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Guest deebom

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I'm not sure why you would think an apology is warranted. Deebom posted a good nom, part of which included his annoyance at a queue jumper with two shopping trolleys. I have to admit that I shared Rick's thinking as to why did Deebom mentioned that two-trolley woman was Nigerian. Why did he make a point of it? Would he have said that she was English? Deebon's defence seemed to imply that he knew trolley woman was Nigerian and that beggar girl was Vietnamese partly because there was a lot of them about in Lewisham.

Now I'm sure Deembom did not intend to be racist and may not even be like-minded but given the general "Britain First" nature that sometimes prevails at the Corner and given the subsequent covert racist humour I can understand why suspicion was invited.

Fact is not racism. If Deebom had said she was English would it be an issue? No it wouldn't. It was because she was black that the racist card is thrown.

Like I have said,racism is caused by people shouting racism when it is not there.

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Fact is not racism. If Deebom had said she was English would it be an issue? No it wouldn't. It was because she was black that the racist card is thrown.

Like I have said,racism is caused by people shouting racism when it is not there.

Back of the net!!! Another goal from Baldy Pevsner!!!

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What do you think?

I think you haven't got a sensible reply because both you and Rick are wrong on this occasion,which is why you chose the sarcasm route which you often do when you don't have an answer.

Anyway,it was Rick who posted about racism,I'm sure he's grown up enough to answer for himself without you doing it for him.

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Well Snatch, you say that "fact is not racism" - that depends on the fact and to which context it is presented in. Subtle or otherwise.

We have asked where the racism was in the original post and I also asked Rick in another thread where the racism was and in both cases you have both have failed to point it out.

If Deebom had used the N word or said that all Nigerians are queue jumping N.......s then I could understand your opinion. Bit thats not how it went was it.

You just can't admit your both wrong can you.

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It's a shame that a genuinely interesting and humorous thread has yet again been hijacked with unsubstantiated claims of racism. The problem is Mrs Roops and Rick, racism to a large extent is subjective. There isn't a blanket objective definition of it through which you can definitively label something or someone racist. Yes there are certain blatant words and phrases, and there is also the scenario where someone will freely admit to being bigoted. But you simply cannot assume another person is being racist purely because what they have said conforms to your definition of it. Deebom has stated the reasons as to why he said what he did and has outright denied any racist motivation. That's enough for me and it should be enough for anyone else, so maybe we should drop it?

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We have asked where the racism was in the original post and I also asked Rick in another thread where the racism was and in both cases you have both have failed to point it out.

If Deebom had used the N word or said that all Nigerians are queue jumping N.......s then I could understand your opinion. Bit thats not how it went was it.

You just can't admit your both wrong can you.

No discrimination, no ambiguity. 24 hours off. You are getting on my tits, with respect.

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I asked Deebom two perfectly reasonable questions, how do you know Stroppy Woman is Nigerian and how do you know Begging Girl is Vietnamese? I could have gone on to ask why their racial origins are relevant, but I assumed it was self-evident that it was in part the reason I asked. So far I haven't got an answer, just indignation that I should dare to ask. Come to think of it I could also ask why the assumption that the bloke being an arshole was the girl's pimp, which presumably implies that she is a prostitute.

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It's a shame that a genuinely interesting and humorous thread has yet again been hijacked with unsubstantiated claims of racism. The problem is Mrs Roops and Rick, racism to a large extent is subjective. There isn't a blanket objective definition of it through which you can definitively label something or someone racist. Yes there are certain blatant words and phrases, and there is also the scenario where someone will freely admit to being bigoted. But you simply cannot assume another person is being racist purely because what they have said conforms to your definition of it. Deebom has stated the reasons as to why he said what he did and has outright denied any racist motivation. That's enough for me and it should be enough for anyone else, so maybe we should drop it?

I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it.”

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I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it.”

Personally, I was always a bit partial to "snail in the bottle".

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No discrimination, no ambiguity. 24 hours off. You are getting on my tits, with respect.

I didn't see a stipulation of not "getting on your tits" anywhere in the rule book. He wasn't abusive, his only crime was to have a different opinion. Do you not think you are being a bit harsh?

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Guest Alfie Noakes

I didn't see a stipulation of not "getting on your tits" anywhere in the rule book. He wasn't abusive, his only crime was to have a different opinion. Do you not think you are being a bit harsh?

Not allowed a difference of opinion any more. Seems to entice newbies they will drive out existing people.

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