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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. I don’t think Edds going to be much trouble bend, not after effort he put on our recent meeting. Outside the old Honda factory in Swindon, me on my moped Ed on his Dora the Explorer trike/mobility scooter. It’s fair to say I gave him a fucking pasting. Left him with 2 black eyes
  2. Rattled. Don’t PM me anymore of your disgusting illegal wank fantasies, you horrible vile and sinister little shitcunt
  3. You pair of creeps. If you want to compare what type of online grot you wank off to, there is the PM facility and specialist website for repulsive, jizz smelling social outcasts. I believe one of you has history of PMing another punter regarding your vile sexual fantasy about the then underage Greta Thunberg? Again, there are other places to discuss fucking children. As a parent, I’d rather it wasn’t this site.
  4. Before or after your 20th wank of the day to yet more internet porn?
  5. Drew, you prize fucking idiot. Did something unspeakable happen to you in the cooler so you’re actually capable of making yourself look an even bigger cunt than usual? And on that, getting banned for triggering the undesirables here is a badge of honour. Getting banned for stupidly insulting seasoned punters when smashed out of you skull is dunce hat territory. I preferred the permanently pissed, boiler tinkering, bungalow dwelling troglodyte. Up your game.
  6. Another homo erotic fantasy no doubt, you Dark web lucking maggot
  7. Another stupid post of pointless rubbish from our still-living-with-parents resident idiot. Christ, I bet they fucking hate you.
  8. I’m watching you closely Sewer breath. When you slip I’ll be all over you like spunk from your boyfriends cock.
  9. Newts are far too noble a creature to shove up one’s wrong ‘un, even for a screaming bender like Izzard. Shoving you cock up a goose however… Disappointed you’re not dead Fuck off It’s clear from the idiotic rubbish you’ve posted, you’ve been here before under another guise. More than likely banned for paedo references or worse. Your contributions are humourless, infantile, and some of the least intelligent shite ever posted here. But congratulations, you’ve succeeded in attracting likes from the sites resident lepers, a dog shite collecting idiot and a half bind transvestite with a cock as girthy as 200 year old oak. You fucking mong
  10. I’ll give him credit for running all those marathons, fair play, and he was genuinely funny- about 20 fucking years ago mind. However, one only has to look at the silly cunt to work out what a pointless and ridiculous individual he’s become. He still needs killing with fire, as do you you dog dirty obsessed creep
  11. You are a deeply sinister cunt and no mistake I bet your hard drives hotter than Satans ball bags
  12. You complete fucking idiot. I certainly hope you’ve been banned by now. If admin had any fucking brains they’d get rid of a poisonous, pig shit thick cunt like you. @Mrs Roops say it ain’t so?
  13. Genuinely, what is the matter with you? Your brand of infantile, pointless fucking shite is killing is once great site. Far better men than you have left this place because of the state you and your ilk have dragged it down to. These better men have injected more humour in a solitary post than your constant diatribe of rubbish. Kill yourself you filthy dog buggering retarded knob head
  14. Yes, I’m sure this he/she/it has their own nomination but fuck off, if ever there was something who needs cunting… I unfortunately caught the merest glimpse of this ghastly looking old crone on the telly this evening. Fuck me, this disgrace looks like a cross between Gloria Hunnford, Pat Butcher and the shitty stained back end of diarrhoea ridden camel. A pig in lipstick if ever there was one. How the fuck the BBC can justify putting such a hideous looking creature on tea time telly when children will be watching, Christ knows. Those responsible and the foul beast itself, need running over with a JCB and the twitching remains set on fire.
  15. Attenborough was at his best when showing us the wonders of the natural world when the world was a very big place. However, in this day and age when you can get to virtually any point on the planet within 48 hours, and the internet where every natural phenomenon has been documented and filmed a dozen times, his recent offerings have become irrelevant and samey. If he’d have made a serious stand regarding the destruction of nature 30 fucking years ago then perhaps we wouldn’t be in the shitty state we are right now. Humans are a plague on the planet, intent on destroying the last patch of wild to the detriment of every living thing, including us. Influential people need to stand up and start saying it as it is.
  16. Reported for altering posts Fuck off you hopeless 5 foot 1 idiot
  17. It’s posts like this that keep me coming back to the corner. If one were to be sucked into the modern sensibilities championed by the BBC, it would be easy to think we should open our borders to the hordes. Just last week I posted something to a mate on Facebook of a picture of shamina Begum hosting match of the day. No sooner than I’d tried to inject a bit of humour as to a less controversial host, I was quickly accused to being a homophonic, misogynist, nazi by a number of poor offended souls. These cowardly cunts were happy to accuse me of everything short of child buggery without knowing a single thing about me, such is the pathetic state of our society. That’s why it’s great to post here. As to your points regarding the billions of swarthy cunts swimming the channel, of course they want to come here. They’re not stupid. They’ve got smart phones so can see as soon as they get ashore it’s a 4 star hotel all the way and as many teenaged girls (as long as they’re white) they can ogle/drug/rape. Our government is fucking soft and in the pockets of big business who want cheap labour. There’s too many people in the country as it stands. Any government who had the balls to round up every cunt who’s come here illegally in a last 10 years and send them packing, never to return, would get the votes of the vast majority for years to come.
  18. I’d like to smash the teeth out of his stupid fucking grin with a house brick. I hope this summer Archer finishes what he started 4 years ago and cracks his sternum, the cheating fucking shitcunt. I see he was back as skipper in their last test against the curry munchers (the dullest of bore draws on a slow pitch flatter than an aircraft carrier). Fuck, I hate him
  19. I concur with uncle ape and skippy kill yourself
  20. And who would you be referring to? Unless you can actually name specific wankers here who claim to be fucking minted, I’ll wager you’re harking back to years gone by when the place was populated by complete, albeit entertaining, fucking idiots.
  21. Fuck, I can’t remember this shit at all. To be fair, I’ve been drinking heavily since around that time. I want more tales of Aunty Vi slingshoting foetus at low flying ME-109s. Come on ratty you useless sod
  22. Half a dozen should do Asking for a friend
  23. @The Beast Billy’s asked you very politely now on two separate threads. He may be a deranged Ulster man who thinks bill gates is a lizard preparing us for slavery, but he does have some weight around here. Do the right thing you miserable old cunt.
  24. Have you currently got any lady boys on the books billy?
  25. Good fucking god man. Knocking one out of an amphibian is one thing, but one shudders what kind of industrial equipment would be needed to take on pens below the knee dangler. I’m guessing one of those grab things on the back of a Travis Perkins lorry would be a good start.
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