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Everything posted by Snowy

  1. Snowy

    Gary Lineker

    I'd expect a an eco warrior as yourself not to be very hairy tbf,its probably hard burrowing into the ground with an over sized snozz to find shelter like some angry hippy mole.
  2. This deserves an iron @The Beast Vote to bring it back
  3. I wing it most days,your luck outweighs there stupidity
  4. Have you ever wanted to be a programme designer? I can see you're nonchalant postings being very efficient in them shitty adds you get ,20 ways to get a bigger dick,click here to show you how,we went snorkel fishing and this is what we found...click here. Dreay fucking tranny.
  5. I watched it to maybe been on a different news station but they brought out a white accuser first, then brought out an asian guy talking about how the asian community is getting targeted, was baffling as fuck. The chav cunt might be guilty who knows ,but way it was presented is the most one sided argument ever. The bbc even went even though she had white victims........
  6. Snowy

    Gary Lineker

    No ammount of allbran can shift the second had embarrassment me giving the spingly greek fuck a like,so ill just go with the puffer fish option to clean my bowls from a back door Jap who doesnt know how to cut out the poision parts.
  7. Snowy

    Gary Lineker

    You absolute fucking idiot,deserves a like ,it's more of a pity one but I hope you understand my solidarity.
  8. Snowy

    Gary Lineker

    I've seen his ponytail, fuck me you've made my mental image of the David Attenborough wannabe worse than I can have ever imagined.
  9. Snowy

    Gary Lineker

    I agree Stubbers,he comes across as a sad old man looking for vindication of his supperior whit because he can buy loafers at 1000 quid a pop. How's the ponytail game going now ,are you able to put it up in a turban now?
  10. At least Drew has a spine ,the drunken twat called someone a nonce and got himself coolered,this non entity just flicks about posting absolute shit for years on end ,it is neither funny or relevant,its just this cancer who sits in there shared accommodation pretending to be either "old" "trans" "loves trains". Absolutely has no worth and that's coming from someone who pretends to be a binman .
  11. Snowy

    Robbie Williams

  12. Snowy

    Robbie Williams

    I had to take a break from my sabbatical on here because like you I'm dumfounded the lizardy fucking greek cunt would stoop that low to going after one of the corners most placid members. There is one thing Nocti will possess that Francis will never,he hasn't exposed himself on the internet as fucking idiot like some court jester because he once went on 4chan once and thought his trolling videos and demeanour would bag him likes. Pathetic fucking cretin ,from his drumming videos I only think he uses his sticks to massage his prostrate, weird fucking greek old fuck.
  13. Snowy


    You are one weird dog fucking individual, apart from your obsession with canines whats your other interests? This is a reatorical question I couldn't give a fuck and I have to be up for the 6am bin shift.
  14. If this starts a new chapter of the Billy, Roops love fest that's been droning on for god knows how long but replaces covid with swinging there cocks about who's soviet side is the best ,I'm outta here .
  15. From an outsider's point of view ,the clique died when Bill decided he was to soft and had door issue's. It seems for all the calling for you to do a video,this is the trite you put out . What you gonna do next ,video yourself drinking white cider at a french cafe ,piss stains down your white trousers and call out Drew?
  16. Snowy


    Whilst I'm not one to poke the fire ,your rebuttal to withers and calling out for Mrs R screams desperation. Our you getting lonely in your shed? Has R soles come around for a bit of dog?
  17. Snowy


    The sick fuck has always had a weird obsession with maddie ,hes a greasy dago who fucks his dog.
  18. Brilliant you absolute ball of weirdness
  19. Ed ,i was under the impression you was black ,you sound like a fat white man putting on an overly cockney voice,what gives?
  20. That film ruined young Snowy,young Eric. I usually dont root for split arse feminist types ,but they hooked me in ,now if it was that cunt amy schumer going neck down into a chair I'd call that the best film since transporter 2.
  21. I dont cue billy thats for serfs ,I just send my bin lorry into the crowd its up to them to move away for my bill gates jab. If I take them out in process france nice style ,ive owned the deepstate.
  22. Is this bollocks still going on proper ,the world has moved on from covid mainly. No one cares anymore, but you bore us with billy, roops and and the rest of the chuckle brothers ,get a grip you perverted nurse cunt.
  23. What is this bollocks panzy? I recommend a good read of my nomination spittle if you need tips for absolute shite ,or rav4 for some reference.
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