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Trip Advisor couple 'fined' £100 by hotel for bad review


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A couple book into a cheap hotel, get what they pay for and leave a negative review on trip advisor. Then find that the hotel, who have their card details, have fined them £100 for giving a negative review. This has now become front page news . So, the hotel is now reeling under a welter of negative publicity and people who have never been to the hotel are logging into trip advisor calling it a dung heap..... Hey ho!

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Guest Couldn't give a shit

I'm surprised one of the shyster hotel owners in scabpool hasn't tried this already. It's only visited by scum who've had their passports seized and ugly bitches who are banned from Magaluf for frightening police horses. The whole town should be wipe off the face of the earth with tactical nuclear weapons and turned into a car park for Lytham St Annes.

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I didn't realise you'd ploughed your retirement pot into setting up a hotel, Spot. It will be cash only after reading this, but do you do mate's rates?

Of course , Drew. People are so fucking picky these days. I think eight to a room is perfectly reasonable and what's the odd shit stain between friends? Pubes in the plug hole? Big fucking deal!
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I'm surprised one of the shyster hotel owners in scabpool hasn't tried this already. It's only visited by scum who've had their passports seized and ugly bitches who are banned from Magaluf for frightening police horses. The whole town should be wipe off the face of the earth with tactical nuclear weapons and turned into a car park for Lytham St Annes.

Nuke the entire sight from orbit. It's the only way to be sure!

(Sorry but I love that line. And Corporal Hicks. Yummy)


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