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Death Penalty


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Guest luke swarm
11 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

No way, should the Death Penalty be re-introduced, and I for one wouldn't live in a country which had it. I cant be arsed to sift through previous posts, but until the day comes when a court/jury doesn't make mistakes or is influenced by fabricated evidence then no way should any person be killed for any crime. We only have to look at the country's who do have the Death Penalty to see the colossal amounts of innocent people that they snuff-out. The USA being one of the most prolific killers of innocent people, and if you look at our own recent history, several have been killed who were later proven to be innocent, as like the Birmingham Six and other wrongly accused, these too would been snuffed. 

The Death Penalty, serves nothing as a deterrent. In fact, those who many say should be hung or whatever, would have chosen that themselves as an easier option rather than to dwell inside for the rest of their lives. Shipman, Fred West both took their own lives, and Huntly, Brady, Sutcliffe and the likes of have all tried many times to kill themselves whilst they should be and justifiably be made to endure a living life of hell behind bars... Even Hitler did it.   If you're suffering torture for example, you BEG for a quick end to it and would rather die.  I'd rather see the cunts who some would have killed, suffer and continue to suffer the daily torture that they endure whilst alive. DEATH, is too good for the bastards, and DEATH is not good enough reason at all for the innocent who no doubt will be executed for jack shite.  

are you sure we cannot tempt you to change your mind, it would mean a large reduction or elimination of muslims from this green and pleasant land and return to the England we knew and loved. Have a think anyway and try to see the bigger picture for once rather than being a hopeless romantic with your outdated principles.   

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Guest 'eavensabove
Just now, luke swarm said:

are you sure we cant tempt you to change your mind, it would mean a large reduction or elimination of muslims from this green and pleasant land and return to England we knew and loved. Have a think anyway and try to see the bigger picture for once rather than being a hopeless romantic with your outdated principles.   

The elimination of Mushlips doesn't require a law, or at least it shouldn't. It should be a romantic affair, with artistic licence and a public feeling of glee & excitement, rather like a Royal wedding, but without the glitz & glamour. 

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4 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

are you sure we cannot tempt you to change your mind, it would mean a large reduction or elimination of muslims from this green and pleasant land and return to the England we knew and loved. Have a think anyway and try to see the bigger picture for once rather than being a hopeless romantic with your outdated principles.   

Speaking of muslims, when you think about it, the death penalty is already back in fashion in Britain. The cunts believe in their own laws and enforcing them with no regard for the prescribed laws of the countries they occupy, consequently many consider it their right to murder their women should they 'dishonour the family' or allah, by showing an ankle in public or glancing in the direction of, well, anyone really. God knows how prevalent it actually is, but I bet several Muslim women have been bumped off in honour killings in this country, and all trace of the body and identity removed by the close family. A large number of them have slipped in under the radar, and have no records, so it's not as far fetched as it sounds. 

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Guest luke swarm
6 minutes ago, ratcum said:

Babies can be right cunts

to be honest Ratty, I don't think they give a fuck about your  permission in the first place but thanks for your kind go ahead in the matter. 

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Guest 'eavensabove
1 minute ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Speaking of muslims, when you think about it, the death penalty is already back in fashion in Britain. The cunts believe in their own laws and enforcing them with no regard for the prescribed laws of the countries they occupy, consequently many consider it their right to murder their women should they 'dishonour the family' or allah, by showing an ankle in public or glancing in the direction of, well, anyone really. God knows how prevalent it actually is, but I bet several Muslim women have been bumped off in honour killings in this country, and all trace of the body and identity removed by the close family. A large number of them have slipped in under the radar, and have no records, so it's not as far fetched as it sounds. 

I'm sure that most on here would take the law into their own hands if any cunt hurt their kids for example. I'd certainly not wait for 'Justice' in the name of our legal system, that's for sure.  'Justice' is rarely delivered appropriately or correctly by written laws.  

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3 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

I'm sure that most on here would take the law into their own hands if any cunt hurt their kids for example. I'd certainly not wait for 'Justice' in the name of our legal system, that's for sure.  'Justice' is rarely delivered appropriately or correctly by written laws.  

Agreed, but my point was that a certain type of Muslim male considers it his right to kill his wife or daughter if he deems her behaviour unacceptable. That's a lot different from exacting vengeance on the cunt who attacked your kid. 

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Guest 'eavensabove
2 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Agreed, but my point was that a certain type of Muslim male considers it his right to kill his wife or daughter if he deems her behaviour unacceptable. That's a lot different from exacting vengeance on the cunt who attacked your kid. 

