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Major Cunt

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Everything posted by Major Cunt

  1. Glad that it meets with your approval, Ratty. I thought it might bring out some of the quality Herr Oberst post's. I was beginning to worry that you forgot the Reich never surrendered. The German Army did but the Reich did not.
  2. I'm glad that you've finally sobered up enough to drop the Frank-ciscan monk act. He's now left with only Lady/Lord P as a discipline... At least choose someone with a bit of charisma, If you're ever inclined to nail your colours to another punters mast again.
  3. An inflated figure. I've just checked it out on Trip Advisor and apparently there's no towelling in the showers, but there's a ghetto to hotel train service which guarantees arrival or your back passage smuggled gold back.
  4. I'd imagine he'll ditch the wig upon his next visit. Do you think the dago's have got facial recognition cameras at their airports yet?
  5. I think some cunt needs to post a picture of the George Harrison-esque child snatcher seen on that fateful night in Portugal. Apparently Clement Freud has a villa within the vicinity. Was a certain member working freelance at the time...
  6. I reckon the Pinkapes return will herald more of impact than the collaborators spawn known as Withers. The raging homo must be due for parole soon, but will probably elect to stay on with his Cameroonian husband Fatty. The Beezer's a little too highbrow for le frog. Dementia, several strains of avian virus and insolvency probably haven't helped him make a triumphant splash.
  7. Agreed. Even the fucking Muslims can wear a condom, but most of them just prefer to impregnate the girls from the care homes. Durex sales could have been through roof north of Norfolk in Bradford and Rotherham. Allegedly Jesus was invented by the Romans as a means of population control. Let's hope this widely unproven theory catches on and the Catholic Church is forced to pay every white man that suffered under Rome reparations like the blacks are after. That nonce shielding entity is worth fucking billions at the least.
  8. Thanks, Withers. I should have predicted this Daily Star comment of the year response. You still awaiting the geese's flight north?
  9. You could be onto something, RK, and have definitely added yourself to the Judge's grudge list. It's ironic that he also owns a Pope-Mobil (on a cold and wet day with the rain cover over his scooter).
  10. About a thirty thousand members of the French military are currently deployed in the country's cities in counter terrorism roles. The French public must feel safe in the knowledge that the nearest soldier will run off at the sight of a jihadist. They'd be far safer letting the foreign legion deal with the cunt's, but if memory serves correctly they attempted to stage a coup the last time that happened. @Witheredscrote, can you confirm the coup attempt, or did they only want to kill De Gaulle?
  11. The clues in the name, Spot. I once visited Hull which is equally fucking deprived in the genetics department. I once thought those pioneers of eugenics were on to something until they decided to only breed between three families. The resulting offspring no doubt spunked the family fortunes and settled in Grimsby.
  12. I remember seeing on a documentary about historic abuse that centered around a boy's home on the emerald Isle. Regular visitor's included Lord Mountbatten, Cyril Smith, Jimmy Savile ect. This was all conveniently covered up by the state and church via hush money. They didn't have to pay out a great deal due to the poor unfortunates mostly being dead due to suicide, alcoholism and drug overdoses. Catholicism is a nest of nonces, but given the access to alter boys, prohibition of marriage (an obvious cover), and the age of consent being fourteen in the Vatican City it's hardly surprising. There's something inherently wrong with the denomination and I'd love to find out what world secrets are hidden in the Vatican.
  13. Beat me to it, Withers. His picture appearing behind the wine bars of EC1 is confirmation of just how many people he's touched, along with being on his barristers Christmas card list. I can't believe that he would make such a statement on these once great pages. Asking for trouble just doesn't cut it...
  14. For some reason I've just had a mental picture of Frank's neighbour banging his fist against the adjacent wall and shouting various obscenities, as the dago ponce attempts to play Franz Ferdinand's 'Take Me Out' on Guitar Hero at one in the morning. Completely murdering the tune, dressed like one of The Strokes, and dancing like Ian Dury after a gram of mdma. The cunt has become so obsolete that he only lives on through his videos.
