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Kim Jong-un and his tiny penis

Cap'n Cunt

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'Hey, lookit me with my nuclear missiles and shit' said the posturing twat-haired dog-eating prick. Unfortunately, his latest penis-substitute went off a bit prematurely and blew itself to bits on the launchpad. If I was Donald Trump, I'd show the cunt what a proper nuclear missile does, and reduce North Korea to a steaming shit-smelling ruin. They can't even build a decent fucking car, let alone a weapon of mass destruction. Wankers.

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18 minutes ago, Cap'n Cunt said:

'Hey, lookit me with my nuclear missiles and shit' said the posturing twat-haired dog-eating prick. Unfortunately, his latest penis-substitute went off a bit prematurely and blew itself to bits on the launchpad. If I was Donald Trump, I'd show the cunt what a proper nuclear missile does, and reduce North Korea to a steaming shit-smelling ruin. They can't even build a decent fucking car, let alone a weapon of mass destruction. Wankers.

These cunts haven't got nukes let alone the capacity to lunch them. The fuel alone would bankrupt their economy. If it wasn't for china they'd all starve to death within a fortnight but the chinks must be in Awre of the control these evil cunts wield on their human slaves

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5 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

These cunts haven't got nukes let alone the capacity to lunch them. The fuel alone would bankrupt their economy. If it wasn't for china they'd all starve to death within a fortnight but the chinks must be in Awre of the control these evil cunts wield on their human slaves

Where did you get your valuable insight into N Korea ? A rent boy in Kings Kings cross no doubt.......


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Guest Alfie Noakes
7 hours ago, Punkape said:

Where did you get your valuable insight into N Korea ? A rent boy in Kings Kings cross no doubt.......


That is where you have gained all your "world travelling" tales and experiences.

Go and worship that graven image of persecution and suffering foistered on us by the Romans, go on. It is your biggest day after all (stolen from the pagan festival of equinox/spring or Ostara/inbolc) hypocrite. Camels and eye of a needle springs to mind. Phillistine poof.

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Guest Mingeeta
2 hours ago, Punkape said:

Where did you get your valuable insight into N Korea ? A rent boy in Kings Kings cross no doubt.......


How do u know rent boys hang out in Kings Cross?........  Oh wait a minute.

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Guest Mingeeta

That slanty eyed knob is just deluded, like one of his dads, and whichever grandad it happened to be.

Just hope Trump has the one building in his sights to wipe the prick and his cronies out, and when he does, watch the relief on all his so called subjects' face.

Every time I see one of them forced smiles it reminds me of the one I put on when the wife comes home from work.

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Young Kim may or may not be deluded but one has to admire how he consolidated and secured his power base and authority so quickly after succession to the throne. Apropos the current situation, both the USA and China want to reign in North Korea's nuclear capability. (China has recently banned further imports of coal from Korea - some 40% of the latter's total export value) Military action is a possibility but both countries have fundamental differences on the end result and exit strategy.

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Guest Lady Penelope
1 hour ago, Mingeeta said:

How do u know rent boys hang out in Kings Cross?........  Oh wait a minute.

If @Punkape is from Cheshire surely he would use Euston and hang around by the tube station at Euston Square.

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12 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

These cunts haven't got nukes let alone the capacity to lunch them. The fuel alone would bankrupt their economy. If it wasn't for china they'd all starve to death within a fortnight but the chinks must be in Awre of the control these evil cunts wield on their human slaves

You make a good point, Stubby. I believe Jong doesn't have nuclear capability but is coming very close to it – hence the threat of conflict with the US. Ironically, China supplies arms to North Korea, including parts to facilitate nuclear arms, yet it's taken a leading role to plead for caution. That said, it’s typical of the US to feel as though it has the right to control other countries' military evolution and police the planet. This, from a country which has more nuclear weapons in more parts of the world than any other, and the only nation to have ever used them in anger.

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42 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Young Kim may or may not be deluded but one has to admire how he consolidated and secured his power base and authority so quickly after succession to the throne.

One has to admire him? What rubbish. Dictators who rule without compromise and an iron fist have a habit of consolidating and securing power very quickly. There's nothing admirable about a malignant cunt who was born into succession with little competition for power.

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Guest Lady Penelope
1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

Young Kim may or may not be deluded but one has to admire how he consolidated and secured his power base and authority so quickly after succession to the throne. Apropos the current situation, both the USA and China want to reign in North Korea's nuclear capability. (China has recently banned further imports of coal from Korea - some 40% of the latter's total export value) Military action is a possibility but both countries have fundamental differences on the end result and exit strategy.

His choices are limited. His basic strategy has to be about himself staying in control and alive If he were to become more accommodating to the west he will have the fate of Saddam and Gaddaffi in mind, both were basically more pro west and both were modern thinking and more secular than say Iran and both of them ended up dead. Liberalise and have a North Korean "Spring" and he might end up with the same fate as Hosni Mubarwak or even a bullet like Anwar Sadat at best his only other prospect is living out his life under protection in China so in practical terms consolidating his grasp on power and making sure that the outside world are too frightened to attack is his only option.

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Guest Lady Penelope
26 minutes ago, Mingeeta said:

He's been through all them.

A line of devastated rent boys along the west coast mainline and also along the M6 and M1 and possibly also into Yorkshire along the M62.

