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working for the royals


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Staff at Windsor castle may go on strike, some of these sniveling saps earn just 14k per year to bow and scrape. This is lower than the living wage, on top of this insult, workers carry out additional duties for no extra pay, such as first aid and giving guided tours. The trust that Prince Charles is head off operates the estate, this trust made a profit of over 8 million pounds last year. Good ole Charlie does not hold back with his criticism of business leaders and often scrawls hand written notes to politicians and our leaders of commerce.  

I hope that the receivers of these letters return in kind, maybe Punkape can give a bit of guidance on Estate management,  he did once organise a group of smackheads to pick up dog shit on his inner London hell hole.

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As has been proved time and time again House of Windsor plc is the countries biggest tourist attraction and makes more dosh for the UK than anything else in the known universe .. it's the sole reason people aspire to live here ..even the yanks are envious - and they've got disney world ffs. It's well known that all the royal family are lovely people - just like me and you and how these grovelling lickspittles have the nerve to criticise and complain about pay and working conditions defies belief .. some cunts just don't know their place.

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Guest Bill Stickers

At least if you work for the royals, you get some money, even if it is near enough slave labour.

Cunts of a greater magnitude are those commoners who turn up to royal events, and wave Union Jack flags all day. If you stopped one of them and asked, "Excuse me you cunt, what exactly are you doing?" I don't think one of them could answer you.

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People who work for the royals must have very limited work opportunities to stoop so low. Or be fucking stupid and inept at finding employment. Or both. The lot waving their pants at royal events have all suffered from brain development complications and low IQ and have no capacity to properly assess their actions and act responsibly.

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Imagine the terrors involved in being the Queens gynaecologist. She's that old her cunt would definitely be haunted. You'd need a crack team of Derek Acorah, a catholic priest and Uri Geller just to get anywhere near it without becoming posessed.

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