  15. Now that cracked me up. I could actually picture her holding a spear and dressed in ten thousand bc garb in a museum somewhere. You may have done what no Job Centre could, seeing as the oxygen thieving slag is accustomed to doing fuck all and is probably qualified to do even less.
  16. Where the fuck have you been lately, DC? Was it a Scandinavian cruise or an inpatient alcohol detoxification? There's no shame in dealing with substance abuse issues here as I've been suggesting the Judge attends AA meetings for the last couple of years. You can probably tell from his incessant late night cider fuelled rants that it hasn't worked.
  17. I was aware of the collection of hammers Fender possess along with the much hyped 'Rumble in Danson' that never happened. Myself and Eric were keen to co-promote this event and had lined up an under card involving Panz vs Bill for the Irish reunification belt among others. Depending on both attending tomorrow this could well become a regular fixture for resolving Corner feuds for those who wish to partake. I was unaware of the Nova Scotia incident though and Fend's being an iron has dramatically pushed the odds in Eddie's favour. I presumed that he saw the curvature of the earth whilst high on paint thinner from a ladder somewhere in South London. The nun revelation has also shocked me and was wondering if you could inform me with the details. I drove passed Eddie out jogging this morning in a velour tracksuit and made sure to shout out wanker. He obviously didn't hear me due to borrowing Frank's Walkman and Rocky tape. It's a shame that the spindle legged wanker is notorious for no shows as I'd thoroughly enjoy beating him to a bloody pulp with one arm.
  18. Indeed. You should ask the Judge for his email address, but I'd make sure that you're using a vpn. I'm sure it's a technology that will reach the bog within the next five years. Still using a dial up modem, Panz?
  19. That red head who does the White House briefings is the only thing that keeps me watching the propaganda. Jen Psaki I think she's called? Definitely looks like the sort who knows what to do with a pork sword, and certainly gets the Major's carnal imagination racing.
  20. The thick cunt's allowed u-boats to dock in some of it's ports and were under the impression that Ireland would become on a par with Austria. Once the SS scrutinised the population for Anglo Saxon blood and then quickly realised that the population was as useful as slavs they'd be shipped to Poland camps sharpish. The Riech desperately wanted Britain to join the axis, but I can't ever remember Ireland being included in the deal. Panz is like a scorned ex-girlfriend who just can't handle our rejection, and despite getting his arse handed to him on numerous occasions he's still trotting out the same old shite. At least the Judge can make us all laugh unlike the repetitive, backwards bog trotter.
  21. No doubt sang at the Admiral Duncan's karaoke night with the word "seriously" added on as the track fades out. Your taste in music is nearly as poor as your taste in attire, and that's an incredibly low bar.
  22. I was tempted to reply to our resident middle aged Rylan Clarke but he's dropped down to the Pen league so couldn't be arsed . I briefly scan their post's and then think to myself what an utter fucking bell-end (one the size of a satsuma in Lady P's case)... Creative cunting regarding the Anthony Bourdain comment.
  23. My thoughts exactly. Smith played an excellent Ali in the film and clearly took the boxing seriously for the role. I think that he fought not to knock Rock spark out due to knowing the consequences and the probable damage a right hander could do. If Rock had taken his time with Jackie Chan as seriously then we could have had a ceremony worth watching. Briefly I reached the potential conclusion that it could have been a ruse given that both are able to throw a realistic punch/slap, and are equally able to roll with a one, but quickly dismissed it out of hand. I'm all for defending one's wife's honour, but if you get your kicks (or as erect as Chris's surname) watching blokes pound your spouse whilst observing cock in hand then it kind of negates it. Fucking Hollywierd!
  24. That song happens to be jewdy's ringtone, and he always gets a mate to call when the collection plate is :about to be passed round the synagogue. I was intending to drop you a like for that, but it seems that I've already spunked my daily allowance...
  25. If@ProfB was able to contribute to the nom in question with an informed and entertaining opinion (although informed has an incredibly wide margin here) or get into a gloves off feud potentially resulting in a ban then I think her stock would be on the rise. Whether this is possible is certainly not a wager I'd take, but then again Leicester won the league in their first season after promotion...
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