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The Beast

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I am not a fan of Mr Robinson because of his footballist tribal thuggery. He has the wrong baggage to be a front for any movement that wants to stop the politically correct manipulation by the authorities and media relating to the conduct of some moslem men.

I have no doubt the suppression of these animals activities has been politically motivated and anyone who thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot.

As long as any movement is fronted by someone like Mr Robinson, the authorities are laughing their cocks off.

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Guest White van man
20 minutes ago, The Beast said:

I am not a fan of Mr Robinson because of his footballist tribal thuggery. He has the wrong baggage to be a front for any movement that wants to stop the politically correct manipulation by the authorities and media relating to the conduct of some moslem men.

I have no doubt the suppression of these animals activities has been politically motivated and anyone who thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot.

As long as any movement is fronted by someone like Mr Robinson, the authorities are laughing their cocks off.

I think his popularity is going through the roof. People are looking for someone to do something about all this Islam nonsence. Government has let them down. Folk realise that a Mary Poppins characters not going to cut it. His fighting persona is what people are latching on to. It's not just EDL types either. It's everyday mums and dads. He's now getting massive support from all over Europe. There was probably a couple of dozen watching his live stream. The arrest has now got 350,000 signatures for his release. Pointless silencing the media nowadays with facebook and twitter. 

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Guest Bill Stickers
47 minutes ago, White van man said:

People are looking for someone to do something about all this Islam nonsence. 

What does this even mean? What is he doing? What’s he ever achieved? 

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Guest White van man
43 minutes ago, William T.D. Stickers said:

What does this even mean? What is he doing? What’s he ever achieved? 

I think we're both sensible enough to realise that Islam is dispised all over Europe. Everyone knows, though won't admit, that Islam caused brexit. A big percentage of our population feel as if they've been invaded. They're looking for anything to fight back. Rightly or wrongly, they see Tommy as standing up to Islam. Has he or will he do anything. No, I can't see any change coming because of his actions. Maybe bring people together when the silent majority start rioting when the brexiteers realise the far right remainers have double crossed them. A lot of them, even on here seem to be the same people, as does the remain voters and the peado protectors seem to be the same people. A worrying observation.

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Guest Bill Stickers
26 minutes ago, White van man said:

I think we're both sensible enough to realise that Islam is dispised all over Europe. Everyone knows, though won't admit, that Islam caused brexit. A big percentage of our population feel as if they've been invaded. They're looking for anything to fight back. Rightly or wrongly, they see Tommy as standing up to Islam. Has he or will he do anything. No, I can't see any change coming because of his actions. Maybe bring people together when the silent majority start rioting when the brexiteers realise the far right remainers have double crossed them. A lot of them, even on here seem to be the same people, as does the remain voters and the peado protectors seem to be the same people. A worrying observation.

So, a long winded way of saying Robinson is a complete and utter waste of fucking space. 

Islam didn’t cause Brexit. 

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Guest White van man
38 minutes ago, William T.D. Stickers said:

So, a long winded way of saying Robinson is a complete and utter waste of fucking space. 

Islam didn’t cause Brexit. 

Islam caused Brexit. Islam caused the 5 star movement in Italy. Islam caused Marine le Penn in France. Also Germany, Austria and anywhere there's a vote. When we have friendly banter with panzyknacker winding him up. What's the thing we say to him? Immigrants (islam) are coming to Ireland. It's not difficult to gauge public feeling.

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Guest Bill Stickers
25 minutes ago, White van man said:

Islam caused Brexit. Islam caused the 5 star movement in Italy. Islam caused Marine le Penn in France. Also Germany, Austria and anywhere there's a vote. 

Bollocks. Anyone who tries to boil brexit down to one factor is a simple minded cretin. 

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Guest judgetwi
16 minutes ago, William T.D. Stickers said:

Bollocks. Anyone who tries to boil brexit down to one factor is a simple minded cretin. 

Quite right. It was the simple minded cretins who voted for Brexit. They didn’t know what they were voting for did they, snowflake?

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Guest Bill Stickers
3 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

Quite right. It was the simple minded cretins who voted for Brexit. They didn’t know what they were voting for did they, snowflake?

Plenty of valid reasons to vote for Brexit, not everyone who did is a racist pillock. On balance though I think leaving was a bad idea.

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2 minutes ago, William T.D. Stickers said:

Plenty of valid reasons to vote for Brexit, not everyone who did is a racist pillock. On balance though I think leaving was a bad idea.

