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Soft as fuck prison sentencing


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What ever happened to hard fucking labour? 8x4 cells with bars on windows and a pot to piss in? Gruel mixed with anal weep for dinner? being assured of having your arsehole pulverised in the showers by some big cunt called Bubba, The fucking gallows??

Now these cunts get a fucking five star luxury holiday with pay TV, quality nutritional food better then most peasants eat, fucking video games and are out in fuck all time for killing some poor cunt or other heinous acts that revile the populace all at our fucking expense!!

What the fucking fuck is wrong with this picture coz its got me absolutely fucked.

Left wing human rights activists need to be burned alive rot in hell as they are to blame for this mind blowingly stupid and totally moralistically skewed situation we now find ourselves in.

I might go and massacre a bunch of the cunts and take a holiday in the nick as Its better living conditions then at my fucking house. Least I might get a root and a fucking decent feed.

The world is fucked and getting more nonsensical by the day. Get fucked.  

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Guest Alfie Noakes

It comes to something when the sentences get longer for property crime than for taking a life.
There is no consistency in the punishments given out and that makes the law here an ass.

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I think the stock answer to this sort of thing is 'well it doesn't rehabilitate them. It doesn't stop them re-offending when they get out'

To which no one ever replies 'They can't commit crimes against society if they're banged up or 6 ft under'

And no one then ever goes on to counter with 'Okay we'll put taxes up to pay for a prison on every street corner then - how d'you like me now?'

.......at which point my head explodes

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Guest JackoTC

5000 foreign criminals are wandering about the UK now and we can't deport them due to fucking lawyers. Among them are convicted murderers rapists and kiddie diddlers - this country has gone to hell in a handcart. On the plus side, I'm off work today and eating Crunchy Nut cornflakes. They really are ludicrously tasty.

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Guest TheCatWoman

There will always be bad people who cannot be rehabilitated.  Grumps, twas ever thus.  Enjoy the good tings in life and don't worry your silly old senile head about it, same problem, different century.  I wouldn't want my liberty taken from me for all the money in the world - I doubt very much it's a holiday camp.  Stop reading the Daily Mail ffs.

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Guest cuntcrapper

All murderin cunts, should be tortured, dissected live over 3 days of national holiday and then minced as animal feed. Terrorists should be steamed slowly and fed live to the bears in London Zoo, a spectator event at £100 a ticket. Fuck all the lefty, liberal, green couloured vomit that got us to this!

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All murderin cunts, should be tortured, dissected live over 3 days of national holiday and then minced as animal feed. Terrorists should be steamed slowly and fed live to the bears in London Zoo, a spectator event at £100 a ticket. Fuck all the lefty, liberal, green couloured vomit that got us to this!

Your a good old cunt I've decided. Ugly as a badgers burnt arsehole, but a good cunt none the less.
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There will always be bad people who cannot be rehabilitated.  Grumps, twas ever thus.  Enjoy the good tings in life and don't worry your silly old senile head about it, same problem, different century.  I wouldn't want my liberty taken from me for all the money in the world - I doubt very much it's a holiday camp.  Stop reading the Daily Mail ffs.

How would that effect your liberty cat? Don't commit a serious crime you won't have a problem. If you choose to however, it is my view you forfeit your right to live amongst the rest of us and should be punished severely as possible with zero creature comforts at taxpayers expense.
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Guest Even bigger cunt.

Bring back hanging and public flogging for most of these criminal cunts,trouble today this health and safety and political correct shit will be the cunting  ruination of this world.   

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There are cunts whose crimes are deservedly punishable. They make the choice to commit them, they therefore face a penalty, whether that be incarceration, or more severe punishment if they don't live in Britain. There are certain offences that nowadays the threat of capital punishment would deter bastards from committing here. There isn't a single serious offender who isn't cognisant of the cornucopia of prisoners' rights, which is fucking shameful. If you kill, rape, molest or assault without provocation, you should be put behind bars for a very fucking long time, failing worse penalties under our present judicial system...unless you commit them in the privacy of your own lock-up. Fulton Mackay was a cunt.

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North Korea is a prison camp isn't it? They don't fuck about over there. Food? Asking a bit much, aren't you?


If you want to scare the fuck out of them send a Carnival cruise ship over there.

