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Northerner's and the North.

Old Chap Raasclaat

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Northerner's are cunts and the north is the arsehole of England isn't it.

Most of them talk in some fucking barely understandable lingo that's part thick spastic and part drugged up cunt. They have no sense of culture and think a posh meal is fish and chips or Gregg's. Dressing up to go out consists of a shell suit and shoes or in the 'womens' case as little as possible. They are over friendly in a desperate attempt to try and make up for their lack of intelligence, and hope their kind ways will make you pity them and give them money. They have historically been a pain in the ass as well...the tight bastards hence William the Conqueror's 'Harrying of the North'. 

I remember witnessing two of these revolting 'Northeners' whilst driving near Kings Cross station, pissed as fuck shouting 'Yorkshire, Yorkshire'. They hopefully got a kick or two in the bollocks that night. Then you have the 'women' who go out in their best Primark outfits on a Saturday night, get pissed and end up pissing and shitting themselves in some shop doorway before 'Chesney' (or should that be 'Ches-neh') the cunt picks them up in his stolen car. There is a reason why the houses are cheap up there and I'm glad to say I rarely ever go to the dark and depressing places they call their towns and cities.

There really needs to be a divide between us and them, we could allow educational daytrips into southern England and charge them but apart from that keep the cheap bastards away. 


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I just like not being woken up by verses of the Qur'an bleated out over loudspeakers at six in the morning by some grey-bearded, goat herder looking kiddy fiddler and being able to look at tits on Metro posters without some dusky little cunt telling me it's wrong on the news.

Now give me your fucking money so I can buy a pasty, you limp-wristed little southern monocle fondler.

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3 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

I just like not being woken up by verses of the Qur'an bleated out over loudspeakers at six in the morning by some grey-bearded, goat herder looking kiddy fiddler and being able to look at tits on Metro posters without some dusky little cunt telling me it's wrong on the news.

Now give me your fucking money so I can buy a pasty, you limp-wristed little southern monocle fondler.

Where do you live then? Bradfordabad, Leicester Arabia or Newcastle upon the Nile?

You sound pissed off. Move down south. 

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Just now, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Where do you live then? Bradfordabad, Leicester Arabia or Newcastle upon the Nile?

You sound pissed off. Move down south. 

Newcastle. What ethnics we do have tend to be of the more agreeable Hindu or Sikh variety. The few cunts who do openly walk around looking like BLM Royal Mail letterboxes or extras from the bar on Tatooine tend to keep to themselves beyond the odd underground paedo rings or corner shop.

Absolutely packed with Japanese tourists for whatever reason, mind.

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We have some Jews as well, but they keep to their own little makeshift ghetto estates and will only be seen at three in the morning scurrying around Tesco and buying toilet roll as they hide under their funny little cowboy hats and fuss at their curly sideburns to avoid direct eye contact. As it should be.

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3 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

We have some Jews as well, but they keep to their own little makeshift ghetto estates and will only be seen at three in the morning scurrying around Tesco and buying toilet roll as they hide under their funny little cowboy hats and fuss at their curly sideburns to avoid direct eye contact. As it should be.

Always fancied paying Newcastle a visit...dunno if it's worth the petrol though.

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18 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

We have some Jews as well, but they keep to their own little makeshift ghetto estates and will only be seen at three in the morning scurrying around Tesco and buying toilet roll as they hide under their funny little cowboy hats and fuss at their curly sideburns to avoid direct eye contact. As it should be.

The fact that yourself, Cunt and Dec, and Alan Shearer are from there means I'll probably give it a miss. I'll go to Sunderland instead.

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44 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

The fact that yourself, Cunt and Dec, and Alan Shearer are from there means I'll probably give it a miss. I'll go to Sunderland instead.

The only things Sunderland"s famous for is Bryan Ferry and that cunt who pretended to be the Yorkshire Ripper. "Aalo George. Ah see yoove 'ad noo look caatchin' me". Fucking shitheap. 


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1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

Newcastle. What ethnics we do have tend to be of the more agreeable Hindu or Sikh variety. The few cunts who do openly walk around looking like BLM Royal Mail letterboxes or extras from the bar on Tatooine tend to keep to themselves beyond the odd underground paedo rings or corner shop.