There were probably a great number of people who voted leave in the naive belief that it would lead to tighter immigration control, personally I doubt it will. The main parties all realise that bringing in new people and appeasing them is the best way to increase their captive audience as far as votes are concerned. You seem hung up on the idea that anti-Islamic attitudes are founded in racism, for a small minority of knuckle dragging thick cunts that is the case, but the majority who oppose Islam have no problem with Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, Rastafarians or any other religious denomination, because all of the above are happy to live here, practice their religion and get on with their lives. Whereas, a significant portion of Muslims wish to change any country they move to, and have contempt for any culture other than their own. Not to mention a now established trend of radicalisation and violence, with attacks being carried out around the world in the name of Islam. In short, many of them hate anyone who isn't one of them. Wishing to prevent people who hate us from coming to live here isn't racism, it's common fucking sense. 

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Guest White van man
10 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

There were probably a great number of people who voted leave in the naive belief that it would lead to tighter immigration control, personally I doubt it will. The main parties all realise that bringing in new people and appeasing them is the best way to increase their captive audience as far as votes are concerned. You seem hung up on the idea that anti-Islamic attitudes are founded in racism, for a small minority of knuckle dragging thick cunts that is the case, but the majority who oppose Islam have no problem with Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, Rastafarians or any other religious denomination, because all of the above are happy to live here, practice their religion and get on with their lives. Whereas, a significant portion of Muslims wish to change any country they move to, and have contempt for any culture other than their own. Not to mention a now established trend of radicalisation and violence, with attacks being carried out around the world in the name of Islam. In short, many of them hate anyone who isn't one of them. Wishing to prevent people who hate us from coming to live here isn't racism, it's common fucking sense. 

Well said. Plus i think i might be correct on the one issue. It was Nigel Farage and Ukip who got us the referendum in the first place, based solely on one issue. Immigration. So in that respect Islam caused Brexit. Nothing racist whatsover in not wanting blown up and kiddies raped. As you say, it's common sense.

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4 minutes ago, White van man said:

Well said. Plus i think i might be correct on the one issue. It was Nigel Farage and Ukip who got us the referendum based solely on one issue. Immigration. So in that respect Islam caused Brexit. Nothing racist whatsover in not wanting blown up and kiddies raped. As you say, it's common sense.

I am returning to a Pakistani restaurant in Montmorillon this evening for a really good curry.

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Guest luke swarm
1 hour ago, White van man said:

Islam caused Brexit. Islam caused the 5 star movement in Italy. Islam caused Marine le Penn in France. Also Germany, Austria and anywhere there's a vote. When we have friendly banter with panzyknacker winding him up. What's the thing we say to him? Immigrants (islam) are coming to Ireland. It's not difficult to gauge public feeling.

I thought it was the Jews who caused Brexit, its usually them in the absence of any other cunt. Or was the poles and Bulgarian gypsy beggars, so many factors but generally they do have something in common. It would be wonderful if we could pin all our problems on one particular set of people but unfortunately its never really that simple. In the end what drives this sort of thing is usually just fear. 


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Guest Bill Stickers
24 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

There were probably a great number of people who voted leave in the naive belief that it would lead to tighter immigration control, personally I doubt it will. The main parties all realise that bringing in new people and appeasing them is the best way to increase their captive audience as far as votes are concerned. You seem hung up on the idea that anti-Islamic attitudes are founded in racism, for a small minority of knuckle dragging thick cunts that is the case, but the majority who oppose Islam have no problem with Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, Rastafarians or any other religious denomination, because all of the above are happy to live here, practice their religion and get on with their lives. Whereas, a significant portion of Muslims wish to change any country they move to, and have contempt for any culture other than their own. Not to mention a now established trend of radicalisation and violence, with attacks being carried out around the world in the name of Islam. In short, many of them hate anyone who isn't one of them. Wishing to prevent people who hate us from coming to live here isn't racism, it's common fucking sense. 

Based on some of the disgusting shit you wrote in that ‘yard’ nomination of yours though, you are an outright racist. 

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Guest White van man
7 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

I am returning to a Pakistani restaurant in Montmorillon this evening for a really good curry.

I'm going to an Iranian wedding with 95 Iranians in july. If they start pass the parcel, I'm off.

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1 hour ago, White van man said:

Islam caused Brexit. Islam caused the 5 star movement in Italy. Islam caused Marine le Penn in France. Also Germany, Austria and anywhere there's a vote. When we have friendly banter with panzyknacker winding him up. What's the thing we say to him? Immigrants (islam) are coming to Ireland. It's not difficult to gauge public feeling.

