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Cyclists With No Lights On Their Cuntcycle


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As the nights slowly draw in, more and more fucking idiots can be seen on the roads doing this cuntish thing. A lot of cyclists seem to think that the rules of the road simply don't apply to them. Fucking cunts, the lot of 'em.

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What's the point of us cyclists using lights. The twats driving cars never notice them because they are too busy texting. Besides, then you would see me and that is not good for me when you are piloting a half ton cyclist killer. Drivers are cunts.

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Thing I hate seeing is these prats who have a kiddie seat on their bike. Sorry but I would never do that. If car or lorry hits it, the kids toast.

Worse still are those fucking trailers the stupid cunts use. You know, the ones that are invisible from cars, so the driver sees a cycle go past, pulls out and hits the trailer he hasn't seen. 

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What's the point of us cyclists using lights. The twats driving cars never notice them because they are too busy texting. Besides, then you would see me and that is not good for me when you are piloting a half ton cyclist killer. Drivers are cunts.

Do you travel to the ambience of gas light on your penny farthing, Manky?

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Do you travel to the ambience of gas light on your penny farthing, Manky?

Fuck off. We are at the forefront of the Chinese technical tevolution. They bought us yesterday.  My bike lights are lit by the duty knocker upper who gets thrupence a month to put his brats through workhouse

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I am "The Shadow" No lights, black bike and black clothing. If you see me, be afraid. If you don't, be very afraid.  Obey the rules or vengeance will be mine and I will smite thee.     For a synopsis of the new code, visit www.iamamongdriver.com

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Guest Wizardsleeve

Cyclists wouldn't be quite so annoying if they'd ride in parks and on trails, well away from regular traffic. They're perfect objects for target practice when the abundance of car owners are acting out creating road rage amongst those of us with a better understanding of the rules of the road. It really is in their best interest to fuck off. 

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Guest nobgobbler

I agree, you do rather have to think for the daft cunts. But they are vulnerable, so I always give them a wide berth. Actually, they're still vulnerable on a clear road. This year Mr look at me I can do 34 mph on my push rod Gobbler has fallen off 8 times, sustained numerous cuts and bruises, dislocated his shoulder and broke 3 ribs. And have you seen the age of the cunts. It's like they lose their driving licence due to old age so they take up cycling. Our house is often full of the skinny, flapjack eating, lycra clad road hogs, all covered in mud and rubbing their sore bollocks (I tell you, I have to look the other way) exchanging stories about how fast they went today, how close they came to piling into a ditch, and how many wing mirrors they took off. The average age is 35 and one of them is seventy fucking one. 

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Guest Wizardsleeve

I agree, you do rather have to think for the daft cunts. But they are vulnerable, so I always give them a wide berth. Actually, they're still vulnerable on a clear road. This year Mr look at me I can do 34 mph on my push rod Gobbler has fallen off 8 times, sustained numerous cuts and bruises, dislocated his shoulder and broke 3 ribs. And have you seen the age of the cunts. It's like they lose their driving licence due to old age so they take up cycling. Our house is often full of the skinny, flapjack eating, lycra clad road hogs, all covered in mud and rubbing their sore bollocks (I tell you, I have to look the other way) exchanging stories about how fast they went today, how close they came to piling into a ditch, and how many wing mirrors they took off. The average age is 35 and one of them is seventy fucking one. 

They probably lost their license from excessive drink. It would explain the numerous injuries, though I suspect they were sustained from the beatings they took for wearing Lycra into a pub. 

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I agree, you do rather have to think for the daft cunts. But they are vulnerable, so I always give them a wide berth. Actually, they're still vulnerable on a clear road. This year Mr look at me I can do 34 mph on my push rod Gobbler has fallen off 8 times, sustained numerous cuts and bruises, dislocated his shoulder and broke 3 ribs. And have you seen the age of the cunts. It's like they lose their driving licence due to old age so they take up cycling. Our house is often full of the skinny, flapjack eating, lycra clad road hogs, all covered in mud and rubbing their sore bollocks (I tell you, I have to look the other way) exchanging stories about how fast they went today, how close they came to piling into a ditch, and how many wing mirrors they took off. The average age is 35 and one of them is seventy fucking one. 

That's a lot of falling off. I've been riding to work and back for 5 years, and the only accident I have had is when some cunt flung the rear doors of his van open, knocking me for 6. And I ride down the Old Kent Road, which is a magnificent cuntfest.

X-treme sports? Pah! None of those cunts would have the bottle to take on The Old Kent Road in the rush hour.

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With all the other recent shootings around here, showing lights at night is far from necessary, it is reckless. Car drivers are less dangerous than all the plastic Billy the Kids. Fuck that.( Try explaining to the Somali"s that sailing and shooting are 2 separate Olympic evnts)






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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

I'm a cyclist and even I think some cyclists are cunts because they generally are squeezing themselves up the inside of buses and other vehicles and plonking themselves smack bang on somebodies front left wing even though the considerate driver (on this occasion) had his left hand indicator on............ And he's wearing so much fucking black I'm expecting him to have a box of Milk Tray tucked under his arm. CuntCuntCunt.

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I'm a cyclist and even I think some cyclists are cunts because they generally are squeezing themselves up the inside of buses and other vehicles and plonking themselves smack bang on somebodies front left wing even though the considerate driver (on this occasion) had his left hand indicator on............ And he's wearing so much fucking black I'm expecting him to have a box of Milk Tray tucked under his arm. CuntCuntCunt.

There's a certain type of cyclist that actually goes out of their way to get into scrapes with cars, so they can be super-aggressive with even the most timid and considerate car driver. It's these self righteous cunts who should be fed, face down, through an industrial thickness planer before being set on fire.

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