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Anyone called Carl

Guest Fatty

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Guest Bill Stickers

​Well done Bill, another snooze fest of irrelevance, you must try harder. Abortions take place in early pregnancy, not at six years old you blithering idiot, that would be classed as murder, in the words of Decimus, do the world a favor.

​I'm fully aware of the definition of abortion, and the legal ramifications of trying to undertake one on a six year old. It is your mother you need to have a word with.

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No, I banned you......


Most of your suggestions, the main one being the permanent closure of the "Guest Forum" has been ignored.

Jazz, you have only been back a few days and already you have become a divisive influence. You clearly have not learned any lessons. Please carry on 'cos nothing would make me happier than to kick your sorry, self-important ass into touch.​

He knows you banned him. He was being sarcastic. People need to read posts more thoroughly before making comments

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Guest Bill Stickers

God you're thick

​Sorry, I'm just trying wrap my head around this... was your previous comment about abortion being murder supposed to be a joke? Because if so, fuck me, you're the least funny cunt I've ever had the misfortune of coming across.

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Guest Fatty

Bill , there are people in comas that are more entertaining than you, however you do bring happiness whenever you go.

Stickers needs to find a quiet place and hang himself, before ewe tree catch up with him, fucking retard.

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Guest Keith Lard

Stickers needs to find a quiet place and hang himself, before ewe tree catch up with him, fucking retard.

​Do you want to suck my dick Fatty?

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​Do you want to suck my dick Fatty?

Fatty seems too vocal if repetitive, so if your mum catches you both in flagrante making lots of noise and things, it will go downhill rapidly. No doubt the katana will be put into action to teach you both some manners. Should you by any chance survive your ordeal, she will take you to the local polling station for sticker licking and vote counting, without a break for a quick rub in the loo and a cup of cocoa for afters. No plushies are are allowed to vote but dogs, pigs and studs are OK.

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