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Guest Donner and chips

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Guest Donner and chips

What a load of lardy dar tosh, full of wax wearing toss pots who would happily skewer a badger before seasoning it with thyme. Who gives a fuck if it's raining in some grassy fucking doss hole, there's a horse, let's shotgun it and a fucking boat let's have a wank. Country cottage, let's eat some bastard eels. Just fuck off. Load of country wankers.

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8 minutes ago, Donner and chips said:

What a load of lardy dar tosh, full of wax wearing toss pots who would happily skewer a badger before seasoning it with thyme. Who gives a fuck if it's raining in some grassy fucking doss hole, there's a horse, let's shotgun it and a fucking boat let's have a wank. Country cottage, let's eat some bastard eels. Just fuck off. Load of country wankers.


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Guest I know that Cunt
7 minutes ago, Donner and chips said:

What a load of lardy dar tosh, full of wax wearing toss pots who would happily skewer a badger before seasoning it with thyme. Who gives a fuck if it's raining in some grassy fucking doss hole, there's a horse, let's shotgun it and a fucking boat let's have a wank. Country cottage, let's eat some bastard eels. Just fuck off. Load of country wankers.

You fucking idiot.

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8 minutes ago, Donner and chips said:

What a load of lardy dar tosh, full of wax wearing toss pots who would happily skewer a badger before seasoning it with thyme. Who gives a fuck if it's raining in some grassy fucking doss hole, there's a horse, let's shotgun it and a fucking boat let's have a wank. Country cottage, let's eat some bastard eels. Just fuck off. Load of country wankers.

I like the cut of your jib on here Donny but you've fucked up badly with this comment. It's caraway seeds with badger, not thyme. Unless you were thinking of the Asiatic Stink Badger of course.

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Guest I know that Cunt
5 minutes ago, Punkape said:

His noms are shockingly bad. He's a pleb as well which is infinitely worse.

He's shown himself to be an urban idiot with this one. Probably sitting in his high rise flat wondering what a field is. What a wanker.

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23 minutes ago, mothra said:

I like the cut of your jib on here Donny but you've fucked up badly with this comment. It's caraway seeds with badger, not thyme. Unless you were thinking of the Asiatic Stink Badger of course.

Surprising that you didn't consider the honey badger, aka the ratel. (Lemongrass, in case you were wondering.)

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16 minutes ago, I know that Cunt said:

He's shown himself to be an urban idiot with this one. Probably sitting in his high rise flat wondering what a field is. What a wanker.

High rise living is the way forward. Fields are for cunts. Urban idiots shall inherit the earth.

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20 minutes ago, I know that Cunt said:

He's shown himself to be an urban idiot with this one. Probably sitting in his high rise flat wondering what a field is. What a wanker.

Whereas you have shown yourself to be non-geographical idiot. Doesn't matter where you are, you're a fucking idiot regardless.

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Guest luke swarm
47 minutes ago, Donner and chips said:

What a load of lardy dar tosh, full of wax wearing toss pots who would happily skewer a badger before seasoning it with thyme. Who gives a fuck if it's raining in some grassy fucking doss hole, there's a horse, let's shotgun it and a fucking boat let's have a wank. Country cottage, let's eat some bastard eels. Just fuck off. Load of country wankers.

the article about Deer and Grape growing on the Isle Of Wight was fascinating........but I concur that the show has not been the same since Julia Bradbury left.......she was absolutely fuckalicious. 

Trouble with you DC is that you forget where your food comes from, where on earth do you think those Doners are bred,born and raised....that's right, in the country, So next time you bang your face against one of those succulent pitta wrapped delights, just think of the hard pressed farmers raising them under terrible hardships. I wont even go into where the garlic mayonnaise come from.  

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40 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Surprising that you didn't consider the honey badger, aka the ratel. (Lemongrass, in case you were wondering.)

Thanks for the tip CB. Unfortunately phylogenetics is really ripping up the rulebook of classification. Red pandas have been moved from panda club to just regular bear club. As this was on a free transfer, I can see them eventually slipping into the minor leagues, like Scousers did.  Honey badgers are now closer to Volvo V40s by the way. I know my earwigs though. Fuck yeah.

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Guest Donner and chips
59 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

the article about Deer and Grape growing on the Isle Of Wight was fascinating........but I concur that the show has not been the same since Julia Bradbury left.......she was absolutely fuckalicious. 

Trouble with you DC is that you forget where your food comes from, where on earth do you think those Doners are bred,born and raised....that's right, in the country, So next time you bang your face against one of those succulent pitta wrapped delights, just think of the hard pressed farmers raising them under terrible hardships. I wont even go into where the garlic mayonnaise come from.  

Go and wank off Hugh Fernley Bloodystool.

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Guest Donner and chips
1 hour ago, I know that Cunt said:

He's shown himself to be an urban idiot with this one. Probably sitting in his high rise flat wondering what a field is. What a wanker.

Get back to your cow with its Wellington boots on, you grass loving, soil licking cunt. I bet you are wearing a wax jacket right now, whilst rubbing your nubbin furiously with badger hair.

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Guest Donner and chips
1 hour ago, Punkape said:

His noms are shockingly bad. He's a pleb as well which is infinitely worse.

Evening Spunk Gape, you farm yard fiend. How is your prolapse today? Still having trouble rutting with the rams? Best, Donner

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Guest luke swarm
6 minutes ago, Donner and chips said:

Go and wank off Hugh Fernley Bloodystool.

You are really quite genuinely thick aren't you DC, You make IKTC look like Einstein ......you really should consider taking a day or two off and reflect on what a waste your entire life has been......I am not hopeful you will listen as you are so stupendously dim as well as  unfunny that you probably think I am joking.     

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Guest Donner and chips
1 minute ago, luke swarm said:

You are really quite genuinely thick aren't you DC, You make IKTC look like Einstein ......you really should consider taking a day or two off and reflect on what a waste your entire life has been......I am not hopeful you will listen as you are so stupendously dim as well as  unfunny that you probably think I am joking.     

Thanks Luke. I think I will.

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16 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

You are really quite genuinely thick aren't you DC, You make IKTC look like Einstein ......you really should consider taking a day or two off and reflect on what a waste your entire life has been......I am not hopeful you will listen as you are so stupendously dim as well as  unfunny that you probably think I am joking.     

Donner's a dopey minnow learning the ropes. What's your excuse you redundant old sap?

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Guest luke swarm


3 minutes ago, Frank said:

Donner's a dopey minnow learning the ropes. What's your excuse you redundant old sap?

 go and have another go at Gyps, best stick to your level eh, theres a good lad.

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Guest luke swarm
Just now, Frank said:

You shallow piece of shit.. having to drag poor gyppo into this to have a dig at poor old Frank. 

I don't want to have to hurt you Frank.....I would enjoy it too much.

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