I don't disagree. It's just a pity that all Mushies don't all live in a land called Muslin. Then, we'd have good reason to bomb the fuckers for their crimes against humanity. There'd be none of the cunts left standing.  It was once (and not so long ago either) when it was lawful & legal to rape your own wife in this country, and systematic child abuse took place in broad daylight, and so we're not so far ahead than the Mushies are today. However, the major difference between us and them, is that they stink.

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Guest White van man
24 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

are you sure we cannot tempt you to change your mind, it would mean a large reduction or elimination of muslims from this green and pleasant land and return to the England we knew and loved. Have a think anyway and try to see the bigger picture for once rather than being a hopeless romantic with your outdated principles.   

Even though my post. The first reply, took 30 seconds thought, i was quite specific. I never said government or cps. I said if it was my decision. Second, i never said hang rapists, and even set the age of child rape at 13. Them cunts who go below that age even give rapists a bad name. They deserve death, not 3 meals a day and a playstation. Also anyone who goes out with a gun or a knife is intent to take a life, so needs their life taken. Fair is fair. Even the murderers, i said proven intent. Not a pub fight or other accidental murder. As for the Muslims. Whilst it was twisted in Owen Jones style. My point remains, our country is full of people who believe it is their right via Mohammed, to rape children. They don't get off the boat with stickers on their heads proclaiming it, so surely an immigration check to ask if they think Mohammed was a dirty bastard peado cunt, would sort the wrong ones out. You know as well as I, not one of them will condemn it or do anything to stop it. So hanging all muslims who follow islam is not racist, because they are admitting that child abuse is their right. Are these the sort of people who we should allow in our country? It's worse in Sweden and Italy than here. Its Islam culture. And as i stated, i would hang all child abusers, if a large % of them happen to be muslim, that's their chioce, not mine. My chioce was to point out hanging crimes. I thought i would have got slaughtered for saying i wouldn't kill the uninsured driver, not for saying hang peados.

That's the good thing about being on here. We all have different views. Would be boring if we all agreed on everything.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

I wouldn't want to lower our national esteem to that of the fucking thick yanks.  As mentioned, they are the most prevalent in murdering innocent people, and that's just the "guns for all" flids.  I wouldn't want to entertain the notion without science first mastering thought reading artificial intelligence, hook the accused up and if the machine finds the memory in the brain of murdering a person, than stretch the cunts neck.  Sadly, I think that is relegated solely to the realm of fiction, and the American's will go on killing without the help of the courts or death penalty.  

Stupid fucking cunts.  

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Guest 'eavensabove
3 minutes ago, White van man said:

Even though my post. The first reply, took 30 seconds thought, i was quite specific. I never said government or cps. I said if it was my decision. Second, i never said hang rapists, and even set the age of child rape at 13. Them cunts who go below that age even give rapists a bad name. They deserve death, not 3 meals a day and a playstation. Also anyone who goes out with a gun or a knife is intent to take a life, so needs their life taken. Fair is fair. Even the murderers, i said proven intent. Not a pub fight or other accidental murder. As for the Muslims. Whilst it was twisted in Owen Jones style. My point remains, our country is full of people who believe it is their right via Mohammed, to rape children. They don't get off the boat with stickers on their heads proclaiming it, so surely an immigration check to ask if they think Mohammed was a dirty bastard peado cunt, would sort the wrong ones out. You know as well as I, not one of them will condemn it or do anything to stop it. So hanging all muslims who follow islam is not racist, because they are admitting that child abuse is their right. Are these the sort of people who we should allow in our country? It's worse in Sweden and Italy than here. Its Islam culture. And as i stated, i would hang all child abusers, if a large % of them happen to be muslim, that's their chioce, not mine. My chioce was to point out hanging crimes. I thought i would have got slaughtered for saying i wouldn't kill the uninsured driver, not for saying hang peados.

That's the good thing about being on here. We all have different views. Would be boring if we all agreed on everything.

I agree to disagree. That is simply not the case. Sure, you are more likely to use a knife if you have one, and so too a gun, but that certainly doesn't automatically make you a murderer with intent. Trust me, there are very few in prison who have it cushy, particularly nonces & rapists even if they're innocent. It is our Judicial System that is wrong. It's inconsistent rather than justice for either party, and there's many not a few, but many innocent people languishing behind bars who shouldn't be there, and until we can get that absolutely right, then what right do we have to impose a death penalty? None.  I dunno why a court of law doesn't impose every charged person a lie detector test. That's not to say that the tests are 100% certain, but the odds of the result being correct are better than any current system in place. 

