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Clinton vs Trump Presidential debates.

Guest Snatch

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I watched a bit of the latest Presidential debate between idiot Trump and Dangerous slag Clinton. It's fairly obvious that Clinton is set to be the next President,it's already written but fuck me,if these two cunts were on CC it would brighten things up a bit. Two multi millionaire out of touch with the people cunts that are slagging each other off more than people slag off each other on here.

Both lying through their fucking teeth and one if them will be the top cunt.

There is no hope for the world if America isn't knocked off their perch.

This is interesting. http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/confirmed-experts-voting-machines-maryland-illinois-rigged-support-democrats/

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Guest DingTheRioja
3 minutes ago, Snatch said:

I watched a bit of the latest Presidential debate between idiot Trump and Dangerous slag Clinton. It's fairly obvious that Clinton is set to be the next President,it's already written but fuck me,if these two cunts were on CC it would brighten things up a bit. Two multi millionaire out of touch with the people cunts that are slagging each other off more than people slag off each other on here.

Both lying through their fucking teeth and one if them will be the top cunt.

There is no hope for the world if America isn't knocked off their perch.

This is interestinghttp://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/confirmed-experts-voting-machines-maryland-illinois-rigged-support-democrats/

It's also 2 years old.

And it is not "confirmed" on that report, nothing shown or linked confirms it as a real problem, " two voters in Anne Arundel County " etc etc....

The Watchdog.org it links to is conservative biased as well.



You may as well ask Maggies ghost if selling the family silver was a good idea or Corbyn if he thinks Nukes are nasty.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

I object. We don't slag each other off on here. Well, apart from that slag Gypps, that Gay cunt Spunkrape,  that boring cunt Ding, the Top Dog Egg Bill shitters I think the rest are pretty fucked up tossers. Snatch, you're a fucking disgraceful attention seeking homo for even suggesting it.

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Guest Bill Stickers
14 minutes ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

I object. We don't slag each other off on here. Well, apart from that slag Gypps, that Gay cunt Spunkrape,  that boring cunt Ding, the Top Dog Egg Bill shitters I think the rest are pretty fucked up tossers. Snatch, you're a fucking disgraceful attention seeking homo for even suggesting it.

With Decimus and Quincy banished to virtual Sibera for the foreseeable future, you've got a chance to make your mark Drew.

Sure, it's a bit reminiscent of the US presidential election; much like Trump and Clinton, your moment has come not because you are any good. In fact, you're downright fucking terrible. But in the absence of other serious competitors, you could do well by just little more than default.

Seize it with both of your little pawing hands Drew. You've never ascended very high on the basis of being too poor to afford a staircase.

This is your moment.

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26 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

It's also 2 years old.

And it is not "confirmed" on that report, nothing shown or linked confirms it as a real problem, " two voters in Anne Arundel County " etc etc....

The Watchdog.org it links to is conservative biased as well.



You may as well ask Maggies ghost if selling the family silver was a good idea or Corbyn if he thinks Nukes are nasty.

It's not a case of how old but a case of this shit actually going on in The Land of the Free.

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H. Clinton with the fake outrage against clumsy trumps 'locker room talk' to win the female vote. I wonder what the alleged 27 victims of husband bills sexual attacks think of her, especially as she was charged with shutting them up, girl power!

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28 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

You have to question the judgement of someone who believes that the endorsement of the frog-faced fuckwit Farage will somehow improve his ratings.

Just when you think Americans can't get any dumber...


You also have to question the judgement and sanity of anyone who thinks anyone takes any post on here seriously. 

Except mine.

The US election has hardly registered on my giveafuck-o-meter.At least with Donald it will be a laugh a minute in a Dr Strangelove sort of way. Hilary has form in supporting if not instigating twattings to Johnny Foreigners. And you slagging off Nigel. Are you trying to get into Nicola's knickers?

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1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

You have to question the judgement of someone who believes that the endorsement of the frog-faced fuckwit Farage will somehow improve his ratings.

Just when you think Americans can't get any dumber...


All he needs now baws is to get boris onboard. 

Edited by scotty
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3 hours ago, Snatch said:

I watched a bit of the latest Presidential debate between idiot Trump and Dangerous slag Clinton. It's fairly obvious that Clinton is set to be the next President,it's already written but fuck me,if these two cunts were on CC it would brighten things up a bit. Two multi millionaire out of touch with the people cunts that are slagging each other off more than people slag off each other on here.

Both lying through their fucking teeth and one if them will be the top cunt.

There is no hope for the world if America isn't knocked off their perch.

This is interesting. http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/confirmed-experts-voting-machines-maryland-illinois-rigged-support-democrats/

I reckon the post tables on here a rigged. I don't seem to overtake Edie on the all time table.

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3 hours ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

I object. We don't slag each other off on here. Well, apart from that slag Gypps, that Gay cunt Spunkrape,  that boring cunt Ding, the Top Dog Egg Bill shitters I think the rest are pretty fucked up tossers. Snatch, you're a fucking disgraceful attention seeking homo for even suggesting it.

And that's fuck off from me and fuck off from me. Fuck off  

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Guest Lady Penelope
2 hours ago, Judas said:

H. Clinton with the fake outrage against clumsy trumps 'locker room talk' to win the female vote. I wonder what the alleged 27 victims of husband bills sexual attacks think of her, especially as she was charged with shutting them up, girl power!

I like them both Judy

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1 hour ago, Punkape said:

You're a proving to be an utter twat yourself.

Have you tried Domestos?

Punkape, you utter fucking arsehole, I am as pissed as a fart and feeling close to being sick. This latest drivel from you may just do the trick.

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18 minutes ago, Punkape said:

Try some curried eggs to settle your stomach....

You fucking lightweight. Was the 3rd pint too much ?

Is this scary clown craze half your doing. You aren't scary but you are a fucking clown.

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33 minutes ago, Punkape said:

Try some curried eggs to settle your stomach....

You fucking lightweight. Was the 3rd pint too much ?

Try eating that lot yourself - it might teach you what your arse is for.

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