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Cunts of the year

Stubby Pecker

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Let's not forget Max Clifford. He was sent down in April.
What a sleaze-ball.He has to be a leading candidate.
Dirty bastard.

In my endeavours tonight to become a francophone, I've been liasing with Londonm's French cousin, Parism, and he had the following message for you Cuntape. "Baises vous êtes d'épaisseur".
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Guest KuntaCunty

I think our government deserves the title of cunt of the year, without a doubt.  The cunts let absolutely anybody in, puts them on benefits, gives them a council flat, and then acts shocked when the cunts strap a bomb to themselves and destroy a fucking school or something.  Bastard shit cunt fuckers!

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this thread has already been done you cunt. I have boosted it seeing as how you have not searched prior to posting. Please start a good topoc that has not been done. Nothing to contribute?? Then fuck off

Many sincere appologies young Cupid, worth revisiting I think as I'm sure there are cunts who slipped the net. Max Clifford a good nom, profiting on lies and sleaze. Hope he gets arse fucked till his eyes bleed by his celly.
For me it's got to be Piers Morgan a revolting slug of a man who makes my bile rise. I'd pay to watch him die. Slowly
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Remember to keep the nominations rolling in, they'll be totalled on new years eve and the winner will have the following written on a press on towel in red felt pen: '(name here) You have been awarded the cunts corner cunt of the year 2014, you cunt'. It will be delicately sellotaped around an old brick, and delivered through their front window in the early hours of January 1st.

Accompanied by a canister of petrol and some matches.
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thats a good come back. Welcome to cunts corner. You are however a massive cunt and this site will ultimatly be your downfall

I believe "massive cunt" is something to aspire to. Hopefully I can reach my potential, with guidance of course.
As for downfall, I thought it was a good film, very hard to portray adolf as a human and a total cuntoid at the same time but he pulled if off.
Can't be too threaders, cheers Percy
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