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Idiots With Rucksacks On In Crowded Places


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Utter fucking cretins, walking round with a great hulking lump strapped to their backs. There were a load of these cunts in town today, obviously on some "adventure", shoving their way through crowded shops and generally making an utter fucking nuisance of themselves, seemingly oblivious to the fact they were at least one foot thicker than normal and therefore unable to move around without continually ramming people with their cunt sacks. Why they didn't just take the fucking things off is beyond me. Utter pricks.

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Utter fucking cretins, walking round with a great hulking lump strapped to their backs. There were a load of these cunts in town today, obviously on some "adventure", shoving their way through crowded shops and generally making an utter fucking nuisance of themselves, seemingly oblivious to the fact they were at least one foot thicker than normal and therefore unable to move around without continually ramming people with their cunt sacks. Why they didn't just take the fucking things off is beyond me. Utter pricks.

its the rucksacks with little wires coming out of the bottom that you should keep clear of.

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I admit tu using a small rucksack on my trips to and from work on my bike. It leaves my wands free to gesticulate at car drivers who are a bunch of throbbing cunts coccooned in their steel boxes. The rucksack carries my survival kit for work . I would never, ever walk around town with one, looking like that Ninja Turtle, Balotelli. Fucking cunts

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The ones who used to annoy me when I worked in London were those who tried forcing their way into an already packed underground train and caused the doors to jam as their rucksack got stuck.

That's exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about. The stupid cunts can't seem to compute the fact they are considerably bigger whilst wearing their cuntsack. 

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Guest Lady Penelope

I am currently a bit limited pending cataract surgery but when I am doing photography jobs I have two options 1} a trolley 2}  a wacking big speciallist backpack .. whichever mode I am in I hate whoever is using the  other method with every single ounce of my being. Proplw with trolleys usually batter you shins whilst cunts with backpacks swing them into your face. The ultimate evil appeared at one job I was doing in the form of a photographer on a mobilty scooter. It simply best to hate everyone.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

I am currently a bit limited pending cataract surgery but when I am doing photography jobs I have two options 1} a trolley 2}  a wacking big speciallist backpack .. whichever mode I am in I hate whoever is using the  other method with every single ounce of my being. Proplw with trolleys usually batter you shins whilst cunts with backpacks swing them into your face. The ultimate evil appeared at one job I was doing in the form of a photographer on a mobilty scooter. It simply best to hate everyone.

You caught Judge trying to grab some voyeur shots at the mens changing room at the public pool, then?  

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