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Everything posted by Decimus

  1. Fuck me, you go on coach trip holidays?! @William T.D. Stickers we've got a code fucking red, you know what to do. This is up there with Drew's bungalow and Ding's caravan.
  2. Decimus


    I hardly think that you are qualified to be dishing out sexual advice, Neil. If it's not dead behind a roadside hot dog van, you won't put your dick in it.
  3. Decimus

    Eddie Izzard

    Give it a fucking rest, Withers, you bloated cancerous slug.
  4. Thank you for your concern, Stubby. On any other day, Drew would be picking up his metaphorical teeth from the fucking floor for daring to quote me uninvited. However, as we all know, Tuesdays are when Drew has his nappy changed, and to soothe his rashy cum-soaked cheeks and irksome temper, he has two cans of John Smith's and starts acting like the big spastic on campus. He's throwing shit around like a fucking Bonobo and anyone could get hit. The best thing to do is to wait until he sobers up and reverts to being his usual boring fucking self.
  5. I've got a neighbour and sometimes his sister brings her newborn around to visit. Makes me fucking sick.
  6. You should've gone on a road trip with Withers. In the highly unlikely scenario that you didnt bore each other to death, you could've done us all a favour and popped over the border to Dignitas.
  7. For those of us who have been to university within the last 100 years, we all know that this article is an absolute load of shite. Universities are some of the most liberal, inclusive institutions in the country. I doubt that there's a single one without an Afro-Chinese Lesbian Transexual Muslim Wiccan Paraplegic society and the pandering to a tiny minority that comes with it. Are there racist people who go to university? Undoubtedly. Is there some sort of endemic institutionalised racism prevalent at them? Absolutely not. Yet another bandwagon for the perpetually outraged to jump on. It's about as real as the gender pay gap. Fuck off.
  8. Stubby, I'm fighting your corner here, old son, but the general consensus seems to be that you're still a fucking idiot. Help me to help you, make our audience laugh until they cry.
  9. I'd guess that it's got something to do with the fact that you've stopped being absolutely fucking shit.
  10. Stubby, you're back to your fucking best. Bygones are bygones, carry on like this and you'll be back eating at the top table by the end of the week.
  11. It might have been Bobby's hands, but it was definitely Liam Adams busting a nut over my youthful face.
  12. Sometimes, in the dead of the night, I wake up screaming "Bobby Sands". 9 times out of ten, when I then look down at my cock, I've cummed. Hard.
  13. I hope for posterity's sake that his walls will remain silent and that the only reminder that the useless cunt ever polluted this earth with his gay-jeaned presence will be a dusty wig growing cobwebs in a cancer charity shop.
  14. Hopefully she'll burn in Hell alongside her terrorist ex-husband. I hated that lionised, old Shaka Zulu cunt more than I did her
  15. This sort of shit was funny once, mainly due to the shock value. However, as with everything else you post, you've rehashed it to fucking death and now it just comes across as tired, stale, and a little bit crass. Here's the Rocky theme tune, watch it on an infinite loop and forget to eat or drink. Fucking boring cunt.
  16. Decimus

    April cunts

    Awful. Fuck off.
  17. Do your own research you lazy fat cunt. Winston Churchill is one such example. What I'm saying is, there are rational and intelligent people who have claimed to have experienced a ghost sighting, and I'd believe their testimony over the complete dismissal of a thick as fuck, lecherous Transit van driver like yourself. Besides, as has been pointed out, no one is saying that what people see are the souls of the deceased, so try and keep up if you're moulding yourself into the corner's answer to James Randi.
  18. Agreed. It's easy enough to ridicule due to its supernatural connotations, but I believe episodes like Eric's and other sightings of "ghosts" have an entirely natural explanation that we just don't understand yet. No spirits of the deceased involved, just an aspect of science that remains beyond human comprehension to explain.
  19. Your friends with Frank? Alfie, I thought you had more class than that. I could buy the nuclear engineer bit, but even for April Fools day it's too far a stretch of the imagination that anyone could be fond of that gangly faggot.
  20. The only thing that you know about arses is how to talk out of one, so take your quack fucking analysis and shove it up your own. Bullshitting fantasist cunt.
  21. Agreed. I used to enjoy Frank's infrequent appearances. Now he just pops up every three weeks, rehashes some shit Rocky video then fucks off again. Utterly pointless in every conceivable way.
  22. I think that you're both a pair of bullshitting cunts. The difference is, she's far, far better at it than you.
  23. I'm not so sure. I don't necessarily think that whatever a ghost is, it could be classed as a disembodied spirit of a previously living person. I do believe in the stone tape theory though, as open as that probably leaves me to ridicule. It makes sense and would fit in with the aspects of most sightings i.e. repetetive, non-responsive, partially visible etc. Plus it gives it a natural explanation as opposed to a supernatural one. Far too many credible people have seen what they claim to be a ghost for it to all be bollocks.
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