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The Labour party


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Fuck me, just when you thought the cunts couldn't do anymore to add another nail in their coffin, the policy advisors have come up with another wet, liberal pile of shite. On the crucial subject of the economy they are silent. On immigration they are at best weak clones of Tories, at worst, lying bastards trying to pander to a public they secretly believe are bigoted racists a'la Gordon Brown.
But never fear, labour fans, they have a plan involving "wimmin" which will seal electoral victory.
It seems that the quasi-castrated male leadership of the party and their feminazi harridans, have noticed none of the other big parties are talking about "wimmin" and what the poor little lambs want. The other parties are focused on more trivial matters, such as economic stability, security of the nation and our relationship with Europe.
Loving a liberal bandwagon to jump on, Labour have seized their chance and put together a special taskforce together to do the following:
"The top team will seek out supporters in supermarkets, beauty salons and children’s centres as part of the party’s Women2Women campaign starting in the New Year."
Gloria Del Piero MP, one of the "top team" had this to say "George Osborne may be able to talk to construction workers in a high vis jacket, but could you imagine him talking to the woman behind the perfume counter at Boots?".
Hurrah, were fucking saved. Why didn't anyone else think to pick the brain of the no GCSE, intellectually hampered, dunce behind the perfume counter at Boots? Her views obviously matter more and are far more insightful than anyone in the construction or finance industry. No wonder this country is in such a state, its because the Tories don't know the difference between Victoria Beckham and Britney Spears new fragrances. Politicians are all massive cunts, but theirs a special part of hell waiting for Labour.

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I suspect that, like everything in politics, this has got very little to do with improving society, or following principles, but everything to do with electoral strategy and the garnering of votes. No doubt the Labour election machine have identified certain groups of women voters who are: 1) More likely to change their vote in general, and 2)Disenchanted with Dave Camera-on in particular. Both main parties have allowed UKIP to set the political agenda instead of skewering the cunts on just about any other area of policy you can think of. Which, let's face it, would be as difficult as harpooning a Blue Whale in a barrel. As for Labour's defence of their economic record.....Jesus wept. Somehow they've allowed the narrative to become The Recession Was Caused By Labour. The endless bouts of mea culpa and LESSONS MUST BE LEARNT have handed control of the issue to the Tories. Yes mistakes were made, and yes money should have been spent more wisely, yes immigration policy was disastrous, as was the promotion of dependancy culture etc, but just for once I want to hear somecunt defend the minimum wage, the independent Bank Of England, the record months of growth, the low inflation, the low interest rates, the low unemployment rates, the overall improvement in living standards-even though social mobility decreased, falling crime rates etc. It is also acknowledged across the World that Gordon Brown played a pivotal role in steadying the global economy. Fuck me, 2 landslide electoral victories and a comfortable 3rd win suggests somecunt somewhere was happy with them.

So what do Labour do? Allow every other cunt to set the agenda. Fucking pathetic.

Don't get me wrong, I'm no Tory. I voted labour in successive elections and believe that the country in some respects was improved after years of Conservative rule. Some of the achievements you have cited were exactly why they won my vote. But they lost their way towards the end, complacent after years of success and intentionally creating the problems of dependency and immigration to form a section of society that were guaranteed to give them their votes. This deliberate social engineering created most of the main issues that are being used to fuel the rise of UKIP. The lack of defence for their positive aspects is symptomatic of current party leadership. Too scared to mention any achievement through fear of being associated with the Blair years. They've lost my vote as much through their own passive acceptance of taking the blame, as much as through their failed social experiments. The damage is done, I'm through with the cunts, as I hope millions of other former supporters are. I would rather be ruled by a party that are unashamed by what they are and have clearly defined policies, than a Labour party that apes right wing or left wing ideology dependant on which way the wind is blowing. They have no identity and deserve to be completely wiped off of the political map.
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Crap Nom. Tell us something we don't know.

That's hard, particularly where you're concerned because its common knowledge you're a thick, boring, faggoty maggot of a cunt. Kill yourself and put everyone you know out of their misery. Twat. I suspect I could fill several books with all the things you don't know you ignorant retard.
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As a matter of interest, has any cunt seen Big Dave's Big Society lately? It's just he's not mentioned it for a while.
I'll be totally honest: I never really understood what it was, but then again I'm not an intellectual heavyweight like Big Dave. I mean a forehead that fucking big has got to have something going on behind it. Big Dave has to come out and tell the rest of us who don't know what his Big Society is, whether he achieved his Big Society, or not. And if not, in percentage terms, he needs to tell us how far we are away from his Big Society. Because, if he's not careful those amongst us who didn't understand what Big Dave's Big Society was meant to be will end up thinking it was just a vacuous phrase some wanker thought up one day, and far from having a political vision, Big Balding Dave has actually got as much fucking vision as Stevie Wonder having a wank in a cupboard. With a mole.



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I guess it is too much to hope that you're yawning because you have taken a massive overdose of sleeping tablets?


I tried to get Londo to laugh himself to death looking at photos of dead Palestinian babies. The cunt only managed a satisfied chortle. Curses!

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Don't get me wrong, I'm no Tory. I voted labour in successive elections and believe that the country in some respects was improved after years of Conservative rule. Some of the achievements you have cited were exactly why they won my vote. But they lost their way towards the end, complacent after years of success and intentionally creating the problems of dependency and immigration to form a section of society that were guaranteed to give them their votes. This deliberate social engineering created most of the main issues that are being used to fuel the rise of UKIP. The lack of defence for their positive aspects is symptomatic of current party leadership. Too scared to mention any achievement through fear of being associated with the Blair years. They've lost my vote as much through their own passive acceptance of taking the blame, as much as through their failed social experiments. The damage is done, I'm through with the cunts, as I hope millions of other former supporters are. I would rather be ruled by a party that are unashamed by what they are and have clearly defined policies, than a Labour party that apes right wing or left wing ideology dependant on which way the wind is blowing. They have no identity and deserve to be completely wiped off of the political map.


It's not the size of his foreskin, sorry forehead, which indicates intellect, but the complexity of the outer cortex. His is as smooth as his fucking foreskin, sorry forehead.

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Guest Dame Depakote

The only fucking thing you would fit in with Dame, is Decimutt's prolapsed arsehole.
So Fuck Off.

Ooh we have a live one here! Dont knock it til you have tried it butch boy.
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Guest judgetwi

The Labour Party died the day Kinnock cut off his comb over, renounced his membership of the CND and got himself measured up for a Paul Smith suit. If you want to vote Tory then vote for the cunts not the fucking Tories Mark 2.

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Guest judgetwi

I tried to get Londo to laugh himself to death looking at photos of dead Palestinian babies. The cunt only managed a satisfied chortle. Curses!

Fuck me, The Nazi crying for dead Palestinian babies again. Some things never change.

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The Labour Party died the day Kinnock cut off his comb over, renounced his membership of the CND and got himself measured up for a Paul Smith suit. If you want to vote Tory then vote for the cunts not the fucking Tories Mark 2.

Mr Kinnock has all that money and still can't get his teeth fixed. He looks like he still lives in Bedwellty.
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