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Pret a Murder

Guest N/A

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I can’t believe someone on here has not yet picked up on the murdering corporate cunts that are Pret a Murder.    Having had one customer killed by eating a sandwich filled with sesame seeds, they go and kill another one a week later.   

Why don’t they just open up the menu to cover those with dairy and diary and Filofax intolerance as well, so they can die from a sandwich that purports to have no dairy in a cheese and egg mayo bun with butter.  Not clearly labeled as also containing Anthrax.

Add some bleach in the drinks cooler as lucky dip with bottles mixed in with the water why don’t you.

Maybe add a few razor blades into the choc chip muffin mix.

its not hard to label shit correctly.  Why has it taken such a long time for this shit sandwich shop to be caught out ?  Should have sorted their packaging decades ago for fucks sake.

 Death on a bun cunts.


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Guest 'eavensabove
2 hours ago, Decimus said:

I imagine that Anne Frank would be fucked.

You stupid fucking cunt.

I see. He want's to be known as Anne now, does he? It was only a question of time. 

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4 hours ago, Monumental cunt said:

I can’t believe someone on here has not yet picked up on the murdering corporate cunts that are Pret a Murder.    Having had one customer killed by eating a sandwich filled with sesame seeds, they go and kill another one a week later.   

Why don’t they just open up the menu to cover those with diary intolerance as well, so they can die from a sandwich that purports to have no dairy in a cheese and egg mayo bun with butter.  Not clearly labeled as also containing Anthrax.

Add some bleach in the drinks cooler as lucky dip with bottles mixed in with the water why don’t you.

Maybe add a few razor blades into the choc chip muffin mix.

its not hard to label shit correctly.  Why has it taken such a long time for this shit sandwich shop to be caught out ?  Should have sorted their packaging decades ago for fucks sake.

 Death on a bun cunts.


Don’t forget all the lacktoes intolerant cunts too, cretin.

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Guest 'eavensabove
4 hours ago, Monumental cunt said:

I can’t believe someone on here has not yet picked up on the murdering corporate cunts that are Pret a Murder.    Having had one customer killed by eating a sandwich filled with sesame seeds, they go and kill another one a week later.   

Why don’t they just open up the menu to cover those with diary intolerance as well, so they can die from a sandwich that purports to have no dairy in a cheese and egg mayo bun with butter.  Not clearly labeled as also containing Anthrax.

Add some bleach in the drinks cooler as lucky dip with bottles mixed in with the water why don’t you.

Maybe add a few razor blades into the choc chip muffin mix.

its not hard to label shit correctly.  Why has it taken such a long time for this shit sandwich shop to be caught out ?  Should have sorted their packaging decades ago for fucks sake.

 Death on a bun cunts.


"Gluten.....  We have a problem…"

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
4 hours ago, Monumental cunt said:

I can’t believe someone on here has not yet picked up on the murdering corporate cunts that are Pret a Murder.    Having had one customer killed by eating a sandwich filled with sesame seeds, they go and kill another one a week later.   

Why don’t they just open up the menu to cover those with diary intolerance as well, so they can die from a sandwich that purports to have no dairy in a cheese and egg mayo bun with butter.  Not clearly labeled as also containing Anthrax.

Add some bleach in the drinks cooler as lucky dip with bottles mixed in with the water why don’t you.

Maybe add a few razor blades into the choc chip muffin mix.

its not hard to label shit correctly.  Why has it taken such a long time for this shit sandwich shop to be caught out ?  Should have sorted their packaging decades ago for fucks sake.

 Death on a bun cunts.


This is a load of shite, and you sir, are a cunt.

Hopefully you will have a fatal reaction - when I nut in your eye.


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8 hours ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

This is a load of shite, and you sir, are a cunt.

Hopefully you will have a fatal reaction - when I nut in your eye.


So you fully condone a multi billion pound corporate serving up death sandwiches around the world to unsuspecting customers with nut allergies.

That about sums you up.

You attack someone on the forum because there is a comma missing in their late night typing, and yet miss the entire point of cunting a mega corporate that has successfully been sued for killing people.

What an amazingly thick cunt you are.  Take minus 3000 credibility points from the tin on the shelf.    I thought you had more about you.  But clearly you are just a dreary young thick moron.  Like the rest of them on here.

Fuck off cunt don’t speak to me again.

oooh hang on a minute, it’s you Quincy, forgive me,    Everybody already knew the above.  Cunt.

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9 hours ago, Iam Ape said:

Don’t forget all the lacktoes intolerant cunts too, cretin.

Yes an then there are those who are intolerant to you.   Those people are called Normal.

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