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Cheating in a pie-eating contest.

Guest Keith Lard

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Guest Keith Lard

Last weekend at my local pub the landlord was holding the annual pie-eating contest for the punters. The prize was £250 and as I was wanting to buy the new Wii U console I decided to enter the contest. However I felt full after my breakfast, brunch, lunch, and my trip to KFC and I felt that the other contestants have an advantage over me. So I decided to sneak behind the gazebo where the pies are and add my secret ingredient to them. As the contest started everyone started eating their pies. However no-one can finish their first pies and began to spit, dribble, or vomit. I, however, carried on eating my pies and I won the contest as everybody else forfeit. After the landlord gave me the prize money his wife took the taste of one of the leftover pies and screamed “There is cum in that pie!” I then legged it before anybody at the pub find out that I tainted the pies with my love juice.

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Guest Alfie Noakes

I'm not fat! My body is just more adjusted to love.

You are extremely rotund. After insulting my mother in a different nomination, I have decided that it is time that I stopped going easy on you.
What you did was just imagine this whole scenario. If you did what you say then I really think you are a good reason to bring back the stocks. Or maybe the ducking stool.
I admit this is slightly more entertaining than the pony shit you go on about, but next time stick your little winky in a fresh out of the oven jam or treacle tart. They will be the only tarts you will ever put your tiny little cock in!
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You seem to always try to convince us you can jizz in the proportions of an elephant, quite a feat for a jaffa. I would assume the true story to go somewhat like " I sneaked in and laced all the pies and won the contest due then mistakenly being given the shit laden pies and the other contestants being a tad put off by the site of shit dripping from my bottom lip".

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Guest Alfie Noakes

It is how or why he thinks-up such things, which is most disturbing.
I am concerned that he is an accident just waiting to happen.
Have we a doctor in the house? Preferably an advocate of frontal lobotomy's.

Yeah a permanent solution like that would be the only viable option, heavy medication regime would be either forgotten or open to abuse.
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... Looking at his ears, EST is a strong contender.
A set of jump-leads wired up to a three-pin 13 amp plug should suffice.

13 amps is no good, he needs connecting to the main grid. It would have to be pylon fed with steel girder connection.
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Guest Alfie Noakes

... Looking at his ears, EST is a strong contender.
A set of jump-leads wired up to a three-pin 13 amp plug should suffice.

As a qualified electrician I think we should cut the voltage to about 100 and increase the current in stages. This will give maximum burn before unconsciousness and then death sets in.
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As a qualified electrician I think we should cut the voltage to about 100 and increase the current in stages. This will give maximum burn before unconsciousness and then death sets in.

Not sure electricity is the answer,he's probably immune to it. He must have experienced it during creation.
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Guest KuntaCunty

I prefer a slice of hairy pie myself.


If you're going to assume shaving duty on Mrs. Londonm, might I suggest you use a safety razor, instead of the traditional straight razor?  You don't to fillet the pussy, or do you?

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Guest KuntaCunty

Bahhhh. To fuck with using Bic's and all of that old nancy bollocks.

There is less bovver wiv a hover, or some Zippo lighter fuel and a box of Swan Vesta. 


A Bic is utter shit.  A GOOD razor.  Can't go skint on everything when it comes to assisting to tending the garden.  If she's already passed out, and bound at wrists and ankles, so be it, a cheapo razor will be fine.  But if she's to be conscious for the thing, you have to act like you care. 

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Yeah, because keith is obviously a dead ringer for reeva von steerkampf, or whatever her name is. Or was.

Point taken, but I reckon Bronski would pass as a credible intruder who pistorius allegedly claims to of been using as target fodder.
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Guest KuntaCunty

What you saying? Like use my Remington re-chargeable shaver! Get out of here. That's for my arm-pits, if you please and for trimming our little 'Lucky' the Jack Russel, when she's in season.     


Get a disposable gent's razor.  Those poncey fucking girl razors are shit.  That's why they don't do the job themselves.  If it's going to be done right, a bloke has to do it.  :D

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  • 2 years later...
2 minutes ago, Punkape said:

This was one of the nominations from 2114....

Amazing what our admin team put with then.......


Fuck off.

What's more disturbing is why a grubby little freak like you is resurrecting noms about people eating spunk-filled pies. Fucking poof.

Fuck off.

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