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UK Government de-radicalisation policy

Guest Alfie Noakes

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Guest Bill Stickers

There is a simple solution to this. Immediate legislation being passed which bans the practice, worship and adherence to Islam in this country. Fuck mollycoddling them, and asking them nicely to please not blow us up. You can't persuade a rabid dog not to bite you and you'll never persuade a religious fanatic not to hate people who do not adhere to their warped values. I know not all Muslims are the same, but it's time we stopped pandering to them and demanded an end to extremism, not plead with them. If they don't like it they should be shown the fucking door in a one strike and you're out policy. No Islam in Britain, no fucking Islamic fundamentalism in Britain. And before the usual suspect jumps on his cry racism bandwagon, it's the fantasist religion I have a problem with, not the individual nationalities who practice it.

This is probably your worst ever post. I hate religion as much as the next semi-intelligent, logical person but I think your idea is as unenforceable as it is overly authoritarian. 

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Dear me there's some unpleasant bollox on this thread. Some of you sound like you're on a BNP pub crawl.

The aim of a deradicalization program is laudable, the problem is how to do it. The worst case scenario is that it comes across as a preachy lecture by Tory toffs. Nobody is going to decide against joining ISIS because David Cameron tells them not to. You are talking predominantly about disillusioned teenagers. Actually it's not vastly different from telling teenagers not to grow their hair long, smoke dope and listen to loud music would have been in the past, except that nobody got killed back then. Unfortunately for some Muslim youth ISIS is the new rock and roll. I'm not being frivolous, there is a similarity. They feel disaffected, alienated, undervalued and are looking for a purpose and an identity. That's what the ISIS nutters are promising them.

So it's got to come from within the Muslim community and there's no reason to be cynical and say it can't. It can and it has to. It can't be seen to be dogma driven by this government to look good to Daily Mail readers.

Bollocks. They are cunts who need taking out.

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Guest Alfie Noakes

There are parts of the Quran that preach that all non believers must be converted or can be treated as sub human. It is the duty of a good Muslim to convert people. There are no ways out as apostates are even worse than the unconverted. We in the west are not haram in their eyes and will always be viewed with suspicion, mis trust and beneath them morally. They do not interpret their text, they take it as literal.

At least Christians dont follow the old testament's obviously dodgy rules that were more for the justification of the actions of the Israelites as they subdued a region by genocides and attrocities.

All organised religion is corrupt and not fit for modern times, but Islam is the most dangerous to humanity.

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There are parts of the Quran that preach that all non believers must be converted or can be treated as sub human. It is the duty of a good Muslim to convert people. There are no ways out as apostates are even worse than the unconverted. We in the west are not haram in their eyes and will always be viewed with suspicion, mis trust and beneath them morally. They do not interpret their text, they take it as literal.

At least Christians dont follow the old testament's obviously dodgy rules that were more for the justification of the actions of the Israelites as they subdued a region by genocides and attrocities.

All organised religion is corrupt and not fit for modern times, but Islam is the most dangerous to humanity.

You are quite wrong, God is love. You'll soon see the error of your ways or WE'LL BURN YOU!

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This is probably your worst ever post. I hate religion as much as the next semi-intelligent, logical person but I think your idea is as unenforceable as it is overly authoritarian. 

Constructive criticism or are you calling the man a cunt? Either way, I wish you both a slow and painful death. 

Hopefully this is the beginning of the end for you two cock-chomping, arse-bleeding maggots. 

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Guest Ahriman

You are quite wrong, God is love. You'll soon see the error of your ways or WE'LL BURN YOU!

So says the religion of peace and tolerance you filthy infidel piece of shit. ALLAH AKBAR!

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Guest Bill Stickers

Constructive criticism or are you calling the man a cunt? Either way, I wish you both a slow and painful death. 

Hopefully this is the beginning of the end for you two cock-chomping, arse-bleeding maggots. 

Decimus is quite clearly one of the biggest cunts in the northern hemisphere. It doesn't need to be said, like everything you ever post. 

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Constructive criticism or are you calling the man a cunt? Either way, I wish you both a slow and painful death. 

Hopefully this is the beginning of the end for you two cock-chomping, arse-bleeding maggots. 

To use one of your catchphrases in entirely the right context, I like you, Frank...a lot.

But fuck me you're predictable, I could have predicted that entire post word for word from the minute Stickers replied to me. You're about as subtle as a Josef Fritzl rooftop barbecue. For fuck sake sort yourself out and suprise us all for once. A nomination would be nice. Nothing too original or thought provoking mind you, perhaps a rehash of Frank's box of flids.

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To use one of your catchphrases in entirely the right context, I like you, Frank...a lot.

But fuck me you're predictable, I could have predicted that entire post word for word from the minute Stickers replied to me. You're about as subtle as a Josef Fritzl rooftop barbecue. For fuck sake sort yourself out and suprise us all for once. A nomination would be nice. Nothing too original or thought provoking mind you, perhaps a rehash of Frank's box of flids.

Dec you and I are buddies for life. We all knew you'd struggle to respond directly to Bill on this one. You might be pipping him slightly in the popularity charts, but he'd punch you out fucking cold in a battle of wits.

You can bounce off me to your heart's content

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Guest Alfie Noakes

Dec you and I are buddies for life. We all knew you'd struggle to respond directly to Bill on this one. You might be pipping him slightly in the popularity charts, but he'd punch you out fucking cold in a battle of wits.

You can bounce off me to your heart's content


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Guest nobgobbler

De-radicalisation won't work,the same as locking up a peado won't stop being a piece of lowlife scummy cunt.

Kill the cunts,after all that what they want to do/have done to others.

But seeing as the human rights cunts wlll no doubt be involved they'll be given a helping hand,a free house,an apology and a free reign to carry on exactly as before.

and why does "apology" always translate as "a shit load of taxpayers money"? 

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Poor Decimus must be in a right old state. Tapping out draft after draft after fucking draft, trying to come up with some sort of drawn out retort to Bill's cutting remarks. 

Don't bother Dec.. you're rubbish. 

I'm afraid you'll have to try harder than that. Third rate attempt at pychological provocation to do what you want me to do, from a fourth rate, no mark cunt. Keep trying though, just like a stopped clock is right twice a day, at some point something other than absolute interminable bollocks will no doubt be posted by you.

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I'm afraid you'll have to try harder than that. Third rate attempt at pychological provocation to do what you want me to do, from a fourth rate, no mark cunt. Keep trying though, just like a stopped clock is right twice a day, at some point something other than absolute interminable bollocks will no doubt be posted by you.

Well.. at least you know your place. Good evening.  

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Now you've finally exposed yourself and lost the fucking hat, it's plain for all to see that you are indeed as thick as can be. 

You are a peculiar one; angry, boring, repetitive, not that smart either. That aside, shall we start again, and you keep your irksome din in your ignorant, foul cake hole. Your choice, we could be best buddies.

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Now you've finally exposed yourself and lost the fucking hat, it's plain for all to see that you are indeed as thick as can be. 

For someone with such a supposedly rich and fulfilled life of travel, you seem to have an awful lot of time on your hands in which to post your mindless drivel. Perhaps it's time to get a job, you useless piece of shit?

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