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Guest luke swarm
13 minutes ago, White van man said:

Even though my post. The first reply, took 30 seconds thought, i was quite specific. I never said government or cps. I said if it was my decision. Second, i never said hang rapists, and even set the age of child rape at 13. Them cunts who go below that age even give rapists a bad name. They deserve death, not 3 meals a day and a playstation. Also anyone who goes out with a gun or a knife is intent to take a life, so needs their life taken. Fair is fair. Even the murderers, i said proven intent. Not a pub fight or other accidental murder. As for the Muslims. Whilst it was twisted in Owen Jones style. My point remains, our country is full of people who believe it is their right via Mohammed, to rape children. They don't get off the boat with stickers on their heads proclaiming it, so surely an immigration check to ask if they think Mohammed was a dirty bastard peado cunt, would sort the wrong ones out. You know as well as I, not one of them will condemn it or do anything to stop it. So hanging all muslims who follow islam is not racist, because they are admitting that child abuse is their right. Are these the sort of people who we should allow in our country? It's worse in Sweden and Italy than here. Its Islam culture. And as i stated, i would hang all child abusers, if a large % of them happen to be muslim, that's their chioce, not mine. My chioce was to point out hanging crimes. I thought i would have got slaughtered for saying i wouldn't kill the uninsured driver, not for saying hang peados.

That's the good thing about being on here. We all have different views. Would be boring if we all agreed on everything.

you seem to be absolutely full of hatred for this specific set of cunts who believe in this weird desert religion, to the point where you have convinced yourself of certain facts that some of them may or may not believe. So we have Islam and all who profess to be Muslim designated as evil and potential child molesters and rapists. Do you suppose that a large majority of them are just ordinary people who are Muslim because they are born to Muslims but could not really give a fuck about their or any other religion. A bit like me and my religion to be exact.

What would you say to these people, convert or renounce your religion or die here now and where would you draw the line, all of them, old men, their woman and infants all marched off to be sent into the void . do you see the limits of your argument such as it is. Also who would do the actual killing and after or during the killing, what would be left of the humanity of the executioners. 

Anyway we waste time here when we could be taking the piss on less serious subjects and trying to annoy the other cunts which is my main pastime here.


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Personally, I feel the only people who should be sentenced to death are repeat offending paedophiles, simply because they are not treatable and there is never a possibility of rehabilitation.

In the meantime, I think @Rev and his cursory justice is the way forward for treatment of criminals.

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Guest 'eavensabove

There are no end of cases in the USA (our so-called fucking allies) where folks are put to death without even having had a defence lawyer, or can barely read or write.  Other cases, where mentally ill people who've been charged with murder, are 'cured' of their illness with the sole reason of then being able to put them death according to the law of that particular State, where up the road in another State you'd be freed.  On a similar scale here in this country, a said-to-criminal will be shifted through the system in order to bring the person into a court that is more liable to give a guilty verdict. Original statements can be conveniently 'lost' or invented in order to dupe a jury etc. etc.  Most of the jury themselves have never had a bad name for the police for example, and who are they gonna side with, eh?   Some poor cunt in the dock, or Mr Plod?  Remember, you must have done something or why else would you be in court?  Surely?  The prosecution cannot be wrong, everything presented to us must be cast in stone? Send the prisoner down...

If any of you lot on here have ever been in court or gone to prison, you will know about the fabrications and false allegations to embellish and to exaggerate what you may or may not have done, and will also know that you cannot do jack shite about it. Imagine that experience again, but you could be facing the Death Penalty...  

The law and our justice system completely sucks.


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Guest White van man
13 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

you seem to be absolutely full of hatred for this specific set of cunts who believe in this weird desert religion, to the point where you have convinced yourself of certain facts that some of them may or may not believe. So we have Islam and all who profess to be Muslim designated as evil and potential child molesters and rapists. Do you suppose that a large majority of them are just ordinary people who are Muslim because they are born to Muslims but could not really give a fuck about their or any other religion. A bit like me and my religion to be exact.

What would you say to these people, convert or renounce your religion or die here now and where would you draw the line, all of them, old men, their woman and infants all marched off to be sent into the void . do you see the limits of your argument such as it is. Also who would do the actual killing and after or during the killing, what would be left of the humanity of the executioners. 

Anyway we waste time here when we could be taking the piss on less serious subjects and trying to annoy the other cunts which is my main pastime here.



5 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

There are no end of cases in the USA (our so-called fucking allies) where folks are put to death without even having had a defence lawyer, or can barely read or write.  Other cases, where mentally ill people who've been charged with murder, are 'cured' of their illness with the sole reason of then being able to put them death according to the law of that particular State, where up the road in another State you'd be freed.  On a similar scale here in this country, a said-to-criminal will be shifted through the system in order to bring the person into a court that is more liable to give a guilty verdict. Original statements can be conveniently 'lost' or invented in order to dupe a jury etc. etc.  Most of the jury themselves have never had a bad name for the police for example, and who are they gonna side with, eh?   Some poor cunt in the dock, or Mr Plod?  Remember, you must have done something or why else would you be in court?  Surely?  The prosecution cannot be wrong, everything presented to us must be cast in stone? Send the prisoner down...

