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Guest deebom

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Please, the internet is a very cluttered place. It would be best for all concerned if you didn't take up valuable space stating the bleeding fucking obvious.

Sometimes I just like watching a film to relax and pass a bit of time without having to think too hard. Bond films do this for me as do Bruce Willis films and lots of others. I am not Mark Kerfuckingmode with all this in-depth analysis shit. I prefer to use my considerable intellect for the benefit of others or the promotion of world peace, or more often, the easy Sudoku in the Daily Star.

Bond films are good for what they are. Watchable films that are fun and with some good action bits.

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Sometimes I just like watching a film to relax and pass a bit of time without having to think too hard. Bond films do this for me as do Bruce Willis films and lots of others. I am not Mark Kerfuckingmode with all this in-depth analysis shit. I prefer to use my considerable intellect for the benefit of others or the promotion of world peace, or more often, the easy Sudoku in the Daily Star.

Bond films are good for what they are. Watchable films that are fun and with some good action bits.

Good old entertaining shite. I think they're fucking great.

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Pure fanatasy, like a good film should be. Not enough tits unfortunately.

Exactly. It's James Bond for fuck's sake, we're not speaking about some fucking subtitled, foreign, arthouse cinema wank here.

Fuck me, lighten up.

But no, not nearly enough tits!

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Guest Ahriman

Fuck off wanker.

The witless wonder strikes again. Keep up the hard work my unfunny friend. At this rate you'll soon have a promising career dodging broken beer bottles in some rundown south London comedy club, the highlight of which will entail a performance that shall be forever refereed to in hushed voices by the locals as 'The nail gun suicide incident'.

Edited by Ahriman
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Guest JackoTC

The witless wonder strikes again. Keep up the hard work my unfunny friend. At this rate you'll soon have a promising career dodging broken beer bottles in some rundown south London comedy club, the highlight of which will entail a performance that shall be forever refereed to in hushed voices by the locals as 'The nail gun suicide incident'.

I can't believe you wasted time typing this. Have a glass of something nice and calm down.  

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I was dragged along to see SPECTRE today. What a soulless, formulaic, poorly-written waste of electrons - AND there were no tits in it!

I'm going to slap Mrs Baws about a bit later while making lame puns, and see if she swoons and gives me a blow job. Fuck knows I've tried every other approach without success.

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Guest Alfie Noakes

I was dragged along to see SPECTRE today. What a soulless, formulaic, poorly-written waste of electrons - AND there were no tits in it!

I'm going to slap Mrs Baws about a bit later while making lame puns, and see if she swoons and gives me a blow job. Fuck knows I've tried every other approach without success.

You are quite the romantic sort then?

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

Bond is the worse spy imaginable. The whole point of spying is remaining undetected. Every fucker knows who James Bond is.

Never heard of the cunt. What has she done

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I was dragged along to see SPECTRE today. What a soulless, formulaic, poorly-written waste of electrons - AND there were no tits in it!

I'm going to slap Mrs Baws about a bit later while making lame puns, and see if she swoons and gives me a blow job. Fuck knows I've tried every other approach without success.

Have you tried milk tray? Now I would go.....er......never mind!

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Guest luke swarm

I've only seen two of them........."Dr. No" and "Goldfinger". Then i grew up.

yes you grew up and discovered your true sexuality.......a confused and lonely teenager who rejected by his heartbroken parents had no other choice but to become a low end rent boy. A tale of sorrow and woe.


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Guest DingTheRioja

Someone told me that gobbler was once a bond girl. Or was it a bondage girl? Maybe she can tell us

Give over, Neil will explode!!


However.. .if you have any.. er.. evidence... er.. I.. er.. you know...

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when they were filming The Wild Geese in Africa, Moore joined legendary drinkers Burton and Harris for drinking sessions. Both were pissed off with him as the next morning they were like death warmed up but Moore bounced on to set showing no ill effects whatsoever. Far from being an upper class pansy, Moore was born in Stockwell. His dad was a bus inspector and he was advised to get elecution lessons to get rid of his working class London accent.

Talking of Lee Marvin, he apparently bumped into Olive Reed in a hotel and both got into a drinking duel. Reed was impressed with the black velvet Cape Marvin was wearing and said that if he drunk Marvin under the table he would have it. This he agreed with and chose bourbon as the weapon of choice.  The result was was that Marvin eventually slid under the table unconscious and Reed exited the hotel resplendent in Lee Marvin's black velvet cape.

When they were filming The Wild Geese, both Burton and Harris were on the wagon, paid fucking astronomical sums for crates of Tab to sent on set and indulged in the local Ganga. Moore decided that this was a signal for him to become an alcoholic, while the others dried out. Later on in filming, Burton did a scene where he was drinking in Harris' character's house and could barely lift his glass to his mouth with both hands. It was later found that his back was paralysed, due not in any small part to his entire spinal column being covered in crystallised alcohol. Rex Harrison was a cunt.

Edited by Rev
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