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21 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

One has to admire him? What rubbish. Dictators who rule without compromise and an iron fist have a habit of consolidating and securing power very quickly. There's nothing admirable about a malignant cunt who was born into succession with little competition for power.

It was pretty clear I was commenting on Kim's methodology not him as a person. After his father's death, young Kim's position as absolute leader was neither clear nor guaranteed. Given that supreme executive control in North Korea is shared by a triumvirate, one does indeed have to admire the way a young person fended off older, more experienced hands and engineer his position today as ultimate leader.

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Just now, Mrs Roops said:

It was pretty clear I was commenting on Kim's methodology not him as a person. After his father's death, young Kim's position as absolute leader was neither clear nor guaranteed. Given that supreme executive control in North Korea is shared by a triumvirate, one does indeed have to admire the way a young person fended off older, more experienced hands and engineer his position today as ultimate leader.

That's all very interesting, but have you shaved your fanny this morning?

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Guest Snatch

He might be waving his tiny cock around at the moment but if America stopped provoking him with S.Korea than he wouldn't need to wave it. This is just typical of America muscling in on another country that has got fuck all to do with them. It seems the biggest waver of tiny cock is America and has been for many years.

American diplomacy,do as we say or we'll drop bombs on you until you do. Bunch of utter cunts if you ask me.

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Guest Lady Penelope
9 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

It was pretty clear I was commenting on Kim's methodology not him as a person. After his father's death, young Kim's position as absolute leader was neither clear nor guaranteed. Given that supreme executive control in North Korea is shared by a triumvirate, one does indeed have to admire the way a young person fended off older, more experienced hands and engineer his position today as ultimate leader.

The problem with toppling him by the executive is that his family has a god like status within North Korea, truly a situation of without a Kim in charge there is no North Korea. So embedded are the Kims within culture of what is North Korea that a large number of North Koreans believe that the world was created by the great leader.

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2 minutes ago, Snatch said:

He might be waving his tiny cock around at the moment but if America stopped provoking him with S.Korea than he wouldn't need to wave it. This is just typical of America muscling in on another country that has got fuck all to do with them. It seems the biggest waver of tiny cock is America has been for years.

American diplomacy,do as we say or we'll drop bombs on you until you do. Bunch of utter cunts if you ask me.

Yes, this really is China's call to resolve. Cutting 40% of N.Korea's foreign exchange is going to hurt. Ironically China has turned to the USA for the coking coal needed to replace the Korean supply given that Australia stopped supplying same due to recent cyclone damage.

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Guest Snatch
1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

Yes, this really is China's call to resolve. Cutting 40% of N.Korea's foreign exchange is going to hurt. Ironically China has turned to the USA for the coking coal needed to replace the Korean supply given that Australia stopped supplying same due to recent cyclone damage.

Who's call it is shouldn't be an issue. It's the "My dad's bigger than your dad" attitude if any American President that pisses me off. America wants everyone to get rid of their Nuclear Arsenal but what about the Yanks? They want to be the big boys but all they are doing is starting wars either through funding of different groups or blatantly going in and shooting the place up.

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Naturally I expected you to deflect, that you chose to use a tired forum cliché speaks volumes. Seriously?

You love to be right all of the time, don't you? Similarly to others on CC, I have become all too familiar with the fact you don't welcome challenge, Mrs Roops.

Some of your comments are so pointlessly argumentative they attract ridicule, such as mine above. You clearly stated you admire Kim Jong. No matter what the intended context, the fact is it's written in plain English. You ruthlessly defend your own perspective and will not accept any suggestion that you may be wrong. You really do come across as being an incredibly arrogant blow-off.

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18 minutes ago, Lady Penelope said:

The problem with toppling him by the executive is that his family has a god like status within North Korea, truly a situation of without a Kim in charge there is no North Korea. So embedded are the Kims within culture of what is North Korea that a large number of North Koreans believe that the world was created by the great leader.

Genuine North Korean propaganda video:


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19 minutes ago, Snatch said:

Who's call it is shouldn't be an issue. It's the "My dad's bigger than your dad" attitude if any American President that pisses me off. America wants everyone to get rid of their Nuclear Arsenal but what about the Yanks? They want to be the big boys but all they are doing is starting wars either through funding of different groups or blatantly going in and shooting the place up.

No, it shouldn't, but it is what it is. There is a train of thought that Trump's posturing has shades of "Wag The Dog" about it, not only with events in Korea but also with the recent Syria attack. That said, its concerning to all that Kim having shown what he is prepared to his own family and the way he oppresses his country's people, will have his finger on a nuclear trigger. Clearly under the circumstances there has to be an intervention from abroad as it appears this will not come from within. China seems to be the key though the end result may not be palatable to western thinking... 


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27 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

You love to be right all of the time, don't you? Similarly to others on CC, I have become all too familiar with the fact you don't welcome challenge, Mrs Roops.

Some of your comments are so pointlessly argumentative they attract ridicule, such as mine above. You clearly stated you admire Kim Jong. No matter what the intended context, the fact is it's written in plain English. You ruthlessly defend your own perspective and will not accept any suggestion that you may be wrong. You really do come across as being an incredibly arrogant blow-off.

On the contrary, I welcome vigorous debate, the nature of which involves challenging and counter-challenging POVs. You didn't like it so you made a crass schoolboy deflection. Perhaps you didn't like being challenged?

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