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The Beast

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Everything posted by The Beast

  1. This has caused a lot of head scratching, but if we leave aside the injections, not that I give a shit about those howling anti vaxxer, the cause is multi factorial, healthcare deprivation, psychological distress from relentless government propaganda and the virus itself. Much of this could have been avoided, but was purposefully inflicted by design to cause ill health. My main point remains unchanged, despite omicron not causing a hyper inflammatory response in the lower airway, but implications of neurogenesis appear to be real, stay away from this virus as much as practicably possible and steer well clear of these injections if fit and well under the age of 60. They remain two cheeks of the same arse.
  2. Leaving aside your discussion with KB, I would take exception with your third and fourth points. Interferon alpha, produced by macrophages and lymphocytes has been proven to be down regulated in injection recipients. These cells are produced when bacteria or tumour cells challenge the system. Leaving aside the allegations in the BMJ about Pfizer’s trial involving 44,000 people, they deviated from standard protocol. Long term pre clinical phase 1 safety trials were combined with phase 2 trials and phase 2 trials were combined with phase 3 trials, then terminated early. The placebo arm were then given the injections. Currently, all people who are not deemed in the high risk categories are now more than 6 months since their booster or third injection of mRNA, either Pfizer or Moderna. Research has shown that irrespective of which one or combination they had, their vaccine efficacy will be in negative territory. As you know, after 10 weeks post booster, the efficacy is below 10%. To add insult to those with high risk conditions such as myeloid leukaemia, long term immunosuppressant users etc anti virals are indicated in presence of Covid 19 infection. The run around people are given by NHS services in England to get this simple prescription filled is appalling. Had we done the correct thing at the outset of this pandemic and put the focus on high risk groups, we could have looked after these people properly, instead we went down the road of wasting money on injections many never needed, unnecessary damaging lockdowns and dubious contracts handed out among the chumocracy.
  3. The Beast

    Mo Farah

    Only a fucking mug would believe the version of events publicised.
  4. This is about power and not some cunt with a megaphone. Power trumps the law every day of the week.
  5. The excesses of the NHS pension scheme have been reined in over the years since my first contribution in 1988. However, it is still a very good scheme. The overall health of the nation is one issue causing the strain, poor metabolic health from bad diets and excessive reliance on alcohol. The breakdown of the family unit is also causal. Another is, in my view, more of an ethical issue. When I first started nursing, many older people with chronic disease would be left to die if they had recurrent hospital admissions in a short period, the end hastened by use of diamorphine, hyoscine and maxalon subcutaneous infusion. This practice is now only reserved for end of life care . The result is many people spending their last year or two having multiple hospital admissions and requiring care in between, much of which is sub standard, unless their is significant family input. Many are not for the highest level of care such as intensivist input or CPR, but enough is done to keep them alive. This didn't happen 25 to 30 years ago. As for the point about charging, I think it is inevitable those that have the resources will simply use the private sector in greater volume as the painfully long and slow collapse of the NHS continues.
  6. The internet of things has been with us for some time and the internet of bodies has started. Diabetics with subcutaneous censors linked to an app on their smart phone to monitor their blood sugar. Implantable cardioverter-defibrillators and pacemakers with telemetry linked to the regional cardiothoracic unit to alert a patient if their heart has a run of an abnormal rhythm. The big problem is there isn't any substitute for the frail who need basic needs met, washing and dressing, pressure area care, continence care, help with feeding. 1 in 3 admissions on a medical take are people in their last year of life, mostly because of problems associated with chronic disease, frailty and the provision of adequate basic needs care at home. The idea of keeping people out of hospitals is sound, but to be properly effective it costs money and is no less resource intensive. Much of the automation in health care is not there yet. Pattern recognition in reading scans, xrays, cervical smears and mammograms is encountering problems and not anywhere near delivery. I guess the only thing to do is to change the patient. This document put out last year by the government, although primarily initially aimed at defence and armed services, is the direction of travel over the next 50 to 100 years. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/human-augmentation-the-dawn-of-a-new-paradigm
  7. I don't understand your point. You try to assert paranoia where it doesn't exist. I don't like gaslighting. Whether BC partners have any investments in anything related to pharmaceuticals or products in competition with the manufacturers of these awful poisons I genuinely don't know. Nor do I know their influence over this publication, nor do you. I don't often like King Billy's comments, but I noted his question put to you about giving these suspect compounds to a 6 month old. You rightly pointed out this age group is not yet eligible. So I ask, would you use this compound on a fit and well 10 year old child? Put your money where your mouth is and answer this question.
  8. You can write it off as that, but you know that some who donate will bear some influence on policy or direction. To dismiss this as paranoia is delusional.
  9. Mr Bragg once fought the establishment. Now he is one of its delivery boys.
  10. The two articles you quote are from organisations that take monies from the circle jerk supportive of big pharma. This article is free from any such bias. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-31401-5
  11. I couldn’t have put it better. Peter Doshi and others published an abstract this week stating that the amount of serious and adverse events from this junk mitigates any benefit overall. Not to mention the thing is completely obsolete against Omicron and its sub-variants. Those that have not bowed to censorship, intimidation and personal threats are not going to let this scientific fraud go without redress. Anyone that gives these awful injections to their kids is a stupid fucking cunt.
  12. So 5.2 billion people had previously received some form of prophylactic or vaccine using this delivery technology prior to these so called Covid vaccines? I don't think so.
  13. This chap had taken the first two shots. It was the booster he did not want to have. There are also multiple articles in the Spanish media about the whole fraud. Looks like it was a nice little earner until the inevitable happened. https://europeanconservative.com/articles/news/thousand-of-spaniards-named-in-fake-vaccine-certificate-scandal/
  14. Fucking hold on here. You cope with it how you like, but don't accuse others of whinging about the acts of criminality carried out out by an overbearing state. We have been robbed, going to be robbed even more, coerced into having unnecessary medical treatments containing suspect compounds, censored, propagandised, threatened, locked in/up, slandered, movements restricted /monitored and much more is on the way down the track.
  15. I thought it may have been on the turn. I thought I saw a chink of light. But given it is a vital state organ and the said state is still in a self inflicted death spiral, it is not happening. I should stick to being a miserable wanker. I won't end up disappointed.
  16. When the cashiers are dipping into the takings, this is how you send the message that they must put their house in order. The way he gets up and fucks off at the end says it all.
  17. The monarchy will still be here, so will England. The identity won't. The William cunt will also be doing the bidding of the powerful. He is balls deep in the green agenda.
  18. I fucked that one up totally.
  19. Irrespective of the bin dippers, when the head of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha mafia departs this mortal coil, which won't be long judging by her increasingly rapid frailty, the assault on the English identity will go into overdrive. Her gormless son (who talks to his plants, not the pervert one), will probably do his master's work leading the attack.
  20. GB news is controlled opposition. Steyn got his numbers arse about face a few weeks ago and is under OFCOM investigation. However, as unwise as it was for this lady to engage with GB news, I think it is a measure of how discarded and shunned they feel they are being treated. I didn't see any awkward silences, just poor internet connection, some of what she was saying was inaudible as a result. The principle of informed consent has been absent with the injection programme. I hope this lady gets some acknowledgement for her loss.
  21. All the advertising on Jew tube is ethnic related, the models/actors, the music/jingles etc. Switch the VPN to Romania and there is none of this shit.
  22. It's the Hancock, Zahawi and Javid cunts I want dead. I am up for the long game. As, pleasing as it sounds, the story about the VP scum is a piss poor attempt at cock and bull.
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