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The best video for summing up what Cunts Corner is all about

Guest Bill Stickers

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Fucking hell,what a cunt. The stubborn cunt in the convertible was just asking to have someone shit on her back seat and the old man should really get the bus if he can't reverse.

I've got nothing against women drivers but she is a fucking snob nosed cunt who thinks she owns the road.

Nice work Sticks,some more videos of this type is in order.

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Guest luke swarm

an excellent video which perfectly illustrates the continued de-volution occurring in certain southern parts of this country.

These two cunts are prime examples of what all dedicated would be cunts should aspire to, the refusal to see sense, an overinflated sense of outrage and privilege....no shortage of money either judging by the prestige cars. For fucks sake someone get them onto this hallowed site straightaway.......all of us and I mean all of us should look at this footage and feel humbled and ashamed that we have not achieved this Top Level Nirvana of Cunthood....the Phd of advanced cuntism.

Look and learn all you amateur cunts.     

Edited by luke swarm
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Guest Wizardsleeve

Why didn't someone just KICK THEIR FUCKING HEADS IN? It would be worth the risk of jail time to hurt them badly - the cunt with the top open is practically begging for it. 

I can't believe what I just saw!  All of those moronic cunts sat in queue when all they had to do was walk up to both cuntmobiles, apply some human strength and ingenuity, and turn both on their fucking sides then go on their merry fucking way. What is happening to our beloved England?

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