Absolutely packed with Japanese tourists for whatever reason, mind.

One of your famous Indians was the owner of the Rupali restaurant in Bigg Market. His name was Abdul Latif, but was also known as Lord Harpole, because he bought one of those vacant and virtually meaningless titles.

He was also a regular in Viz, where he would do little columns for them and they'd advertise his curry house. Invented what he claimed was the world's hottest curry and didn't charge anyone who could finish it.

Also offered free meals to servicemen returning from the Middle East. Free booze as well for a confirmed taliban kill. Quite a character.

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6 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Newcastle. What ethnics we do have tend to be of the more agreeable Hindu or Sikh variety. The few cunts who do openly walk around looking like BLM Royal Mail letterboxes or extras from the bar on Tatooine tend to keep to themselves beyond the odd underground paedo rings or corner shop.

Absolutely packed with Japanese tourists for whatever reason, mind.

London and much of the South-East voted REMAIN loud and clear in the 2016 referendum .. they should have been allowed to remain and fucked off over the channel .. at least we from the North are English.

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Guest Williewhoopassjohnson
5 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

The only things Sunderland"s famous for is Bryan Ferry and that cunt who pretended to be the Yorkshire Ripper. "Aalo George. Ah see yoove 'ad noo look caatchin' me". Fucking shitheap. 


Wearside jack, what a slosh pot he turned out to be 

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Guest Williewhoopassjohnson
7 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Northerner's are cunts and the north is the arsehole of England isn't it.

Most of them talk in some fucking barely understandable lingo that's part thick spastic and part drugged up cunt. They have no sense of culture and think a posh meal is fish and chips or Gregg's. Dressing up to go out consists of a shell suit and shoes or in the 'womens' case as little as possible. They are over friendly in a desperate attempt to try and make up for their lack of intelligence, and hope their kind ways will make you pity them and give them money. They have historically been a pain in the ass as well...the tight bastards hence William the Conqueror's 'Harrying of the North'. 

I remember witnessing two of these revolting 'Northeners' whilst driving near Kings Cross station, pissed as fuck shouting 'Yorkshire, Yorkshire'. They hopefully got a kick or two in the bollocks that night. Then you have the 'women' who go out in their best Primark outfits on a Saturday night, get pissed and end up pissing and shitting themselves in some shop doorway before 'Chesney' (or should that be 'Ches-neh') the cunt picks them up in his stolen car. There is a reason why the houses are cheap up there and I'm glad to say I rarely ever go to the dark and depressing places they call their towns and cities.

There really needs to be a divide between us and them, we could allow educational daytrips into southern England and charge them but apart from that keep the cheap bastards away. 


Should build a big fuck off wall to sort it out. Trump for prime minister next time round 👊

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1 hour ago, Dawn Chorus said:

London and much of the South-East voted REMAIN loud and clear in the 2016 referendum .. they should have been allowed to remain and fucked off over the channel .. at least we from the North are English.

I disagree @Dawn Chorus, the word England comes from the 'Angleland' the and the Angle's and the Saxons settled mostly in the south east and the Saxons were based in the south. Essex and Wessex for example (east and west Saxons). York (Yorvik) was the Viking capital of the north and you can notice a difference in the lingo and culture up north due to the Norse influence. Most places names ending 'By' are Norse like Grimsby...quite appropriate because it's probably grim. Proper English homesteads etc end with 'Ham' like Grantham. There is a reason the 'Home counties' are here in the south.

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6 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

The only things Sunderland"s famous for is Bryan Ferry and that cunt who pretended to be the Yorkshire Ripper. "Aalo George. Ah see yoove 'ad noo look caatchin' me". Fucking shitheap. 


Wasn't Raul Moat from ooop north? Fucking psychos the lot of them..

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8 hours ago, Roadkill said:

I just like not being woken up by verses of the Qur'an bleated out over loudspeakers at six in the morning by some grey-bearded, goat herder looking kiddy fiddler and being able to look at tits on Metro posters without some dusky little cunt telling me it's wrong on the news.

Now give me your fucking money so I can buy a pasty, you limp-wristed little southern monocle fondler.

