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Major Cunt

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Everything posted by Major Cunt

  1. Well, that's warmed the cockles of my heart, Pen. I half expected Jonty to be found not guilty on the grounds of diminished responsibility, and to be wanking himself senseless of a night over Babestation on his own flatscreen in a room* at a top security hospital. I had no idea about his previous character prior to the Tate incident, but he ticks all the boxes you're likely to see on a Channel 5 documentary about kids who kill. Harmed small animals, started fires, regularly played 'Call Of Duty' online with Reptile404. He'll be doing the rounds of the high security prison estate for the next decade or so, and I believe that they mix the nonces in with the normal cons in a few of those establishment's. Maybe it's a Prison Service budget reduction initiative as many a beast has been slayed over the years by men with little or nothing to loose in those places. I can't see the cunt making it through unscathed whatever way the wind blows, but hopefully some fucker desperate to make 'The Sun's' front page despatches Jonty whilst the story is still fresh. Hopefully somebody talks him into a rooftop protest and convinces him he can fly... *As their considered hospital patients the term cell is no longer politically correct.
  2. This despicable fucker should be getting a life sentence, but as the poor kid survived I've a feeling the judges hands are tied. No doubt he'll be playing the mental health card and be looking at a judgement of unfit to stand trial by reason of insanity, but considering the cunts probably on camera commiting the heinous act a not guilty verdict is out the window. Maybe he's got a grudge regarding Concorde due to the frogs continuing to operate them until one fell out of the sky. I have no idea what condition the poor kids in, but I hope that he's been left with some quality of life. I'm hoping that Jonty will be receiving a healthy portion of porridge, and not the luxury of one of the special hospitals where patients live and eat better than your average man in the street. That's why Sutcliffe got so fucking fat as he was having triple fry ups.
  3. That's right. I forgot that most "freedom fighters" rape and kill the oppressors, and send their countries back to fucking stone age. It was the white farmers who actually feed the inhabitants, and the asian doctors who treated them too. I'm sure in your misguided brain it's far better to sell the liberated agricultural equipment than to learn how to use it, and make even more money. Jesus wept, you're a fucking idiot.
  4. I'd imagine you've no need to purchase furniture from John Lewis as your strapping African lover's are more than capable of stealing charity shop donations in the dead of night. Fuck off, lol, ect...
  5. No they don't, Prof. Thanks for your thesis level insight, and run yourself a nice hot bath as a reward, but don't forget the all important three bar electric heater as you step in...
  6. The paddy cunt is laughing all the way to the bank on the back of 'Feed The World'. I'm sure he didn't envisage it turning into his personal piggy bank at the time, but credit where it's due as he's managed to not only look like a saint to the brainwashed public, but make a fortune on the side. No wonder the fucker was so keen to do an anniversary event. However, the saddest part of the whole saga was the fact that the millions raised ended up lining pockets of Bob Mugabe and whoever else was in power at the time. It might have been an idea to give it to charities or sympathetic western civil engineering firms to provide water pumps, roads, etc. I've a feeling he's an idol of @PANZER MURPHY as he makes a fortune for doing fuck all.
  7. It's been on my to watch list for a while as I was off my face when I attempted the first viewing. It's got James Belushi in it I believe who happens to be one of my favourite actors. His performance in 'Red Heat' with Arnie is some quality work. Another one taken too early by the afghan powder.
  8. He's as resilient as Lady P, Eric, but actually makes her look like a top contributer. I've a feeling we're all gonna have to get used to Harrold. I did offer him some sage advice, and for a short period he actually showed some promise. Either admin do a Salty and fuck him off for derailing threads, or he lays off the spice and engages what little grey matter is left.
