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11 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Probably the dogs. They’re easier to deal with than women…

1) the later you get home, the more pleased they are to see you.

2) they don’t want to know about every other dog you’ve ever had.

3) the offspring they produce will (at least temporarily) increase your bank balance, rather than deplete it for at least 20 years.

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6 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:


Lads, I'm concerned about @PANZER MURPHY... He mentions walking the Daaags in the wee hours and also 'works' quite unsociable hours also. I don't think he has a girlfriend or wife and God forbid, still lives at home with the parents, I would normally suggest somebody in that situation at his age kills themselves but I wouldn't want the Daaags being abandoned. 

Don't worry about the antisocial hours im still there every Tuesday morning to sign on and attend various meetings designed to crowbar me back into the workforce ..ive many friends of the fairer sex only i wouldn't have any of them living with me..I prefer to be answerable to nobody..if i need advice on where to source soft furnishings and their placement ive many advisors on the thorny issue..what i will say chappy baby is...the toray partay has run out of country's to fuck over..whose next..anybody with anything..sell the slums n buy thick gold chains and rings..lol


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6 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Don't worry about the antisocial hours im still there every Tuesday morning to sign on and attend various meetings designed to crowbar me back into the workforce ..ive many friends of the fairer sex only i wouldn't have any of them living with me..I prefer to be answerable to nobody..if i need advice on where to source soft furnishings and their placement ive many advisors on the thorny issue..what i will say chappy baby is...the toray partay has run out of country's to fuck over..whose next..anybody with anything..sell the slums n buy thick gold chains and rings..lol


Panzer, I've decided to call you Finnegan from now on. I'm not saying get them to move in with you, no, simply get some intimacy from time to time, even every other night. Finnegan, you're clearly one of those 'loads of female friends, but get no pussy types' aren't you? Listen old chap, limit your female friends as all they'll do is give you earache, going on about some 'horrible' bloke who is rude, and acts like a cunt. All the while wishing said cunt was bending her over and slapping her arse. You're sat there like a mug, trying to appear like you're listening to every word in the hope you'll get some leftovers, when in reality she is using you to offload her bollocks. It's 2023 Finnegan, time to sort your life out and cut away these leach like female 'friends'. Follow my advice and you'll go far lad.  

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Chappy baby..ya can call me whatever ya like ive many names on many stages..but d'ya know what i think im doin pretty alright for a fellah in his early 50s ..yeah my knees a bit crook... but ive me doggos a wide circle of friends..two old but reliable junkers..im firmly entrenched in the welfare system comfy place to live..steady supply of gin and vimovo...a letter from Tony to say ive a clean slate..the cherry on the cáca milis would be if this place was a bit more of a laff..amuse me you fakkin kantzzz..lol


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13 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

sell the slums n buy thick gold chains and rings..lol

It's funny you mention that Finnegan, I've been thinking for a while now, what with the cost of living crisis and massive debt were in, it makes sense to sell the North. I propose everything north of Birmingham, I am sure they cost more than they contribute and likeable northerner's like @Roadkill are welcome to relocate down south. If the likeables can't afford it, we could come up with some 'adopt a Ukrainian' type scheme. It's a win win, benefits payments cut by 70% and we'd get at least £700 for the entire north. Good value I say. 

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4 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Bally..we hear reports that the brethren are refusing jabs..this needs encouragement..lol

I encourage you to keep taking the Fauci Sauce Panzy. The brethren have obviously (and finally) realised that it’s far too ‘safe and effective’ for them. A bowler hat and a sturdy umbrella is all they’ve needed to keep them safe for the last 332 and 1/2 years.

🇬🇧REMEMBER 1690🇬🇧

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6 hours ago, King Billy said:

I encourage you to keep taking the Fauci Sauce Panzy. The brethren have obviously (and finally) realised that it’s far too ‘safe and effective’ for them. A bowler hat and a sturdy umbrella is all they’ve needed to keep them safe for the last 332 and 1/2 years.

🇬🇧REMEMBER 1690🇬🇧

You really neee to go back to the lodges with your findings n convince them its a lizard peepil coup ..show them your poorly researched vids without peer reviewed responses..lol 


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11 hours ago, King Billy said:

I encourage you to keep taking the Fauci Sauce Panzy. The brethren have obviously (and finally) realised that it’s far too ‘safe and effective’ for them. A bowler hat and a sturdy umbrella is all they’ve needed to keep them safe for the last 332 and 1/2 years.

🇬🇧REMEMBER 1690🇬🇧

bowler hats only came out in 1849,

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8 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

How old is Billy .. he keeps saying "remember 1690"? I can can't remember that far back .. I can remember 1960 .. is he getting his dates mxed up and what happened in 1960?

I can't even remember yesterday, fuck-knows how he remembers 1690, maybe he has some engravings on a gravestone or he's got a Ouija board for communicating with long lost relatives?  


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16 minutes ago, cunt said:

So, that's what turned Wiffles?

It's time these sort of toys were banned, imagine the damage it's doing to society.


The new version. No telephone dial. No car horn or twangy bits. It just detects the presence of white children and tells them to fuck off and learn their place. 

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14 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

How old is Billy .. he keeps saying "remember 1690"? I can can't remember that far back

Because you were already about 150 years old then. You should be an exhibit in the Natural History Museum, except there’s nothing whatsoever natural about you and they don’t have an ‘unnatural history’ section for fossilised old freaks (yet).

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2 hours ago, cunt said:

So, that's what turned Wiffles?

It's time these sort of toys were banned, imagine the damage it's doing to society.


I’m not taking sides here, Cunto. But isn’t ‘Wiffles’ a bit Carl Sway-like and rather weak and immature for a cutting-edge verbal abuse site such as this? Up your game for fuck’s sake.

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