If you think brexit will solve yer Islam problem yer  very wrong and very stoopid. ..too stoopid to be let into a polling booth . .most of yer problem is home grown and every time Tommy opens his mouth he recruits more into the arms of the fundy jundys 


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8 minutes ago, William T.D. Stickers said:

Based on some of the disgusting shit you wrote in that ‘yard’ nomination of yours though, you are an outright racist. 

Oh, absolutely. Although a discretionary one. I can't stand black urban 'gangstas', but I also have the same level of contempt for the white cunts who emulate them, so fuck knows how that's categorised. And while all that's going on, Indians hate Pakistanis, and vice versa, Africans dislike Caribbeans and Caribbeans dislike Africans. I'm sure you yourself have a negative view of at least one group or nationality too. It's human nature, and the reason that enforced multiculturalism has never worked. 

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Guest White van man
8 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

If you think brexit will solve yer Islam problem yer  very wrong and very stoopid. ..too stoopid to be let into a polling booth . .most of yer problem is home grown and every time Tommy opens his mouth he recruits more into the arms of the fundy jundys 


UKs fucked. Our youths been feminised by the feminists. From 200,000 in the 70s to 3,200,000 now, Islam is doubling every dacade. By 2030 it's game over. Sharia law.

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23 minutes ago, White van man said:

UKs fucked. Our youths been feminised by the feminists. From 200,000 in the 70s to 3,200,000 now, Islam is doubling every dacade. By 2030 it's game over. Sharia law.

Isolated an at the mercy of whatever president or dictators happen to be in power of the countries ya trade with. .Britainistan 


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43 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

If you think brexit will solve yer Islam problem yer  very wrong and very stoopid. ..too stoopid to be let into a polling booth . .most of yer problem is home grown and every time Tommy opens his mouth he recruits more into the arms of the fundy jundys 


I'm not sure how Brexit could ever solve the alleged Islam problem.

Muslims present in this country are mainly a legacy of the empire and the majority are from commonwealth countries. The last time I checked, the EU didn't force us to accept hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis and Bangladeshis into the country, our own government gave them the right to settle. 

Free movement within the EU has absolutely nothing to do with the British Muslim population, and it depresses me that people may have voted for us to leave based upon an alleged problem that was a result of our own government, not Brussels.

Frankly, some of the rhetoric on this thread fucking astounds me. The next time you vote, people, at least have the decency to make a decision based upon facts. Islam in the UK has got fuck all to do with EU immigration policy.

Jesus fucking Christ.


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Guest White van man
14 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I'm not sure how Brexit could ever solve the alleged Islam problem.

Muslims present in this country are mainly a legacy of the empire and the majority are from commonwealth countries. The last time I checked, the EU didn't force us to accept hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis and Bangladeshis into the country, our own government gave them the right to settle. 

Free movement within the EU has absolutely nothing to do with the British Muslim population, and it depresses me that people may have voted for us to leave based upon an alleged problem that was a result of our own government, not Brussels.

Frankly, some of the rhetoric on this thread fucking astounds me. The next time you vote, people, at least have the decency to make a decision based upon facts. Islam in the UK has got fuck all to do with EU immigration policy.

Jesus fucking Christ.


I agree. If only we could convince them that kids are baby goats and they're misinterpreting Mohammeds teachings wrong, it should be fine.

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Guest Couldn't give a shit
19 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

Isolated an at the mercy of whatever president or dictators happen to be in power of the countries ya trade with. .Britainistan 


As opposed to being at the mercy of Adolf Merkel and Macron the Granny shagger who are turning Ireland into a modern day leper colony via the 2040 plan. Now crawl back into your bog you subhuman dog turd.

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Guest White van man
2 minutes ago, Couldn't give a shit said:

As opposed to being at the mercy of Adolf Merkel and Macron the Granny shagger who are turning Ireland into a modern day leper colony via the 2040 plan. Now crawl back into your bog you subhuman dog turd.

Irelands the designated dumping ground. Expendable. They can't see it.

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Guest Bill Stickers
55 minutes ago, White van man said:

I agree. If only we could convince them that kids are baby goats and they're misinterpreting Mohammeds teachings wrong, it should be fine.

A trite comment after your argument was utterly destroyed. 

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Guest White van man
22 minutes ago, William T.D. Stickers said:

A trite comment after your argument was utterly destroyed. 

You were smashed from start to finish. I ended with a joke because i was getting embarrassed for you.

The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything.

Albert Einstien.

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