with no one watching. Roops hates it, no one ever lets me out or gives way, rightly so, only a cunt would drive this thing and everyone hates me. I know understand what it’s like being withers. 

    Seriously though, where's the nearest place you can let rip in it, with speed cameras absolutely everywhere? Do you do track days?

    Or is it just for the prestige, Eddie, such as rocking up at the KFC drive-thru on a Friday on your way home from the car wash?

  13. 47 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    Lakenheath is a days drive away and a nuclear blast five minutes away. My Sunday roast doesn’t include a body massage in an air fryer. Anyway, all this fucking nuclear war gaming is really the product of societies built on perpetual inner turmoil. I really do see part of the reason for this is social control. After all in every fucking sphere government and the way we are governed is losing credibility. I just drove past a hospital and there was a group of people standing round somebody lying on the pavement. Unfucking believable! Everything's a joke. 

    So you've been typing while driving, as it appears written. 

    What a colossal shame you are so near to the potential threat of a nuclear blast, which means you may not suffer weeks of radiation poisoning while dying in the most painful, agonising, torturous way possible – a direct analogy that can be made with reading any of your comments. 

  14. 8 hours ago, Eddie said:

    Any flash coon worth his gold chain has a spare when the electric is off, eat shit.



    Unlike olive coon @Frank, you don't strike me as the type who inherits wealth Ed; a badboy-dun-good grafter, if you will.

    But I think you'll agree driving that thing in a pair of old Loake brogues is a bit like decanting a bottle of 2012 reserve Chateauneuf du Wank into a £5.99 set of Tesco wine glasses.

    So how much is daily hire on such a beast, including insurance?

    • Like 2
  15. 4 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

    You just know they were driving like a cunt .

    If anyone is planning on submitting the most shit nom possible, which looks as though it's been put together by a teenage chav plagued with learning difficulties who's recently passed his or her driving test, then this surely provides the ideal template.

    • Like 6
  16. 25 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:



    So how would you rate yourself on a scale of 1-10, Gyps? For instance, Claudia Schiffer 10/10, Sarah Greene 8/10, Liza Tarbuck 6/10, Ann Widdecombe 1/10... ok, 2.

  17. On 20/01/2024 at 17:03, Basil Brush said:

    I see Israel has just launched a strike on Iran, wiping out some of thier military top brass. Come on you silly towelheads, what are you going to do about it? You want the juden walking all over you, do you?

    Velkom to ze club, Herr Brusch.

  18. 4 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

    All these surviving royal families operate a slick PR operation to exploiting elements of glamour, gossip. As far as I can see they've benefited from the feminisation of society as its women who are the main supporters for keeping it. That Princess Beatrice in Spain is regarded as the next in line despite the constitution having a strict male only line of succession so how does that work? Are they going to wait until the last minute then do a bit of jiggery with the laws? Getting rid of the monarchy and the Lords would be the best things this country could do right now in order to progress because it seems to me the UK has been in a rut for many generations. 

    You're the biggest small-talk chatterbollocks bellend this hole has ever seen.

    For the love of Christ H, please just shut the fuck up.

    • Like 2
  19. On 18/01/2024 at 19:49, camberwell gypsy said:

    As my old grandad used to say "you don't look at the mantel piece when you're stoking the fire"

    Soppy auld bastard 

    Is this what the old boy used to say to your boyfriend at the time, when discussing your generally convivial personality?

    • Like 1
  20. On 17/01/2024 at 19:17, Decimus said:

    I can tell you this for free, I've really enjoyed my time more on here recently since I blocked them. Having to read through page after page of their monotonous, repetitive, obsessive drivel was ruining the experience for me.

    You know me, Raas, I love a feud and acrimony. But when your opponents aren't worthy what's the point in carrying it on when you trounce them time after time? 

    I know I've said it before, but try out doing the same. I guarantee you that within a couple of days of not logging on to see hundreds of dog shit (lol) comments clogging up your notifications, you'll start to enjoy yourself more. Reading through some funny abuse is one thing, but having your time wasted with bollocks like "poodle dictionary boy" and "dickless is going to be eaten by sharks" is another. If I wanted to verbally beat up the mentally retarded without them ever realistically challenging me, I'd go and scream obscenities at the employees of the local Remploy factory.

    Right, I've blocked Arseholes & Pen. It's been ages since I've done this, Bernie shovel-hands being the last. The first thing on the activity list I saw was 'wolfie' via Rabbi Shit. Fixated. His palling up with Pen is similar to watching two teenage mental patients assisting one another, like two 'weirdo' outcasts in the school playground with nowhere to go. I'm looking forward to my notifications being free from this obsessive, useless pair of cunts.    

    • Like 2
  21. 7 hours ago, Greg said:

    WW3 not far away now. It behoves the cunts on this forum to put their cards on the table. Who's up for it against the commies,/yellow peril/sand-niggers/argies/dagos/frenchies etc. etc.? When Old Blighty comes calling, I for one will be there. For sure, @Old Chap Raasclaat will, as he is already increasingly belligerent & @ChildeHarold is already oiling his old service revolver. Time to come together lads, & shove one up johnny foreigner.

    You absolute fucking tool.

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