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Guest cuntcrapper

There will always be bad people who cannot be rehabilitated.  Grumps, twas ever thus.  Enjoy the good tings in life and don't worry your silly old senile head about it, same problem, different century.  I wouldn't want my liberty taken from me for all the money in the world - I doubt very much it's a holiday camp.  Stop reading the Daily Mail ffs.

Yeah right on, buy the Cuntly Guardian with fuck-head Toynbee hanging 'er knickers on the line everyday to free murderin stoats in the name of socialism

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Its the same in Australia. Lefty cunts banging on about human rights, and how every cunt can be rehabilitated. Bullshit. Some cunts need piano wire thrown over the rafters right there in the courthouse. And you cant tell a jury about some cunts past history, that would be compromising his rights to a fair trial? My fucking arse.

Shit has to change.

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Each to their own, but I am TOTALLY AGAINST the death penalty and for many reasons, however our prison system obviously doesn't work either in preventing crime or dishing out justice to those who deserve it. It's just not on, when some cunt who is inside for consistently driving without insurance or a licence for example, receives exactly the same 'treatment' as a sex criminal or a vicious nasty cunt or whatever. Same food, same privileges, and in many instances for the same period of time... It costs as much as £1200 PER DAY PER PRISONER to keep these twats inside, some of which shouldn't be in there at all, whilst others deserve fuck all in terms of looking after... Those nasty bastards, should NOT be costing the tax payer £1200 per day. Period. How many of you lot get that much each week! They should be dropped off on one of our uninhabited islands, in the clothes that they are wearing, and to fend for themselves. Let them catch their own fucking food or fucking starve... as for the so-called 'white-collar' criminals, sure, take away their liberty for however long it is deemed to be justified, but are they to be fucked up the arse and to be treated as scum for the entertainment of most of the 'corrupt' screws?

How about bringing back 'Hard Labour' and to get these non-violent petty shit twats sorting out our poxy motorways, building homes and doing things to benefit this poxy place of ours, for their £1200 PER fucking day! They are no danger to any cunt 'if' they escape... They don't require 24/7 lock-up when they could be put to better use... Spending years behind bars, doing jack-shite and costing us money, penalizes who??? They cost 'US' far more than the idle-lazy aint-gonna work brigade, that's for sure.

I agree about the death penalty. Too many innocent people have been murdered by a system that is crap. I trust the police as far as I can spit.

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Guest KuntaCunty

Goodness be fucked if a convict should get buggered in the prison shower.  No, no...in this day of alleged enlightened thought and human consciousness, Justice must take it up the arse so that human rights can prosper and grow.  To me, that is NOT enlightened thought, but utter stupidity.  We don't have the death penalty, and we're overrun by fucking vermin and human waste.  The yanks do have it, but they can't fucking get it right, and they're still overrun by vermin and human waste (mostly in their political arenas).  So hard time may not rehabilitate the cunts, but it sure as fuck ages them to the point of inability to repeat their crimes upon release.  You can't commit crimes if you're too arthritic and broken down to lift a weapon into a threatening posture.  Chain gangs, railroads, infrastructure repairs, cleaning porta-loos, that should be standard practice with the cunts. 

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Guest KuntaCunty

Put them in one room, give each a gun and let them shoot each other.


Too easy, and too quick.  We do want them to pay the maximum price for their heinous crimes.

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forty years ago the average term served for murder was 7 years, these days I believe that it is about 16 years. If someone is sent down for a minimum of 20 years that is what it means.. he or she will serve at least 20 years., compared with most western countries our sentences for murder are actually about twice as long and we are also fairly unusual in having some serving full life terms.

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Guest Alfie Noakes

forty years ago the average term served for murder was 7 years, these days I believe that it is about 16 years. If someone is sent down for a minimum of 20 years that is what it means.. he or she will serve at least 20 years., compared with most western countries our sentences for murder are actually about twice as long and we are also fairly unusual in having some serving full life terms.

Still you can get longer for crimes against property than for taking a human life, that is what is so wrong.
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Guest DingTheRioja

Trouble is Pen.. they don't actually serve anything like that... out in less than half most of the time, and any time on remand/during court is counted and deducted from sentence.

We currently only have about 15 whole-lifers... you could guess a few of them...


Take a life, have yours removed.

Take a childs life, be violently abused and tortured by the family until your life is removed.




Next criminal issue we need sorting out please?

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