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UK Independence from London


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I must disagree as I rather like the old place. Didn't enjoy the whole work, rush hour, underground thing though. Poor Shejacko still has to commute and go through that every day. Its great for a day or two out though. Always tons to see and do. I like the chimney sweeps best, or just  going down the Strand to 'ave a banana. 

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In all honesty, London is a unitary state. We bear no relation to the rest of UK and gawp out of our luxury car windows in amazement as we drive out and away from the M25 and see how people live in the provinces. If that referendum had been for London independence yesterday, it would have happened. Neds in Glasgow would now be having their benefits suddenly and abruptly halted, and huge families in Bradford would be evicted from from their nine bedroom council houses paid for by us.

Did you know the Krays Londonm? I always thought jellied eels were an abomination, but I now appreciate their propensity for choking Big Ben hugging cockneyphiles like your devastatingly, pretentious boring self.
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Trying to win an argument with me are you? For once? I'm bored of you now, you offer no challenge. Fuck off.

You've never won an argument unless you were sparring with someone with an IQ under 100. You pick your battles to suit your complete lack of original thought. Daily Mail quoting ignoramus.
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I say vote yes and wall London off and then blitz it.

I think blitzing London failed once already. Maybe chuck a few dozen ebola infected bodies over the fence and see how it plays out?

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Where's Loveadong gone? It's as if he's got no answer. I was hoping he'd at least come back and say "yawn", or "you're so thick you're not worth bothering with." What a cock.

He's furiously proof reading a generic right wing tabloid for statistics to back up his hackneyed bollocks. Failing that he will revert to "yawn" and his usual responses, being incapable of original thought.
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Not that I hate London or anything, but I always feel an unnerving sense of dread whenever I'm there outside of work time. Not a "fear" type of dread, I could fight its bearded skinny-jeaned population off with a bar of soap after all, I mean that type of existential dread, when you realise the species you belong to is clearly fucked.

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It's about fucking time your lot started contributing, Lovedongs. Because, do you know all that coal, oil, iron and genius that made Britain the World's most dominant country? Most of it didn't originate in London. All you're doing is paying what's owed. Oh, and the financial sector you're so proud of; that'll be the financial sector everyone's taxes bailed out. Oh, London's welfare bill...pretty fucking big.

Dirty British coaster with a salt-caked smoke stack,
Butting through the Channel in the mad March days
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Guest DingTheRioja

Generate the wealth?

That's a fucking good one... no.. you squander most of it on foreigners, drugs and prostitutes from the dark continent.. never seen such a shithole, and I've been to Grimsby AND Blackpool.. (not in the same year.. couldnt handle that...no-one could)


Take out the foreigners and you'd have a few thousand fat scrounging dole-ies shouting "cor blimey guv" with buttons all over their jackets.. and no one to wipe their arses or fix their dodgy plumbing (both literal and metaphorical plumbing)


Its the foreigners that make, and break, London.


Anything else is just shit off the shovel.


Oh, and yes, it was the "provinces" that made the Empire and this country, coal, steel, wood, and the manpower and ingenuity to make something with them, you lot were a drag on the economy back then as much as you are now...


Wall? Yes... Yes fucking please....

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We have been slowly and secretly radicalising thousands of southern jessies for years - you probably failed to spot all t'young 'uns walking round with gravy on their chips, earnestly reading and memorising verses from the ken dodd book of jokes while t'lasses flip expertly through the argos catalogue. Never wondered how come all the magic bus and virgin away day saver trips up north - you didn't seriously think they were for trips to the trafford centre or goodison did you ? ...Be well shitted tha'knows .. because the day is coming when your town of nancy boy streets of antique shops, lah dee daah fecking coffee, prossies and £15 cans of coke will fall.
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