Little? I'm 6'3 and 16 stone...blah blah blah

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2 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:



I disagree @Dawn Chorus, the word England comes from the 'Angleland' the and the Angle's and the Saxons settled mostly in the south east and the Saxons were based in the south. Essex and Wessex for example (east and west Saxons). York (Yorvik) was the Viking capital of the north and you can notice a difference in the lingo and culture up north due to the Norse influence. Most places names ending 'By' are Norse like Grimsby...quite appropriate because it's probably grim. Proper English homesteads etc end with 'Ham' like Grantham. There is a reason the 'Home counties' are here in the south.

The Saxons and Angles mostly settled in East Anglia .. essentially Norfolk and Suffolk but they did not wipe out all of the pre-existing populations .. what they did do though was to quickly impose their own language upon those who they had dominated but their language absorbed many of the words from those they had come over. That was the start of English as we know it and it quickly evolved into something that was no longer incomprehensible to the places from which the Saxon and Angle invaders had come from  Their blood was quickly diluted by the by interbreeding with the resident Celts, Vikings and others who were already here .. What is now recognised as England is simply a country created by the merging of Mercia (a Saxon Kingdom) with Wessex, Northumbria and various other smaller kingdoms the residents of whom mostly became known as the English My own DNA indicate mostly Celt but with around 25% "East European Jewish" .. I am English born and bred (probably more English than yourself).

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7 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

The Saxons and Angles mostly settled in East Anglia .. essentially Norfolk and Suffolk but they did not wipe out all of the pre-existing populations .. what they did do though was to quickly impose their own language upon those who they had dominated but their language absorbed many of the words from those they had come over. That was the start of English as we know it and it quickly evolved into something that was no longer incomprehensible to the places from which the Saxon and Angle invaders had come from  Their blood was quickly diluted by the by interbreeding with the resident Celts, Vikings and others who were already here .. What is now recognised as England is simply a country created by the merging of Mercia (a Saxon Kingdom) with Wessex, Northumbria and various other smaller kingdoms the residents of whom mostly became known as the English My own DNA indicate mostly Celt but with around 25% "East European Jewish" .. I am English born and bred (probably more English than yourself).

The Vikings didn't raid until way after the Anglo Saxon settlement/invasion of Britain which happened after the Romans fucked off. As for you being more English than me I have also done a DNA test and I have mostly English and not Celtic ancestry. So I am probably more 'English' than you and also more likely some of my English ancestors conquered your Celtic ancestors. I was born here also.

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4 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

The Viking didn't raid until way after the Anglo Saxon settlement/invasion of Britain which happened after the Romans fucked off. As for you being more English than me I have also done a DNA test and I have mostly English and not Celtic ancestry. So I am am probably more 'English' than you. I was born here also.

I was born in Mercia .. a Saxon Kingdom. When you say "mostly English" what is the "non-mostly" bit?

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1 minute ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Yes but you as you have admitted you are mostly Celtic which is not English is it? Doesn't matter where you are born, it's your DNA make up. 

England is the name of a country .. you might be a Saxon or trying to Angle for something but you talk tosh and your are most certainly a wrong 'un.

A bit of googling ..

The area now called England was first inhabited by modern humans during the Upper Paleolithic period, but takes its name from the Angles, a Germanic tribe deriving its name from the Anglia peninsula, who settled during the 5th and 6th centuries. England became a unified state in the 10th century, and since the Age of Discovery, which began during the 15th century, has had a significant cultural and legal impact on the wider world. The English language, the Anglican Church, and English law – the basis for the common law legal systems of many other countries around the world – developed in England, and the country's parliamentary system of government has been widely adopted by other nations. The Industrial Revolution began in 18th-century England, transforming its society into the world's first industrialised nation.

England's terrain is chiefly low hills and plains, especially in central and southern England. However, there is upland and mountainous terrain in the north (for example, the Lake District and Pennines) and in the west (for example, Dartmoor and the Shropshire Hills). The capital is London, which has the largest metropolitan area in both the United Kingdom and, prior to Brexit, the European Union.] England's population of 56.3 million comprises 84% of the population of the United Kingdom,[5] largely concentrated around London, the South East, and conurbations in the Midlands, the North West, the North East, and Yorkshire, which each developed as major industrial regions during the 19th century.

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