If any of you lot on here have ever been in court or gone to prison, you will know about the fabrications and false allegations to embellish and to exaggerate what you may or may not have done, and will also know that you cannot do jack shite about it. Imagine that experience again, but you could be facing the Death Penalty...  

The law and our justice system completely sucks.


It works the other way too. Look at O J Simpson. The death penalty is just like bad decision football penalties. They even themselves out at the end of the season.

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Guest 'eavensabove
23 minutes ago, The Beast said:

Personally, I feel the only people who should be sentenced to death are repeat offending paedophiles, simply because they are not treatable and there is never a possibility of rehabilitation.

In the meantime, I think @Rev and his cursory justice is the way forward for treatment of criminals.

Yep. You may be right, but surely it is 'our fault' if so-called repeating criminals are allowed to repeat in the first place? The missed opportunities etc. I mean, how can it possibly be that cunt Saville was 'allowed' to get away, repeatedly? Who's guilty of that? 

Paedos, should all be fucked off to their very own little island with no means of escape and to fend for themselves, and rot. Death by corporal methods is far too quick and humane. 

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Guest 'eavensabove
6 minutes ago, White van man said:


It works the other way too. Look at O J Simpson. The death penalty is just like bad decision football penalties. They even themselves out at the end of the season.

but at some poor innocent cunts expense.  The USA is Disney Land. 

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6 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

Yep. You may be right, but surely it is 'our fault' if so-called repeating criminals are allowed to repeat in the first place? The missed opportunities etc. I mean, how can it possibly be that cunt Saville was 'allowed' to get away, repeatedly? Who's guilty of that? 

Paedos, should all be fucked off to their very own little island with no means of escape and to fend for themselves, and rot. Death by corporal methods is far too quick and humane. 

Hold tight Lord Longford! Sending paedophiles to their own little island sounds a bit cushy. Most islands have vegetation and some level of wildlife. The cunts might end up living it up in a Robinson Crusoe stylee. Now if you'd said a flat concrete platform in the middle of the Pacific, different mental image.

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Guest 'eavensabove
2 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Hold tight Lord Longford! Sending paedophiles to their own little island sounds a bit cushy. Most islands have vegetation and some level of wildlife. The cunts might end up living it up in a Robinson Crusoe stylee. Now if you'd said a flat concrete platform in the middle of the Pacific, different mental image.

I was thinking of Atlantis, after having been firstly crated-up. 


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Guest 'eavensabove
13 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Hold tight Lord Longford! Sending paedophiles to their own little island sounds a bit cushy. Most islands have vegetation and some level of wildlife. The cunts might end up living it up in a Robinson Crusoe stylee. Now if you'd said a flat concrete platform in the middle of the Pacific, different mental image.

He's the cunt I was trying to remember re Tessa Jowell. Wasn't he her Uncle or something, or was it Harriet Harman? I know it's one of the two. 

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
7 hours ago, White van man said:

Would be boring if we all agreed on everything.

Well I disagree. I don't think it would be boring if we all agreed.

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Guest Alfie Noakes
16 hours ago, 'eavensabove said:

No way, should the Death Penalty be re-introduced, and I for one wouldn't live in a country which had it. I cant be arsed to sift through previous posts, but until the day comes when a court/jury doesn't make mistakes or is influenced by fabricated evidence then no way should any person be killed for any crime. We only have to look at the country's who do have the Death Penalty to see the colossal amounts of innocent people that they snuff-out. The USA being one of the most prolific killers of innocent people, and if you look at our own recent history, several have been killed who were later proven to be innocent, as like the Birmingham Six and other wrongly accused, these too would been snuffed. 

The Death Penalty, serves nothing as a deterrent. In fact, those who many say should be hung or whatever, would have chosen that themselves as an easier option rather than to dwell inside for the rest of their lives. Shipman, Fred West both took their own lives, and Huntly, Brady, Sutcliffe and the likes of have all tried many times to kill themselves whilst they should be and justifiably be made to endure a living life of hell behind bars... Even Hitler did it.   If you're suffering torture for example, you BEG for a quick end to it and would rather die.  I'd rather see the cunts who some would have killed, suffer and continue to suffer the daily torture that they endure whilst alive. DEATH, is too good for the bastards, and DEATH is not good enough reason at all for the innocent who no doubt will be executed for jack shite.  

I did jury service 10 years ago. Says it all about our justice system calling up a twisted old wreck like me to decide.

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