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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. apparently, the hardest animal in the world is a parrot.
  2. My mum's still got the special nappy pin with the locking bit on it. I told her I probably won't need it again for another 30 or so years.
  3. I'd rather they were covered in napalm.
  4. Yes Harold. Brooklyn Beckham was a right cunt for getting sent off.
  5. In years to come, @Cuntybaws will light a candle and remember him on his bath day.
  6. Why so defensive? You precious, over sensitive little cunt.
  7. Harold... I've tried to construct a mental image of you, and all I can come up with is Evil Arnold Rimmer from the 'Angels & Demons' episode.
  8. It's Christmas. Fuck off talking about Brexit. Nobody gives a flying fuck. 😴
  9. Amazing the things you've remembered from medical school.
  10. Babies heads are miniature steak & kidney puds. I think you could get a commercial version of them, branded as 'Goblin'. When you get them out of the tin, they look like, well.. babies heads. One of the more popular ration items. Along with the tins of boiled ham and peas.
  11. You'd be surprised what stuff ends up on the market when Colchester barracks have a clear out. Have you heard of 'babies heads'?
  12. Bolt the door. Leave a can of beans on the step for them, no opener. That'll learn 'em.
  13. John Haigh. I think that's what Cuntspotter said earlier.
  14. 90% of the money goes to charity executives and the other 10% goes to ethnics. They can fuck right off.
  15. That's the bloke. Yes, Stephen Rea played the 'Quincy ME' type state coroner who took up the investigation himself, with fuck all help from the KGB, who wanted to deny it was happening.
  16. I thought he was ok. His feuds with Roops and Rick B were entertaining. I'm sure he was deliberately doing the 'could of'/could have' thing just to drive Baws mental.
  17. I remember you getting cold feet over the Snatch fight when you discovered that they have superhuman strength.
  18. Take your nonce worshipping sensibilities, and shove them up your fucking arse.
  19. She's a bit like Hilary Clinton with a touch of Charlotte Rampling.
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