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Anna Krien


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I'm guessing most of you cunts have never heard of her, I hadn't either until I came across her in a BBC news article yesterday. She is an Australian author and all round feminazi cunt. The headline for her piece was "boys are never taught not to rape". Like a typical feminist cuntbag, she assumes all men are rapists and need some kind of clockwork orange brainwashing in order to stop them fucking anything that moves without waiting for an invitation. Just like the vast majority of men know instinctively its wrong to kill, I like to think we are also with it enough to realise that whipping out the todger unasked for is a no no. What does this cunt expect? A facts of life chat every five mins between parent and child? " Now son, be sure to be back from the park in time for tea, don't ruin the new trousers we bought you by playing football, and don't talk to strangers. Oh and before I forget, don't rape anyone. Have fun sweetheart." Feminism isn't a movement for equality, the uppity cunts want it both ways, higher wages, but half of ours on top of it. Fucking cunts! Its our own fault stuff like this seems to be pouring out of the mouth's of the short-hair brigade on a daily basis. We should never have given them the vote. Pankhurst was a cunt!!!!!

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Guest cuntcrapper

Yeah I watched her skewed performance. Just another old Aussie grungebag, sloppily dressed, from the Gemaine Greer 'man hating' academy. Being the BBC and which is now managed by these hateful cows, she got plenty of bleat time! Expect her to be a fucking 'Green' too.

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We have shot ourselves in the foot somewhat.  It's a tricky one but I hate seeing simpering males taking on female roles.  I was chatting to a 'house husband' last year at a do, and as soon as I found out what he was I moved away from him.  I don't want to be oppressed but I also want to celebrate the differences in our genders. 

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We have shot ourselves in the foot somewhat. It's a tricky one but I hate seeing simpering males taking on female roles. I was chatting to a 'house husband' last year at a do, and as soon as I found out what he was I moved away from him. I don't want to be oppressed but I also want to celebrate the differences in our genders.

I think that's a good point. We are different no matter how much the feminists want to change gender roles. I won't be neutered by a society that does its best to portray all men as potential rapists and domestic abusers.
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