  9. It's just the way it is at the moment, and it's an American import like most thing's shite. The kikes run Hollywood, and there's obviously an underlying agenda that fits the zionists agenda. At the risk of sounding like David Duke, they apparently want to pit the whites against the blacks whilst they sit back ready to pick up the remnants, and wait for the second coming. Maybe I've been watching far to many documentaries during lockdown, but these Zionist's are completely fucking mental. You don't need to be Jewish in order to join the club, but there's people in positions of serious power who are. Both Tony Blair and George Bush despite being devout Christians are also zionist, and the war in Iraq was part of the bigger picture along with many other tentacles at play like oil theft. I saw that Floyd's family were offered 20 odd million in damages, and I guarantee you that copper gets fucking crucified to sooth the masses. I do think that the yank cozzers need reigning in after watching numerous videos of them reaching for the Glock before challenging suspects, and maybe some good maybe salvaged from the whole debacle. Fuck knows what the agenda is behind bringing up the whole slave trade ect. Neither myself or any of my living relatives owned or traded slaves, and I feel no guilt around it. The trade was completely barbaric and I can't for one moment imagine owing or selling one, but to have it rammed down my throat is taking the piss. Why on earth there's a need to take the knee is beyond me as any human despite their creed or colour obviously feels empathy. Where this is going to end I don't know, but I've a feeling it's the start of a police state.
  10. That's a fine suggestion, Stubbs, but you're forgetting that Francois is a part owner. It's been suspected for some time given his numerous early paroles, and waltzing back in after a permanent ban. Personally, I think Roops is actually a multi of the cunt, and some fucker saw him on the web as an actor for hire. How about just relegating him to the Open Corner permanently, but I've seen a little glimmer of the old magic so maybe he might surprise us...
  11. You've got the war criminal known as Tony B-liar to thank for that, OCR. I believe his haggard old lady was instrumental in drafting legislation that let any cunt turn up here, and then have the right to import any family members including the village goat/local slag when off their tits on khat. Mind you, there is good and bad in any ethnics, but I'd imagine seeing your dusty hamlet riddled with AK47 rounds does little to improve your temperament.
  12. A bit like the missed opportunities of Bryan Clough and Harry Redknapp managing England. It's the fucking idiots running the FA that fucked that up. Nobody cares that 'old big ead' punched a fan, or that Arry handled a few brown envelopes. We just want to win a fucking tournament, again...
  13. It's material like this that gives me hope that your country can be saved from the Muslim hordes. Macron is an absolute cunt who deserves his own thread, but he's not caving to the rampant terrorism engulfing France. Your leaders should have seen this shit coming, but it's now a case of shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. Our own politicians are just as bad. I grew up with a lot of Sikhs and Afro Caribbeans who were just part of the community. They didn't all want to isolate and speak their own language, but I think we fucked up badly by accepting cunts who weren't part of the commonwealth, and didn't come from a land that who's laws and values were based on the British model.
  14. Bill, have you got a picture of Kleftiko in all the cough, cough private massage rooms? To be honest, I think he'd struggle to rise to the occasion when confronted by a 23 year old Latvian blonde bearing a striking resemble to a 90's Jo Guest. It's a sad state of affairs for "the cockroach limbed" (I'm borrowing that by the way) cunt, and I've given him a solution. He could always go out with Neil on the hunt, I guess.
  15. You stupid bastard. Why on earth would you want to deprive your body of one of it's most important elements? There's very little about testosterone in the media or medical journals unless it's regarding steroids which are all derived from test anyway. It's actually the male hormone responsible for energy, confidence, libido and boosts the immune system ect. The pharmaceutical industry makes a fortune from antidepressants and other medications that testosterone could either cure or prevent in the first place. I'm sure a man of your calibre would have a private medical plan. Enquire about it, or state that you're constantly tired and struggling to get an erection (there's no doubt some truth in that as Ming must be smelling like a Wuhan wet market on a summers day upon defrosting lately). No need to Fwank me, obviously...
  16. The "fear spreading" is just a trojan horse in the overall plan. A few years ago a few friend of mine put me onto a book called 'The Grand Chessboard' by Zbigniew Brzezinski. Now Brzezinski who happened to be Barack Obama's mentor is also a massive insider in the 'New World Order'. Now this book despite being written in the late 70's speaks of a technocratic age where any person's details and movements can be instantly accessed by an interlinked computer system. He was also instrumental in Reagan's Cold War policies, and is basically a little known Henry Kissinger. These plans ars laid decades in advance by people who have so much wealth and influence that global manipulation is their hobby. Now if believing that a group of billionaire's, politicians ect might get together and devise a plan for global domination makes you a conspiracy theorist then I raise my hand.
