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Rumor Wilson

Guest MikeD

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Why has this fucking blimp suddenly appeared to pollute the fucking airwaves?

Another talentless fat cunt who's entire act seems to be "look at me, I'm a fat cunt".

Yes, we can see that, you fat, horrible, sweaty bastard, Now kindly fuck off.

And the cunt who found her washed up on a beach and revived her needs fucking hanging as well.thE4M8ODW4.jpg.737592202437b5d782280ef83

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3 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

It's Rebel Wilson, you soft cunt. Although, in fairness, Rumer Willis is a cunt too.



Really? She seems to be known as Rumor as well.

Anyway, having two names doesn't make the Ryvita-dodging, slobbery cunt any thinner or funnier.

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1 minute ago, Charlie Hunt said:

What the fuck is that? It looks like an even uglier version of Adele. This trend of allowing fatties to stand on stages must be stopped. And I say that from a health and safety perspective, as well as frustration at the absence of eye candy.

They seem to appear mostly in winter. Obviously an idea to save on heating bills, pick one up and just fold a flap of skin over you and snuggle in.

Or get her jogging round your house to get the heat up, gas mask would be a necessity though.

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Guest Couldn't give a shit

Being an Aussie she is highly likely the product of DNA sharing from the sub-human inbred convict gene pool which would account for why she's an ugly cunt and gorging on vegemite coated barbecued marsupials would explain her chronic obesity which is quite frankly downright repulsive. 

She is merely a poster girl for the sad fat bitches of the world who can't survive on less than 15000 calories a day let alone entice even the most perverted chubby chaser to fuck them. 

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19 minutes ago, Couldn't give a shit said:

Being an Aussie she is highly likely the product of DNA sharing from the sub-human inbred convict gene pool which would account for why she's an ugly cunt and gorging on vegemite coated barbecued marsupials would explain her chronic obesity which is quite frankly downright repulsive. 

She is merely a poster girl for the sad fat bitches of the world who can't survive on less than 15000 calories a day let alone entice even the most perverted chubby chaser to fuck them. 

Well you know, it is winter and they do keep the heat in.

So I hear....

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
5 hours ago, MikeD said:

Why has this fucking blimp suddenly appeared to pollute the fucking airwaves?

Another talentless fat cunt who's entire act seems to be "look at me, I'm a fat cunt".

Yes, we can see that, you fat, horrible, sweaty bastard, Now kindly fuck off.

And the cunt who found her washed up on a beach and revived her needs fucking hanging as well.thE4M8ODW4.jpg.737592202437b5d782280ef83

The word on the street is, she's a vegetarian.

Quality Street that is, the fucking disgusting fatbody.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
5 hours ago, MikeD said:

They seem to appear mostly in winter. Obviously an idea to save on heating bills, pick one up and just fold a flap of skin over you and snuggle in.

Or get her jogging round your house to get the heat up, gas mask would be a necessity though.

Winter is their season, Mike. They have had a proper barnacle scraping and fresh paint. 

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40 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Never heard of him

That's because her name is fucking "Rebel", not fucking "Rumor", regardless of Mike's futile protestations to the contrary.

PS I've just changed my mind, Proper, Catchphrases are cunts.

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Guest luke swarm
3 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

That's not my catch phrase. Mine is "That's the price. Take it or leave it"!

So do you charge by the 1/2 hour or a full hour Gyps.      

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Guest DingTheRioja
19 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

So do you charge by the 1/2 hour or a full hour Gyps.      

She does a special on 2 minutes for some people, you might want to ask about it...

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Guest luke swarm
21 minutes ago, DingTheDoggie!! said:

She does a special on 2 minutes for some people, you might want to ask about it...

2 minutes you say...that would leave me with plenty of time for a ciggie as well.

Have you tried already  Dingdog

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12 hours ago, Couldn't give a shit said:

Being an Aussie she is highly likely the product of DNA sharing from the sub-human inbred convict gene pool which would account for why she's an ugly cunt and gorging on vegemite coated barbecued marsupials would explain her chronic obesity which is quite frankly downright repulsive. 

She is merely a poster girl for the sad fat bitches of the world who can't survive on less than 15000 calories a day let alone entice even the most perverted chubby chaser to fuck them. 

hey, we don't all eat vegemite!

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

These fat girls only become vegetarians to try and justify the absence of any meat in either hole. Unfortunately, being ugly munters they don't get a choice unless they happen to know Keef or Neil.

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