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Clingy Parents

Hammer of Cunts

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Apparently some children in Worcester couldn't manage a walk of less than a couple of miles and got scared of the dark.
It made the national news. Someone's life will be made hell for trying to give some kids some self-confidence.
How did we get so fucking wet?
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2 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:
Apparently some children in Worcester couldn't manage a walk of less than a couple of miles and got scared of the dark.
It made the national news. Someone's life will be made hell for trying to give some kids some self-confidence.
How did we get so fucking wet?

It started when parents started taking their kids to school in a chariot and kids were issued free travel cards - all in the name of parental choice over schools. In my day you got the school you could comfortably leg it to (on your own) or ride a bike. I would have been fucking ashamed to be accompanied by my parents anywhere let alone outside the school gates. It's a shameless common as muck society with no internal fibre or moral values. On the one hand you've got the over protective namby pambies on the other hand the irresponsible cunts who are as wild as their brat cunt kids. Most of those two extremes seem to come out of the single parent home which far from being looked down is now held up as a badge of honour. 

Blame Jenny Murray Woman's Hour and the other feminist cunts. 

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16 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

The kids apparently got lost. I wonder where they got their stupidity from?

I was in the scouts when I was a kid. About 20 of us hiked 16 miles from Eynsford to Downe camp. 90% of it was walking along narrow country roads with instructions to stick to the opposite side and stay visible to oncoming cars. There was a seventeen year old venture scout in charge of us and we could all read an ordnance survey map. 
 That was the level of supervision applied, and nobody got worried.

But then we were all white skinned so our lives didn’t matter.

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I was in the scouts when I was a kid. About 20 of us hiked 16 miles from Eynsford to Downe camp. 90% of it was walking along narrow country roads with instructions to stick to the opposite side and stay visible to oncoming cars. There was a seventeen year old venture scout in charge of us and we could all read an ordnance survey map. 
 That was the level of supervision applied, and nobody got worried.

But then we were all white skinned so our lives didn’t matter.

You don't mention whether this a stroll on a balmy summers day or a fucking November or February trek in lashing rain with night falling. 

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35 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

On this subject I notice a showing of Biggles 1985 movie which is the opposite of the Biggles portrayed in the books. 

They’ve changed the original W.E. Johns books beyond recognition. I couldn’t find  ‘Biggles Strafes The Swarthy Darkies’ anywhere.

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Guest entitled little cunt

Well,  in the valleys boys turn into men  who have a penchant for paying exorbitant sum's of money to  gaze at the nether regions of the objects of their desires  .In the southeast,  especially around Brighton boys turn into girls and in Scotland boys turn into addicts .Its no surprise it all went tits up when the delicate ones realised not all the ills of the world  can be rectified  by Google 

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