  17. Indeed. I remember the original film and you've just put it onto my list of classics to watch again. The remake is actually a decent tribute to the original, and if you haven't seen it already then I would certainly recommend it. I think it's only a matter of time before the Chinese Communist Party is overthrown. I'm reminded of how the Soviet Union finally crumbled, but the final nail in its coffin was being completely skint. I think the chinks have learnt from the fall of other regimes and economically their living the dream. I hope that I see democracy make an appearance there in my lifetime, but their certainly not stupid. They are heavily involved in stripping Africa of it's mineral wealth which is causing tensions with the yanks. If there is to be a word war three then I'd wager it being the West against China. Hopefully this doesn't happen, but both sides are building aircraft carriers and other weapons at an alarming rate. These only have a limited shelf life, and there are always going to be politicians with itchy trigger fingers. We're in the process of building three new carriers with one already finished. It might be time to build a fall out shelter despite them being completely useless. There's an alarming rate of wealthy westerners emigrating to New Zealand as it's considered the safest place in the event of a nuclear holocaust. Maybe they no something we don't...
  18. Gypers, it's looking like Harrold is offering to eat your beaver. I haven't read all the above posts, but it's looking like you've given him a hard-on...
  19. Frank, you should discuss testosterone replacement therapy with your doctor. I honesty think it might be the key to your form returning. You'll feel like you're 25 again, and I guarantee that the local massage parlour will appreciate the financial benefits... You might even bump into @King Billy as he's the proprietor of a London whore house.
  20. I'm familiar with her work through old threads, and that avatar she used was enough to cause a twitch. Did anybody ever find out how old she was? I'm guessing that most women don't hang around due to board members asking for blowjobs, or minge pictures. I'll give you that about Pen's durability, and I'm hardly about to do a nom about her enormous tackle. It was merely a joke.
  21. Here we go again. I'll assume that you've had an extra WKD tonight, resulting in a bit of dutch courage, and the need to flex your beer muscles on the Corner. If memory serves me correct then a similar incident happened with Eric on a Friday night, which I happened to find quite ironic as he's normally paid for telling drunks to calm down. Who or what I choose to find funny is none of your fucking concern. I don't mind Wolfie or similar giving me some constructive criticism. Considering the fact that you got me confused with DC is evidence enough that you shouldn't touch anything above 4%.
  22. I've got no problem with criticism where it's warranted, Wolfster, and am my own man when it comes down to cunting. I actually first discovered the site in 2013, and it was fucking funny back then when I used to lurk from month to month, but it was only after being bedridden after a serious back injury that I remembered the Corner. Being familiar with old Jewdy's material I knew exactly what buttons to press, so it didn't take me long to get onto his mobility scooter hit and run list. I was also surprised by Frank's fall from grace as he appeared to be riding the crest of a wave back then, but when you operate a modus operandi like that cunt you need to adapt to survive, and he's failed to do so. He can't even land a small mackerel anymore, let alone stalking big game with a barbed hunting riffle. Saying that though, he did almost land DC the other night had it not been for myself, Eric and Bill, but I think this says more about DC than the bubbles abilities. I haven't done a nom for a while and I'm thinking of doing one entitled "Lady P, hung like a Shire Horse, or a Shetland Pony?". This will give the faithful a thread to discuss which steroids she uses, penis pumps, or is she just a freak of nature sporting a cock than looks like a Tiger Bread Baton...
  23. Fucking hell, Wolfster. I'd like to say I'm shocked but it's an accusation that's been levelled before, and I'll stand by my original comment that he appeals to my sense of humour. I also award yourself a good few likes, and have proved I can mix it with the best as you've stated. That time of the month I'm guessing, but duly noted...
  24. We've been through periods like this before, DC. It's normally when the n**** word gets chucked around too often, along with anti jew material ect. I think there's a fear of being shut down or sued by the woke brigade.
  25. Certain posts seem to be disappearing quicker than South Korean film producers lately. Upon hearing the news that Phil the Greek had popped his clogs, I merely mentioned that he was skint before wooing Liz, and was a friend of Sir James of Savile, and that he's quite possibly a shape shifting reptilian in disguise. Although I'll admit the initial wording was a little harsher...
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