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Dentists are cunts, & folk with veneers are cunts.


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They have drills & loads of sharp implements. They put on rubber gloves, then stick a small mirror into your gob, after that anything could happen. I have come very close to death more than once in the dental chair.


I had some teeth out by gas when I was a nipper - they've stopped doing it because too many didn’t come round. See, they spend years doing dangerous stuff - they would have a doc in the surgery - not that that helped much.


It’s called laughing gas & I did laugh, I remember doing so in a dream-like state, then I burst into tear. I felt like I was dying when they first started gassing me - CUNTS, I could’ve died.


My next lot of teeth came out by needle - defo the best option.


I hate being dazzled with massive, ugly veneers too. Teeth are weird.:ph34r:

Edited by ProfB
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They have drills & loads of sharp implements. They put on rubber gloves, then stick a small mirror into your gob, after that anything could happen. I have come very close to death more than once in the dental chair.


I had some teeth out by gas when I was a nipper - they've stopped doing it because too many didn’t come round. See, they spend years doing dangerous stuff - they would have a doc in the surgery - not that that helped much.


It’s called laughing gas & I did laugh, I remember doing so in a dream-like state, then I burst into tear. I felt like I was dying when they first started gassing me - CUNTS, I could’ve died.


My next lot of teeth came out by needle - defo the best option.


I hate being dazzled with massive, ugly veneers too. Teeth are weird.:ph34r:

​No pliers then? Fuck off Jazz

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I'm sure my dentist is a lesbian. When she was prodding and poking my teeth she kept saying "Its ok baby" and "Good girl you're doing great". There's no way I'm going to be put to sleep by her.

​You might like it Gypo, at least you don't have to do their washing for 'em.

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Guest judgetwi

I've known quite a lot of bottlejobs in my time who have this irrational fear of the dentist. Fucking wankers who, unsurprisingly , have teeth like dodgy railings. Grow a pair for fucks sake.

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Guest DingTheRioja

I've known quite a lot of bottlejobs in my time who have this irrational fear of the dentist. Fucking wankers who, unsurprisingly , have teeth like dodgy railings. Grow a pair for fucks sake.

I have a total fear of dentists, because as a child from age 4 to 18 I had a fucking butcher who used and abused his position to get a new Jag every year, and his wife got a new one every year as well..  did loads of unnecessary work, charged for anaesthetic etc and didn't use it half the time...

He was eventually "moved" from the surgery...

Oh.. I have perfect teeth... more or less.. and I haven't been to a dentist for 20 years.. they are not necessary if you look after yourself....

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