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Major Cunt

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Everything posted by Major Cunt

  1. Childline was allegedly setup to filter the calls from kids who'd been abused by the VIP nonce rings. The kids who were being abused by a run of the mill nonce were passed onto to the police, and action taken. That's how well organised it was, and how it ran like a well oiled machine. Jill Dando the face of Crimewatch was about to blow the lid on the whole thing. However, before she got the chance she was executed. Apparently by an incensed Serbian hitman, talk about total bollocks! Any professional criminal knows executing journalists is a major no, no, bar the Italian mob. Another strange coincidence is that the assassin managed to evade all cctv in West London, and then Barry George was fitted up. This was an establishment job, and strangely enough Cliff Richard was the last person she spoke to. Jill was becoming a problem that wouldn't go away. Barbara Castle had a dossier on a parliament nonce ring in the 70's, and passed it onto a local journalist. He was visited by Special Branch and told he'd spend a decade in jail. He was also slapped with a D Notice which means national security. Import a few kilos of weed and you get 5 years, but destroy a humans life and receive two years. There is something inherently wrong in our system of governance and courts!
  2. I meant fucking beechwood. Bring back the edit function for fucks sake.
  3. Over damp bracken I suggest. Like the leader of the Knights Templer in France.
  4. Did you know about the connection Savile had with Sutcliffe? Apparently they were buddies long before his incarnation at Broadmoor. Ronnie Kray despite being a borderline nonce himself, was responsible for turning him into a cyclops. He should have paid some cunt to do Savile too. I can't remember the exact details bar the Leeds connection, but I'll look into it when I get the time.
  5. We all know Bill Gates is an ultra cunt with his plans to poison, and track the world. However, he should get his fucking ducks in a row first. He bought MS DOS from a small software company, and the stars aligned when IBM chose it to be its operating system in the 80's. Now this made old Bill fabulously rich, and I'll give him his dues for having a vision. Now when Windows was merely a platform that sat on top of his acquired operating system, things didn't fuck up all that often. Each iteration took more under the bonnet control away from the user, under guise of user friendliness, but were now at a point of heading into Apple territory. I don't buy Apple products for the simple fact that I like to be able to replace my own components. It's also the hipsters number one brand. I'd imagine a cunt like Frank owns the Iphone, Macbook, Ipad and probably the watch. Steve Jobs took you for a cunt, and you bought it. This man's a fucking dangerous nutcase with an even more dangerous agenda. The sad thing is, he has both the money and clout to pull it off!
  6. To quote the good Rev "I'd happily batter her dung hatch", but she looks like she'd thoroughly enjoy it.
  7. This sums up my thoughts on the nom. @Frank Cut a few shapes, you know you wanna!
  8. Major Cunt


    Never mind that shit Ratty, if your pardon the pun. Get on the blower to Jewdz mate, I'm missing the miserable old cunt!
  9. Major Cunt


    I'd give her the smashing of her life. I'm sure she'd appreciate a young buck who's granite hard, as her old man's a fucking pussy. He got battered by Ricky Gervais for fucks sake, in a charity boxing bout.
  10. I wonder how many of these chutney pushers succumbed to Aids. It was the right era, when the mystery virus was wiping them out like the plague.
  11. I've held back on HaroldTheChild so far who speaks more shite than Lord Haw Haw. However, now he's bringing the legacy of brave Britis in WW2 into disrepute, I'm gonna give him a virtual hiding. My Grandad was part of the BEF, and was lucky to escape with his life. Fortunately he was a skilled engineer so ended up redeployed to a far less dangerous position. My other Grandad was in the navy, and was on escort ships across the Atlantic plus a couple of trips to Murmansk. Now that must have been fucking nail bitting. I know there are many patriots amongst us whose forfarthers battled the Nazis and Japs, and you've got this cunt moaning about two minutes away from his Scrumpy Jack bottle. @ChildeHarold Fuck off, you traitorous cunt. How about Brussels, France or any other EU shithole who's cocks you metaphorically suck!
  12. He hasn't fired his Luger in years, so you're quite safe. I also removed the firing pin after he pm'd me threatening to pop the Judge.
  13. She certainly liked to take control, and as a man I love that. Who wants to be fucking with the lights off in Victorian fashion. I like a bird who jumps on top, and rides like it's the final furlong at Cheltenham.
  14. I might have fucked up the terminology there, LCS. The former Miss Major was a CPN, and I'm sure she called the anti-schizophrenic jabs Depots. Mind you, I did ignore roughly 40% of her work related gripes. You live and you learn, eh.
  15. Beat me to it, Trucking. Churchill once described him as looking like a Llama, and had no time for him, or his nation of bottlers. Napoleon was a cunt too.
  16. Fucking hell, Drew. You really have detoxed off the Frosty Jack. No longer the ramblings of a drunken cunt, keep it up!
  17. So it seems, Doc. I was alluding more to certain punters who could do with a hefty dose of Diazepam. Jewdith receives a Depo injection due to being incapable of managing his tablets...
  18. Alright Wolfie, take the beret off and calm down. You consciences objecting pillock.
  19. Not a chance Bollie, I've just had this beauty polished.
  20. I'm going to be serious for one post. Personally, I think she was battling some serious demons, and this might have been the straw that broke the girls back, or neck in this case. The fucking media have carte blanche to twist any story to fit their narrative, and I think they shouldn't have been able to write about an on-going investigation. She was always going to be prosecuted due to several high profile cases of female domestic abusers (this is 2020 after all, equality in all areas). Now whether she would have been found guilty is a different kettle of fish. She did appear on all the programmes I fucking detest with a passion. However 40 is no age to go and she was a decent bit of skirt. More to be revealed on this one, and Love Island back on British TV within 2 years...
  21. I would Bill, sounds like a solid game plan. Why not skip the meal, and just eat out "the pretty mixed race bird".
  22. Or in your case Drew, across the front room on any given morning.
  23. Punkape, into his disconnected rotary dial phone.
  24. Ahh, yes. The obligatory 3 litre bottle of diet Coke. Its normally placed on top of the burgers as a token 'I'm making an effort'. It's a fucked up country when fresh and healthy produce is more expensive than utter shite. I'm no economist, but you don't need to be Alan Greenspan to see the NHS benefits.
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