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Guest deebom

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Certainly I think it needs to be established whether this really is the child's wishes or the parent's. There are a number of places parents might go under these circumstances and The Press is not one of them. I suspect attention seeking at the very least.

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Guest nobgobbler

Absolutely Rick. Even if it is the child's wishes, what happened to parental guidance? The thick cunt mother's set the kid up for a daily playground battering. 

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Guest Bill Stickers


So you're a nasty little homo/transphobic man? I should have guessed by the lack of an avatar. Sort yourself out.

My beef is hypothetically against the parents if they have encouraged the kid into behaving in such a way. If the kid is genuinely transgender I have no qualms whatsoever.

Edited by Mrs Roops
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A famous actress recently put a story online that her 8 year old son had said to her "when I'm older mummy will I have a girlfriend?" And then apparently said "or maybe I may have a boyfriend,which would you like me to have mummy?",this particular mother thought that was really cute.now I don't see that as 'normal' but it is spreading through everyday life as if that's no problem.i know a lot of people don't see that as a big deal and perceive my stance as 'the problem'.they're entitled to their stance and I'm entitled to mine.i won't cross their lives if they stay the fuck out of mine.All I know that if I was out for a beer and came across 3 pubs,one for those who don't know,one for dykes and shirt lifters and a regular 'norm' establishment then I know which two I'm giving a wide berth.if that makes me wrong and archaic sounding then tough titty,I'm  sure I'm not the only one who dislikes woofters and trans benders or whatever they call them

Edited by neil298
lack of an education
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Guest Bill Stickers

I don't want to be a woman, and the thought of sticking my dick in another man is a little unpleasant to my personal taste. However, I guess my life is busy and interesting enough that I couldn't give a flying toss if someone else wants to do it, and I don't feel threatened if they openly discuss doing so.

It says more about them than you if it offends you so much.

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Guest Snatch

The Who song "I'm a Boy" seems to fit the cunt parents.

One girl was called Jean Marie
Another little girl was Felicity
Another little girl was Sally Joy
The other was me, and I'm a boy

My name is Bill, and I'm a head case
They practice making up on my face
Yeah, I feel lucky if I get trousers to wear
Spend evenings taking hairpins from my hair

I'm a boy, I'm a boy
But my ma won't admit it
I'm a boy, I'm a boy
But if I say I am, I get it

Put your frock on, Jean Marie
Plait your hair, Felicity
Paint your nails, little Sally Joy
Put on this wig, little boy

I'm a boy, I'm a boy
But my ma won't admit it
I'm a boy, I'm a boy
But if I say I am, I get it

Want to play cricket on the green
Ride my bike across the street
Cut myself and see my blood
Want to come home all covered in mud

I'm a boy, I'm a boy
But my ma won't admit it
I'm a boy. I'm a boy
But if I say I am, I get it
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Guest judgetwi

I saw a Louis Theroux programme about this a few months ago. (Americans of course) The parents seemed fairly normal but they quite clearly loved the camera and one of them admitted that the kid had only decided he was TG after watching a programme about it on TV. Kids these days watch all sorts of shit on the TV and internet and therefore have ideas put in their heads which old cunts like us could have never have dreamed of. Fuck me, when i was a kid all i wanted was to be was a commander of a 19th century fort in Arizona and kill fucking Apaches. How times change. I'm not saying that was better than dreaming of being a cocksucker but my fantasies were just that........definitely not something achievable. I couldn't possibly have dreamed of being a gaylord because i didn't know such creatures existed. It's the modern world my friends , so get used to it.

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