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Status Updates posted by Witheredscrote

  1. I hope you're dead....

  2. Up your game Frank, or it's curtains. 

  3. I have resigned from this once great site, pending my ban. 

  4. Show your hand Punkers. If ever the site needed a member of excellent breeding, it is now.  

  5. Frank. Save the site, do a video now.

    1. Wolfie


      Can't you try to be funny, and look as though you're at least making an effort?

    2. Witheredscrote
  6. Show yourself Lord Snooty.  You wouldn't be allowed in my country.

  7. Gloria!  Glory Hole more like.

  8. Show yourself, you worm.

  9. I hope you die in the cooler, you jew baiting cunt.

  10. You make me want to puke.

  11. Are you permitted to keep gerbils in your cell?  lol

  12. Hang on in there mate, @Eddie ,Frank  and I are working tirelessly to get you released.

  13. You can't be happy with any of this?

    1. Witheredscrote


      Obviously not, you Kamikaze Kunt.

  14. You stupid fucking cunt.

    1. Frank


      I push buttons.. that’s what I do. 

  15. Fucking idiot. Top yourself.

  16. From no where to top dog in 36 hours. Not so much a throne, more a commode since Billy and you've sat on it. lol

  17. Frank. I hit the top 3 days ago, no effort. You can't even deal with the plebs, can you?  Time for a Macmillan nurse?

  18. I am in the process of changing both my English and French Wills. For my 3 children, and 4 grandchildren to benefit from my estate,  they must first become members of CC, and proceed to 'iron' you on a daily basis.  Their actions will be monitored by the executors, who will also be 'ironing' you.

  19. I  despise you.  Fuck the quisling Ape,  you're getting all my irons.

  20. Frank, if you want to 'come in from the cold',  let's meet and discuss the future. There is a really good restaurant in Mouterre,86, called 'Auberge de la Blourde'. 



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