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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. At least I'm not getting under your skin. Lol.
  2. Could you at least attempt to not be completely and utterly fucking shit at this.
  3. If you checked it would have been apparent that I generally become CC inactive on alternate Friday and Saturday nights. Maybe that's when.. Idiot. I take it you'll be fucking off to lick your wounds for another four weeks shortly. Odious little man-weasel. lol
  4. Had a bit of darts practice earlier. Nice checkout, two treble twenties and bullseye. 183.
  5. That kid at the top, is the little cunt who shot Buckwheat.
  6. Jimmy Nail and Tim Healy aren't puffs.
  7. @Roadkill, this'un telt us yee worra puff.. wot ya ganna dee aboorit?
  8. 'Jack Spratt could eat no fat His wife could eat no lean So Jack ignored her flabby cunt And licked her arsehole clean.'
  9. What's your avatar? Is it Ainsley Harriet's cock?
  10. We priparin laydees fo Panzbaby Visit. Wee slice off flapp an teech dem mannas. Good titey cuntys. No bakchat!
  11. I've never used the term 'Movie'. Where do you get this shit from Jewdee? putting words in the mouths of others, is no substitute for coherent argument. Thoughts?
  12. I'm sorry. I've upset you quite badly by the look of things. I'm trying to be a nicer person.
  13. Eric Cuntman


    @DrCunt Has never called you any of those things. This 'attention seeking, drama queen, victim' act, really is wearing rather thin. Man up a little bit, and you may achieve the same level of respect here, that you do over at 'Isacunt'. Difference is.. we're not all fucking spastics. You have to work harder here to impress any cunt.
  14. You think you've got problems. I've just got back to the stopover B&B in Cirencester. I met up with Roops in Stroud, and I can tell you three things.. The carpets match the curtains. Her real first name is 'Blodwyn'. She's hotter than a solar flare. I'm so confused. I feel guilty because she's welsh. I think I might be a racist.
  15. I think highly of both of you. But if you continue with this, I'm going to track you down and cut you where you breed. @Jake The Muss I trust you will provide hammer support?
  16. Eric Cuntman


    I have.. just thinking about it.
  17. And the cunt who presented it to them.
  18. Nice to see you WC. I feared you were due for the next cull of inactive members. @BrothersQuim About time you showed your fucking face too.
  19. Ricky Martin fucked his own career by revealing the fact that he was a sausager. Good looking, decent voice, not a bad actor if I recall. And then he alienates 80% of his fan base by telling them he's not interested in the soggy clits that they'd all been strumming in his honour.
  20. Colt Python. Police and military issue with 4" barrel. Regarded worldwide as the best revolver ever made. The millenials all love them on their stupid fucking playstation games, because that's what Andrew Lincoln uses in 'The Wanking Dead'. He holds it with his wrist angled downwards. The cunt would spend his life with a sprained wrist. Twat.
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