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Dyslexic cnut

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Everything posted by Dyslexic cnut

  1. How’s Glentoran getting on you sashed-up Cunt? 😛
  2. I accidentally (true) staggered into the Pride abhorration in Liverpool a couple of weeks ago. Weird freaky degenerates aside, the most startling and disturbing thing that I saw was normal hetero couples taking their very young children, all rainbowed up, to join in. Not in a ‘mock and spit at the vermin ’ manner, but the ‘embrace,include and applaud’ the mental cripples manner. Therein lies the problem. Normalisation of the abnormal.
  3. Erm…if there is, and I mean this in the nicest possible manner, and with all due respect…there’s more chance of Pol Pot and Joe Stalin getting a room there than you have.
  4. Standby for two years of Roops’ early morning HRT challenges on this, Bill. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
  5. Academically, this sentence did put me in something of a quandary, but then, for some odd reason I thought to myself ‘with all the shit mankind has to deal with, who gives a fuck, let’s just have these mutants and anyone who promotes their agenda chainsawed and then fed to pigs.’ Obviously, with a bio-degradable chainsaw run on fresh air and with no emissions at all but operated by the said degenerates parents, who then have to eat bacon for the rest of their reprehensible lives. But that’s just me, I’m a bit liberal see.
  6. Don’t fucking start this again. I’ll have you know, I won my last court case after such allegations, basically ending @Frank due to the efforts of my silk @Roadkill. Divent go there, Bonny lad.
  7. I’m sure I fingered her, in the mid-80’s.
  8. This haughty, biff-whiffing, woke, token, over-promoted successbian of a Chief Constable has just cost the public around £60k for refusing to say ‘sorry!’ Admittedly, the victim of her force’s stupidity is a spook and was driving a BMW in the early hours of the morning but he was actually (and unusually) returning from work as a key worker, is an Army veteran of 10 years and served two tours in Afghanistan. He was happy to accept a low settlement from his successful suing of Hampshire Police (@Trucking Funt anyone?) if the police apologised. Pinkney, however, refused and we pick up the bill of £60k after his legal costs. The poor Cunt probably only wanted enough cash to afford an imaginary all inclusive holiday in Cape Verde in the Hilton, so around £80. This cuntess should be forced to pay up herself. I want her dead, preferably by drowning during an Angolan bukkake session. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11098141/Black-British-Army-veteran-43-called-stupid-man-police-wrongly-arrested-him.html
  9. No idea what it is or why it’s here. Tolerated due to being ‘quirky.’ Overstayed it’s welcome, needs to fuck off. I’m bored now.
  10. @Frank…make this explanation good, because (points at temple) I’m getting the word…’wrong’un!’
  11. Even he had the good taste not to die in that floating sweltering cowpat.
  12. Seen this shit? How is this going to enlighten and educate our children then? What the fuck is next in this world? Thalidomide Action Man? My Little Blind Pony? Cabbaged Patch Kids? Care in the Community Bears? Bunch of fucking cunts. On Xmas day, when your young daughter/granddaughter is screaming and shouting in the front room…it’s because her doll is fucking deaf. Fuck off. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-62568902
  13. What’s more concerning than the fact that you clearly disrobed before cavorting with the rat, in filth, is the fact that there is a clearly removed orange ankle tag next to your Primark denim shirt. Do enlighten us all as to what offence caused it’s attachment.
  14. You bought those sandals at St.James St, right? How’s the dog’s festering impetigo after playing in your bespoke pool on your landscaped estate? Bluffing cunt. You’re finished Frank. You’ve been busted.
  15. Never mind this shit, SC. What are your thoughts on your domestic shitshow, what with your mangrove swamps disappearing, carbon belching everywhere, an economy at the mercy of slopes and imploding and enviromental havoc being wreaked by having a cunt of a climate to start with? Still, you and @Last Cunt Standing dodged a potentially fatal bullet when your customs heroes caught this cunt. https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/mcdonalds-traveller-fined-mcmuffins-luggage-b2136259.html
  16. Eric, I wouldn’t let my wife get in that disgusting paddling pool, let alone my dog.
  17. Judging by the state of the hastily discarded clothing and ‘footwear’ in the background of this picture, together with filth and beer can pulls in the paddling pool I can only conclude that you are clearly not the wealthy sartorial dandy that you’ve portrayed to us all, Francis. Incidentally, it looks like you got a scrumpy-fuelled Wolfie to cut your lawn. You scruffy, minty cunt.
  18. I had no idea that you played for England’s men’s team, Neil?
  19. 11. Overheating? Stand near to Roops when she takes her knickers off.
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