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Everything posted by Decimus

  1. Decimus


    He really is. Time was The Corner was a hot bed of virulent anti-Semitism. The Rat and I would often spend our days Jew bashing LondonM and The Judge, enfilading the pair of mutilated cock shysters with a constant barrage of 'Free Palestine' rhetoric. These days it would seem the Muslims are flavour of the month for a kicking, almost as if everyone forgets that the Yids killed Christ whilst the rag heads actually acknowledge if not his divinity, but his propheticism. I'd like to get back to basics but I'm not sure Ratty's heart is in it anymore.
  2. Reported for taking it up the shitter with wanton, gay abandon. Expect a fast tracked career at the BBC and sainthood within the Terrence Higgins Trust. Lol.
  3. Decimus


    I hate to rain on your coprophagic parade, but you are aware that it's a fucking Jew?
  4. I'm glad to see that you have taken a sensible position and not given any economic projections which would at best be an educated guess, but still a guess. My main gripe with Brexiteers and Remainers stems from both sides endlessly making tedious positive and negative assumptions of our future based on little more than conjecture. Nobody knows whether we will be reaping the benefits of Brexit or ruing the day we voted to leave, all the arguments on this thread, mine, yours, and anyone elses are a pointless exercise in an attempt at one upmanship. Time will tell who was right and who was wrong, so maybe everyone should leave it at that for the time being as it's boring me to tears.
  5. One can only imagine the who's who of nonces that is Punkape's address book. Old Etonians, Catholic priests, dodgy old fucking Jews. What a Yewtree hugging cunt.
  6. I imagine that Punkape was a regular visitor during old Jeffer's original occupation. Lol.
  7. Decimus

    Sadiq khan

    Kill yourself, then.
  8. Billy, your man Trump has now come out to denounce the participants of the capitol riot. I know you have a deep mistrust of the MSM, and have stated that the protesters were false flag antifa agents. But what do you make of Trump's speech? Surely if he thought there was any chance that the protests were organised by dark, leftist forces in order to undermine him, he wouldn't have issued his statement? I'm genuinely interested in your opinion on this. Either you now accept he's sold his supporters up shit creek, revealing his true colours as a mercenary, narcissistic and egotistical wanker who has only ever been in the game for self-aggrandisement. Or alternatively, you believe there's some ulterior plan within a plan he's hatching behind the scenes. What are your thoughts?
  9. I thought I just spotted him on the 'Englishman in New York' video, but subsequently realised said bloke was dressed in a far less bent manner.
  10. Are you quite sure that it wasn't Trevor McDonald?
  11. Well, with all his deranged fucking nonsense recently, one could say he's been tilting at windmills. Let's not forget, Donald Quixote believes the noise of them causes cancer.
  12. What about the cast of 'The Black and White Minstrel Show?" Or as you know it, Pornhub? Faggot.
  13. 'Where's Gyppo?' A sort of 'Where's Wally?' type game of fun and larks. Players are given a floor plan of a regional hospital at a scale of 1:5000. The winner is the first person to stop poring over the map and to realise that Gyppo is sat with her vile, stinking old feet in a foot spa 30 miles behind the Covid frontlines, Field Marshall Haig style.
  14. Decimus

    Shitlip Schofield

    This most recent incarnation of ProfB appears to be almost self-aware, and remarkably well informed when taking into account its previous version's obvious mental illness. Pruritus ani indeed. For all the reasons above, I don't believe that you are the original ProfB. One has to wonder about the sort of depraved mind that would ever wish to replicate and reanimate the worst poster this site has ever seen. Fuck right off.
  15. Gyppo isn't on a ward, she's sat on her fat arse at home drinking buckets of wine and stuffing her overactive gob with cheese toasties. It's easy to be blasé about Covid when you aren't taking any of the risks your front line colleagues are exposed to. I bet she still claims her NHS Corona related discounts, though.
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