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Men who pretend they are pleased when their girlfriend is pregnant

Guest Judas

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
1 hour ago, Judas said:

You girlfriend turns into a sex free zone, she gets fat, spends your money on a nursery, cot, 700 quid pram etc. She quits her job but makes out she will go back once the sprog is born, lying sack of  impregnated shit. You have to put up with her hormones, rubbing her feet etc, and all the time have to pretend you're delighted with the suprise. Any man who pretends to be pleased with the gift from God is a lying no good cunt and should be avoided at all costs.

Well said. It is a load of fucking shit, no man should be remotely into any of that fucking bollocks, it is all literally the least interesting thing in the world. Any soppy, gushy prick that does needs his fucking shit kicked in. I have two brats and am just out of the wimmen shit talk phase where it is the only fucking subject in the house- I am so sick of hearing that  shite that if I found out she was knocked up again I swear to god I would fucking top myself.

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9 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Well said. It is a load of fucking shit, no man should be remotely into any of that fucking bollocks, it is all literally the least interesting thing in the world. Any soppy, gushy prick that does needs his fucking shit kicked in. I have two brats and am just out of the wimmen shit talk phase where it is the only fucking subject in the house- I am so sick of hearing that  shite that if I found out she was knocked up again I swear to god I would fucking top myself.

She's pregnant. Dingthedaddie is responsible. 

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
29 minutes ago, Frank said:

I'm still the star of this show, Bill.. and don't you forget it. 

You are remarkably smug for a dying husk of a cunt. What is your secret? Is there any advice you can give me before you slip into the abyss, and shit yourself embarrassingly?

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
Just now, Bubba C said:


Double idiot. 

Tight Cunts and their faulty piece of shit fucking site. I see my generous donations have not been  put to proper use.

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4 hours ago, Judas said:

You girlfriend turns into a sex free zone, she gets fat, spends your money on a nursery, cot, 700 quid pram etc. She quits her job but makes out she will go back once the sprog is born, lying sack of  impregnated shit. You have to put up with her hormones, rubbing her feet etc, and all the time have to pretend you're delighted with the suprise. Any man who pretends to be pleased with the gift from God is a lying no good cunt and should be avoided at all costs.

I suppose you could stick it in the wife instead.

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3 hours ago, Bubba C said:

Just been reading the fallout from it. Wonder who the "Soppy 5" were?


I have to say, even with my laid back style of moderation, it was probably the wrong thing to attempt to discuss. I had my reasons, but they were not articulated in the nomination. Some things are just better kept to oneself.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
5 hours ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Well said. It is a load of fucking shit, no man should be remotely into any of that fucking bollocks, it is all literally the least interesting thing in the world. Any soppy, gushy prick that does needs his fucking shit kicked in. I have two brats and am just out of the wimmen shit talk phase where it is the only fucking subject in the house- I am so sick of hearing that  shite that if I found out she was knocked up again I swear to god I would fucking top myself.

Is that all it would take Quince?  I had you down as a bit harder than that.   You've practically sunken to punky's level of desperation.  

However, I do have to say that these cretins that go around saying "WE'RE preggers" do need to be castrated with a hot rusty spoon!  WE are not pregnant you soppy fucking wanker, SHE is, and you better find out who the fucking father is straight away.  

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A remarkably astute nom. Everything about this is bang on the money.

All I can say is I didn't pretend to be pleased when MsBom got pregnant, called her a selfish bitch, because I had always been very plain about this. I don't want any kids. Every time the subject arose, I shut it down.

I hate being a parent, it's fucking awful.

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2 hours ago, deebom said:

A remarkably astute nom. Everything about this is bang on the money.

All I can say is I didn't pretend to be pleased when MsBom got pregnant, called her a selfish bitch, because I had always been very plain about this. I don't want any kids. Every time the subject arose, I shut it down.

I hate being a parent, it's fucking awful.

I have no idea why cunts think having mini-cunts is a rite of passage.  It's a constant question that's asked "when are you having kids?". "When I fucking want to, pal".

Just because you've got a crying, pant-shitting, needy ball of flesh attached to you who will skint you to death for the next 20 years and means you can't go out on the piss or fuck off on holiday whenever you like, doesn't mean I want to do the same and give up the few things that I still enjoy. 

I don't need any cunt telling me it's the most rewarding thing you can do either. I've managed some pretty spectacular wanks and satisfying dumps in my time. 

Happy fucking Friday to you all. 

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Guest DingTheRioja
9 hours ago, Bill Stickers said:

All of the comments in this thread made me chuckle. Except this one.

Pity, my whole existence hangs on making you chuckle...


...oh hang on, no it doesn't.  You thick fuck.

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