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Mike Hunt

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Everything posted by Mike Hunt

  1. Fucking mincing fagging poofter fairy. Is that succinct enough?
  2. You'd think they might have learned a thing or two by now when they did that in Zimbabwe and South Africa.
  3. He wasn't whiter than white either. No doubt this will again prove how institutionally racist all UK police and employers are. They've rebranded Uncle Ben's and that clearly didn't stop the racism.
  4. When all else fails there's always the uranus line.
  5. I feel for the poor sod who called it up and was greeted with a dead body.
  6. Are you assuming we're all Chinks? Else what are we supposed to be celebrating? Should we celebrate Divali or the end of Ramadan?
  7. In Brighton the police are keen to speak to at least one faggut with the earring and the makeup, his own hair and possibly a jet airplane.
  8. Would he have got 6 years if it had taken place in front of the supermarket? Just askin'...
  9. Can't believe this bloke hasn't been nominated. Thought I'd at least call him by his given name rather than his more popular moniker. This cunt has just "warned" MPs i.e. the country that there will be no tax cuts in March's budget because of the need to reduce inflation. Did the country go on a mad supermarket sweep, causing retail prices to rise? NO. Did drivers hoard petrol in dozens of cans in their garages because it was so cheap? NO. Did people use so much gas and electricity it caused energy prices to skyrocket? NO. This man is away with Jimmy Somerville and the other fairies in cloud cuckoo land and for that reason he deserves a damned good Jeremy Hunting for using inflation to blame the electorate, most of whom have had to become victims/thrifty for the last 2+ years. https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/uks-chancellor-warns-not-expect-tax-cuts-march-budget-ft-2023-01-19/
  10. Great new opener for Batch of the Day. Talking of which, looks like Jug Ears was hit right between the ears yesterday. I'd wager it was a Blues fan... https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/sports/sabotage-bbcs-fa-cup-coverage-interrupted-by-audio-porn-clip-2023-01-18 https://youtu.be/PLKrDaS9q7I
  11. Thanks for your worldly wise words KB, but that's the whole problem, she does my pork sausage to a turn, but after 22 years I'm looking for something more spicy.
  12. Fanny (Mrs Hunt) and me were planning on having a nice lunch in Hebden Bridge tomorrow, so I thought I'd go on TripAdvisor and find us the best one. Having heard one or two tales about this place I thought I'd save me some time, so I did a filtered search and input "meat-eating heterosexual restaurants" and fuck me, out of 147 restaurants I got a big fat zero. They're all save the fucking planet lezzie eateries. Don't fancy our chances in May in Brighton.
  13. That's best forcotton.
  14. Thankfully I can't see any of the cunting around, but unfortunately I'm hearing all the audio through the wall. Fuck me, you can almost see the sound monkeys playing with their knobs when applause is required, cos the people in the audience are still waiting for a hint of talent.
  15. She's cooling off. They're there for the totally tropical climate.
  16. The fucking useless bird interviewing him did exceptionally well getting through her lines.
  17. Julian Lennon. Still remember that shite single where the sound engineers worked overtime with their knobs trying to make him sound as much like his father as possible. Never too late for goodbye.
  18. They're deliberately ignoring our generation, who see straight through all their BS propaganda. Their eye is on indoctrinating future generations, who will believe it's completely normal - unless their parents make certain to educate them otherwise.
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